
Fillable Printable Sorry Letters to Uncle Sample

Fillable Printable Sorry Letters to Uncle Sample

Sorry Letters to Uncle Sample

Sorry Letters to Uncle Sample

Mr. Daniel Fernandez
3992, Linkin Street
Rod Drive, Ca-9944
May 27, 2010
Dear Uncle Daniel,
I would like to apologize for a mistake, a mistake that might seem to be
small but will hurt you a lot. The incident happened yesterday. You had told
me to control my anger. I promised you that I will surely control it but yet I
failed to keep the promise. Like the previous times I again got myself
involved in a fight. The fight became so serious that I could not control
myself and I hit one man and broke one of his bones.
My friends hate me for what I did. Uncle, you were right. Anger causes
harm to no one else than ourselves. I am sorry for whatever I did. Today, I
have learnt an important lesson of life that one should kill the anger before
its kills oneself. Uncle, please forgive me.
You will surely see a changed Gabriel the next time you meet me. Thank
you Uncle, you are the best teacher I had ever had.
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