Fillable Printable SF 813
Fillable Printable SF 813

SF 813

(Select appropriate address from reverse.)
2. Service Number (If Retired prior to 1970)
4. Branch of Service
Service Claimed
If not correct, give the dates (from and to) of the
active duty the person performed in the period
covered by the campaign badge or medal.
8. Requesting Agency’s Remarks 9. Records Center’s Remarks
Form approved for local reproduction.
Verification of a Military Retiree’s Service
In NonWartime Campaigns or Expeditions
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
3. Social Security Number
Solicitation of this information is authorized by sections
3502, “Retention Order," and 6303, “Leave Accrual,” of title
5, United States Code, and solicitation of the Social
Security Number (SSN) is authorized by Executive Order
9397, “Using Social Security Number as Identifier.” This
information, including the SSN, will be used to verify
periods of creditable service in all campaigns and
expeditions claimed. Furnishing this information, including
the SSN, is voluntary, but failure to comply may make it
difficult or impossible to verify periods of creditable service.
1. Name used during Military Service
10. Requesting Official’s Name, Telephone Number and/or Email Address
11. Requesting Agency (Name, Address, and ZIP Code)
Items checked were verified by our records. Items
which do not correspond with dates shown in records
have been corrected.
Printed Name and Title of Records Center certifying
5. Date of Military Retirement (mm/dd/yyyy)
6. Date of Request (mm/dd/yyyy)
(Provide at least each month and year of
participation in a campaign/expedition)
7. Nonwartime Campaigns and Expeditions
Month Day Year Month Day Year
From To
From To
Month Month Day Day Year Year
Date Signed
Previous editions not usable.
(See Instructions on reverse before completing form.)
SF 813 (Revised April 2013)

Instructions for Completing and Sending SF 813
Use SF 813 only to request verification of a retiree’s military service performed in a nonwartime campaign
or expedition for which badge/medal was authorized, in order to credit such service for leave accrual rate
and reduction-in-force purposes. Complete the address block and items 1 through 11, and send the form to
the appropriate address listed below.
A. To verify campaign/expeditionary service for military retirees of the:
1) U.S. Coast Guard;
2) U.S. Army who retired before October 1, 1995;
3) U.S. Navy who retired before January 1, 1995;
4) U.S. Marine Corps who retired before October 1, 2001; and
5) U.S. Air Force who retired before October 1, 2004 (*for general officers, see below),
National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO 63138-1002
*If Air Force Retiree is a general, put “Retired General Officer” in the Agency’s Remarks block on
the front of this form.
B. To verify campaign/expeditionary service for persons who retired from Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, or
Army on or after the dates shown below, send the form to the appropriate military service at the address
U.S. Marine Corps, October 1, 2001
Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
Personnel Management Support Branch (MMSB-10)
2008 Elliot Road
Quantico, VA 22134-5030
U.S. Navy, January 1, 1995
Navy Personnel Command (PERS-312A)
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-3130
The SF 813 should be used to request verification of participation in a nonwartime campaign or expedition,
and dates of participation, only if this information is not documented on the retiree's DD Form 214. It is the
retired member's responsibility to provide the name of any nonwartime campaign or expedition for which
credit is requested. Service will be verified only if the SF 813 lists specific campaigns/expeditions and
inclusive dates of the retiree's participation. It is not sufficient to list just the service component (e.g.,
“USAF') or medal (e.g., “Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal”). If a follow up request is necessary, reproduce a
copy of the original request and clearly mark the top of the SF 813, “Follow up Request.” For additional
information see, VetGuide Appendix A: Wars, Campaigns and
Expeditions of the Armed Forces Since WWII Which Qualify for Veterans Preference.
Notes 1) Use SF 813 only for persons who are retired from active military service. Do not use this form if
the person has completed 20 or more years of Reserve or National Guard service but will not
receive a pension until age 60.
2) If retirement is from the U.S. Coast Guard, allow six months from the date of retirement before
submitting this form.
send the form to:
U.S. Air Force, October 1, 2004
550 C St. West, Suite 12
Randolph Air Force Base, TX 78150
U.S. Army, October 1, 1995
Human Resources Command
Veterans Inquiry Section
Dept. 420
1600 Spearhead Div Ave
Fort Knox, KY 40122
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