Fillable Printable SF 2823
Fillable Printable SF 2823

SF 2823

Form Approved
Designation of Beneficiary
OMB No. 3206-0136
Federal Employees
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program
Group Life Insurance
Read instructions on the
(DO NOT erase or cross-out. Use a new form.)
Back of Part 2 before completing this form.
Name of Insured (Last, first, middle)
A. Information About the Insured (not the Assignee, if there is one) (type or print)
Date of birth of Insured (mm/dd/yyyy) Social Security Number of Insured
The Insured is:
Place an "X" in the
appropriate box.
an employee
a retiree
a compensationer
If the Insured is retired or receiving Federal Employees' Compensation, give CSA,
CSI, or OWCP claim number:
Department or agency where the Insured works (If retired, last department or agency where the Insured worked):
Department or agency Bureau or division Location (city, state, and ZIP code)
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Percent or fraction
B. Information About the Beneficiary or Beneficiaries (See Back of Part 1 for examples) (type or print)
Total (Must equal 100% or 1.0) (Do not use dollar amounts)
(Do not put a Total if you designated types of insurance. See example 4 on Back of Part 1.)
C. Statement of Insured or Assignee (type or print)
Your name and address (Including ZIP code) Please check one: Please check all three:
I am:
the Insured
I have not assigned the insurance.
an Assignee
Two people who witnessed my
signature signed below.
See Back of Part 2 for definitions
I did not name either witness as a
I understand that if there is a valid assignment on file, only the assignee has the
right to designate a beneficiary. If a valid assignment is not on file, but there is a
valid court order on file with the agency or the U.S. Office of Personnel
Management, as appropriate, any designation I complete for the same benefits is
not valid.
I understand that if this Designation is valid, it will stay in effect unless it is
canceled. (See "When Is A Designation Canceled?" on the Back of Part 2).
I understand that if this Designation is invalid for any reason, the Office of
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance will pay benefits according to the
next most recent valid designation. If there isn't one, it will pay according to the
order listed on the Back of Part 2.
I am canceling any and all previous Designations of Beneficiary under the
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program and am now designating the
beneficiary(ies) named above.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)Signature of Insured/Assignee (Only the Insured/Assignee may sign. Signatures by guardians, conservators or through a power
of attorney are not acceptable.)
D. Witnesses To Signature (A witness is not eligible to receive a payment as a beneficiary.)
E. For Agency Use Only (or OPM, as appropriate)
Signature of witness
Signature of witness
Address (Including ZIP code)
Address (Including ZIP code)
Receiving agency
Date of receipt (mm/dd/yyyy) Signature of authorized official Title
This form is not valid unless the Insured/Assignee signs in this box.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
SF 2823
FEGLI Handbook (RI 76-26)
Previous editions are not usable. Revised May 2014
Part 1 - Original

Note: If you need more space when completing this form, see "What if I need more room?" in the instructions on the Back of Part 2.
Examples of Designations
1. How to designate one beneficiary Show beneficiary's full name. Do not write names as M.E. Brown or as Mrs. John H. Brown.
If you want to designate your estate, enter "My estate" in the beneficiary column.
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
Mary E. Brown
214 Central Avenue
Munice, IN 47303
Niece 100%
2. How to designate more than one beneficiary Be sure that the shares to be paid to the several beneficiaries add up to 100 percent
or 1.0. Read instructions on the Back of Part 2 if you need more room.
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
Jose P. Lopez
360 Williams Street
Red Band, NJ 07701
Rosa L. Rowe
792 Broadway
Whiting, IN 46392
3. How to designate a contingent beneficiary (Someone to receive the benefits if the person you designate dies before the Insured
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
John M. Parrish, if living 333-33-3333
810 West 180th Street
New York, NY 10033
Spouse 100%
Otherwise to: Susan A. Parrish 444-44-4444
810 West 180th Street
New York, NY 10033
Sister 100%
4. How to designate different beneficiaries for Basic and Optional You cannot designate Option C - Family.
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
Leroy D. White 555-55-5555
124 Elm Street
Dayton, OH 45420
Jane M. Smith 666-66-6666
421 Spring Avenue
Portland, ME 04101
Option A
Elizabeth J. Allen 777-77-7777
234 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029
Option B
Ann J. Borden 888-88-8888
678 Ninth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Option B
5. How to designate an inter vivos trust (A trust that you set up during your lifetime)
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
Trustee(s) or Successor Trustee(s) as
provided in the John Q. Public Trust
Agreement dated 10/15/2013, if valid.
Otherwise to:
Mary E. Brown 000-00-0000
214 Central Avenue
Munice, IN 47303
6. How to designate a testamentary trust (A trust that is set up when you die, according to terms in your will)
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
Trustee(s) or Successor Trustee(s) as
provided in my Last Will and
Testament, if valid. Otherwise to:
Maria Sufuentes 999-99-9999
5909 Pacific Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20019
Niece 100%
7. How to cancel all designations of beneficiary
First name, middle initial, and last name of
each beneficiary
Social Security Number Address (Including ZIP code) Relationship Percent or fraction
Cancel prior designations
SF 2823
Back of Part 1
Revised May 2014

INSTRUCTIONS: The Insured or assignee must sign this form. Two people must witness the signature and sign as witnesses. The Insured's agency (or U.S. Office of
Personnel Management [OPM], if the Insured is an annuitant or insured as a compensationer) must receive the designation before the Insured's death. A person with a power
of attorney or other similar legal authority may not sign for the Insured or assignee. A witness cannot be a beneficiary. The agency or OPM, as appropriate, must receive valid
court orders involving FEGLI before the Insured's death.
Please read the additional instructions below before completing this form.
"You" and "your" refer to the person completing this form (the Insured or an assignee). The "Insured" is the insured employee, annuitant or
compensationer. The "Assignee" is a person(s), firm(s), or trust(s) (usually named on an Assignment form, RI 76-10) who owns and controls the
Insured's life insurance coverage. An assignment is NOT the same as a designation of beneficiary.
Who receives benefits when the Insured dies? By law, the Office of Federal
Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) pays benefits in this order:
If the Insured assigned ownership of his/her insurance (usually by filing an
RI 76-10, Assignment of Life Insurance), OFEGLI will pay:
First, to the beneficiary(ies) the assignee(s) validly designated;
Second, if none, to the assignee(s).
If the Insured did not assign ownership and there is a valid court order (see
Part 870 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations) on file with the agency or
OPM, as appropriate, OFEGLI will pay benefits according to the court order.
If the Insured did not assign ownership and there is no valid court order on file
with the agency or OPM, as appropriate, then OFEGLI will pay:
First, to the beneficiary(ies) the Insured validly designated;
Second, if none, to the Insured's widow or widower;
Third, if none of the above, to the Insured's child or children in equal
shares, and the descendants of any deceased children (a court will usually
have to appoint a guardian to receive payment for a minor child);
Fourth, if none of the above, to the Insured's parents in equal shares, or
the entire amount to the surviving parent;
Fifth, if none of the above, to the court-appointed executor or
administrator of the Insured's estate;
Sixth, if none of the above, to the Insured's other next of kin entitled
under the laws of the State where the Insured lived.
Do I have to designate a beneficiary? No. But if you want OFEGLI to pay
differently than listed above and you have not assigned the life insurance and there
is no valid court order on file with the agency or OPM, as appropriate, you need to
designate a beneficiary.
What if one of the beneficiaries dies or is disqualified for any reason? Unless
you indicate otherwise on your designation of beneficiary, OFEGLI will distribute
that beneficiary's share equally among the surviving beneficiaries, or entirely to the
sole survivor.
What if none of the beneficiaries is living when the Insured dies? OFEGLI will
pay the benefits according to the order of precedence listed above.
Can I cancel or change this designation at any time? Yes, you may cancel or
change your designation at any time, without the knowledge of or consent of the
beneficiary(ies), unless you assigned the insurance or there is a valid court order
contingent and your beneficiary does not live long enough to qualify, OFEGLI will
pay according to the order listed in the first column.
Can I designate a trust? Yes. See examples 5 and 6 on the Back of Part 1. Those
examples name a contingent beneficiary in case the trust is not valid. You don't
have to name a contingent beneficiary unless you want to. If the trust is not valid,
and you do not name a contingent, OFEGLI will pay according to the order listed in
the first column. The trust designation should include the name of the grantor, the
trust name (if different), the name(s) of the trustees, and the date the trust was
When is a designation canceled? A designation of beneficiary is automatically
canceled 31 days after the Insured stops being insured. It is also canceled if either
the Insured or assignee assigns the insurance or if the Insured or assignee submits
another valid designation.
What if the Insured elected a full living benefit? Then there is no Basic left. So
if you want to designate different types of insurance to different beneficiaries (see
example 4 on the Back of Part 1), you should only list Option A and Option B.
Who can sign this form? The Insured or Assignee (if applicable) must sign this
form. The signature of a guardian, conservator or other fiduciary (including, but not
limited to, those acting according to a Power of Attorney or a Durable Power of
Attorney) is not acceptable.
What if I erase or cross out something on this form? You should complete
another form. Erasures, cross-outs and alterations cause a delay in the payment of
benefits and may make the entire designation invalid.
What if I need more room? Write "See Attached" in Part B of the form. Use a
blank sheet. Print your name, date of birth and social security number at the top of
the attachment. List the information required in Part B for each beneficiary. Sign the
form and attachment. Have the same two people witness both of your signatures and
sign the form and attachment.
Where can I get more information? The FEGLI Handbook (RI 76-26) and FEGLI
Booklet (FE 76-21 or FE 76-20 for Postal employees) contain more information.
You can read them at
Where should I send this form? Send it to the Insured's employing agency if the
on file with the agency or OPM, as appropriate.
Is a change or cancellation of beneficiary in my last will or testament valid?
is an employee; or
has been receiving compensation payments from the Office of Workers'
Compensation Programs for less than 12 months and is still on the agency's
It is valid only if you sign your will, two people who witnessed your signature sign
your will, and your agency (or OPM, for retirees or insured compensationers)
rolls as an employee.
receives your will before the Insured's death.
Send it to the Office of Personnel Management, Retirement Operations Center, P.O.
What if I don't know a beneficiary's social security number? If you don't know
Box 45, Boyers, PA 16017-0045 if the Insured:
the number, leave it blank. But having the number helps speed up the payment of
is a retiree; or
is receiving compensation payments from the Office of Workers'
Compensation Programs and is not still employed or has been receiving
Can a witness receive benefits as a designated beneficiary? No.
compensation payments for at least 12 months.
Who can I name as a beneficiary? You may name any person, firm, corporation or
legal entity (except an agency of the Federal or District of Columbia government).
Can I use a common disaster clause? Yes. A common disaster clause is a
statement that says that a designated beneficiary is entitled to the benefits only if
he/she survives the Insured by a specified minimum number of days. The number of
days cannot exceed 30. You can name a contingent beneficiary. If you don't name a
The agency or OPM will note receipt in section E of the form and return a copy to
you as evidence that it received and filed the original.
Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements
Title 5, U.S. Code, chapter 87, Life Insurance, authorizes solicitation of this information. The
Executive Order 9397, dated November 22, 1943, allows Federal agencies to use the Social
Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) will use the information you
Security Number as an individual identifier to distinguish between people with the same or
furnish to determine your beneficiary(ies) for benefits under the Federal Employees' Group
similar names.
Life Insurance Program. OFEGLI is not a Federal agency. It is staffed by employees of the
contracted life insurance carrier. It may share this information with the Office of Personnel
While the law does not require you to supply all the information requested on this form, doing
Management (OPM). Agencies and/or OPM will place this information in the Insured's Official
so will help in the prompt processing of your designation.
Personnel Folder or retirement file. OPM or OFEGLI may disclose this information to other
Agencies other than the Office of Personnel Management may have further routine uses for
Federal agencies or Congressional offices which may have a need to know it in connection
disclosure of information from the records systems in which they file copies of this form. If this
with your application for a job, license, grant or other benefit. It may also be shared and is
is the case, they should provide you with any such uses which are applicable at the time you
subject to verification, via paper, electronic media, or through the use of computer matching
complete this form.
programs, with national, state, local or other charitable or social security administrative
agencies to determine and issue benefits under their programs. In addition, to the extent this
We estimate this form takes an average of 15 minutes to complete, including the time for
information indicates possible violation of civil or criminal law, it may be shared and verified,
reviewing instructions, getting the needed data, and reviewing the completed form. Send
as noted above, with an appropriate Federal, state, or local law enforcement agency.
comments regarding our estimate or any other aspect of this form, including suggestions for
reducing completion time, to the Office of Personnel Management, Retirement Services
We also ask for the Insured's Social Security Number to use it as an individual identifier in the
Publications Team (3206-0136), Washington, D.C. 20415-3430. The OMB number,
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program.
3206-0136, is currently valid. OPM may not collect this information, and you are not required
to respond, unless this number is displayed.
SF 2823
Back of Part 2
Revised May 2014