Fillable Printable Short Form Quitclaim Deed - Maine
Fillable Printable Short Form Quitclaim Deed - Maine

Short Form Quitclaim Deed - Maine

Short Form
GRANT C. DINMORE, JR. and JUDITH A. DINMORE, individuals both residing in
the Town of Cape Elizabeth, County of Cumberland and State of Maine (collectively,
“Grantor”), whose mailing address is
, for consideration paid, release to the TOWN OF CAPE ELIZABETH, a
municipal body, corporate and politic, having a mailing address of P.O. Box 6260, 320 Ocean
House Road, Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107-0060 (“Grantee”), a non-exclusive perpetual
easement to construct, install, inspect, maintain and replace storm water drainage infrastructure,
including, but not limited to, pipes, pumps, culverts and catch basins, and to drain storm water
into, on, over, through and across so much of Grantor’s property on Rocky Knoll Road in the
Town of Cape Elizabeth, County of Cumberland and State of Maine, as described in Exhibit A
attached and depicted on the plan by Jerome B. Watts dated August 4, 2011 attached as Exhibit
It is understood and agreed that this easement includes the right to excavate, to clear and
trim trees, shrubs and other growth; to temporarily, but not permanently, remove fences, posts,
and similar minor structures, but not structures or other improvements now depicted on Exhibit
B, within the easement area; to fill and grade low areas in a manner as to prevent ponding of
water; and to provide a minimum cover over said easement, if any.
Grantee agrees that all work to be confined to the narrowest practical limits, that fences,
posts, and other removed structures are to be reset as nearly as possible in their original location,
and that disturbed areas of lawn, garden and field will be reseeded and replaced to substantially
the same condition as prior to the disturbance.
It is understood and agreed that it shall be the Grantee’s responsibility to maintain the
pipe and appurtenances thereto and that it shall not be the Grantee’s responsibility to maintain
the ground surface after the initial excavation and after restoration of the area has been
completed, except to repair damage caused by equipment or materials used by the Grantee, its
agents, employees or assigns in the performance of maintenance duties.
If the existing pipe and any appurtenances are replaced and or relocated, Grantee shall
endeavor to place such pipe and appurtenances wholly underground, the centerline of which shall
be the centerline of the easement area, to the extent practical, giving consideration to the soil
condition, elevations and potential damages in doing so to trees or other improvements now or
hereafter located in the easement area, unless Grantee and Grantor mutually agree otherwise.
Grantee shall endeavor to provide to Grantor not less than ten (10) days advance notice of
any repair, maintenance or construction activities pursuant to this easement, except in the case of
an emergency, in which case Grantee shall endeavor to provide notice as soon as reasonably
practicable. The above notice provisions shall not apply as to Grantee’s inspection of the
easement area and infrastructure from time to time.

Reference is made to a deed to Grantor from Peter W. Emery and Karen K. Emery dated
June 29, 2010, recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds in Book 27882, Page 142.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grant C. Dinmore, Jr. and Judith A. Dinmore have executed
this deed this ___ day of ______________, 2012.
____________________________ ______________________________
Grant C. Dinmore, Jr.
____________________________ ______________________________
Judith A. Dinmore
CUMBERLAND, SS. ____________, 2012
Personally appeared before me the above named Grant C. Dinmore, Jr. and
acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed.
Before me,
Notary Public/Maine Attorney at Law
Printed Name
My commission expires:
CUMBERLAND, SS. ____________, 2012
Personally appeared before me the above named Judith A. Dinmore and acknowledged
the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed.
Before me,
Notary Public/Maine Attorney at Law
Printed Name
My commission expires: