Fillable Printable Standard Durable Power of Attorney Form
Fillable Printable Standard Durable Power of Attorney Form
Standard Durable Power of Attorney Form
The purpose of this power of attorney is to give the person you designate (your “Agent”) b road powe rs to
handle your prope rty, which may include powers to sell or otherwise di spose of any real or p ersonal
property without advance notice to you or approval by you.
This power of attorney does not impose a duty on your agent to exerci se granted powers, but when
powers are exerci sed, your agent must use d ue care to act for your benefit and in accordance with this
power of attorney.
Your agent may exercise the powers given here throughout your lifetime, even after you become
incapacitated, unless you expressly limit the duration of these po wers or you revoke the se p owers or a
court acting on your behalf terminates your agent’s authority.
Your agent must keep your funds separa te from your agent’s funds.
A court can take away the powers of yo ur agent if it finds your agent is not acting properly.
The powers and duties of an agent un der a power of attorney are explaine d more fully in 20 Pa.C.S.
Chapter 56.
If there is anything abo ut this form that you do not und erstand, you should ask a lawyer of your own
choosing to explain it to you.
I have read or had explain ed to me this notice and I understand its contents.
_______________________________ ______________________
Principal’s Name Date
Acknowledgement by Agent
The agent shall have no authority to act as agent under the power of attorney unless the agent has first
executed and affixed to the power of attorney the following a c knowledgem ent.
I, ____________________ ___________ , have read the attached po wer of attorney and am the person
identified as the agent for the principal. I hereby acknowledge that in the absence of a specific provision
to the contrary in the power of attorney or in 20 Pa. C.S. when I act as agent:
I shall exercise the powers for the benefit of the princip al.
I shall keep the asset s of the princip al separate from my assets.
I shall exercise reasonable caution and prudence.
I shall keep a full and accurate reco rd of all action, re ceipts, and disbursements on behalf of the
_________________________________ __________________________
Agent Date
I, ____________________ ___________ _, hereby revoke any general po wer of attorney that I have
heretofore giv en to any person and do hereby ap point _____________________ ___________ _______
to be my true and lawful Agent for me and on my behalf to perform all such acts as my Agent in his/her
absolute discretion may deem advisable, as fully as I could do if personally present. This Power of
Attorney is durable and sha ll not be affected my subse quent disabilit y or incapacity .
I. Except as otherwise stated in this Power of Attorney, my Agent is given the fullest powers to act
on my behalf, including the following powers (cross out and initial the powers you do not
want to give):
• To make limited gifts.
• To create a trust for my benefit.
• To make additions to an ex isting trust for my benefit.
• To claim an elective share of the estate of my decea sed spouse.
• To disclaim any interest in property.
• To renounce fiduciary positions.
• To withdraw and receive the income or corpu s of a trust.
• To authorize my admission to a medical, nursing, resi dential, or similar facility and to enter
into agreements for my care.
• To authorize medical and surgical procedures.
• To engage in real property transactio ns.
• To engage in tangible personal property transactio ns.
• To engage in stock, bond, and other securities transactions.
• To engage in commodity and option transactions.
• To borrow money.
• To enter safe deposit boxes.
• To engage in insurance transactions.
• To engage in retirement plan transactio ns.
• To handle interests in estates and trusts.
• To pursue claims and litigation.
• To receive government benefits.
• To pursue tax matters.
• To make an anatomical gift of all or part of my body.
To make or do any of the following (use this space to list any additional powers you wa nt
your Agent to have): _____________ __________________ __________________ _____
II. This Power of Attorney shall not expire by reason of lapse of time.
III. This Power of Attorney shal l be revoked by my giving my Agent written notification of the
revocation. This notice shall not be con si dered binding unless actually received. Notice shall be
deemed to have been re ceived if hand-d elivered o r if mailed via the United States Post Office or
other nationally-recognized parcel service usin g a delivery confirma tion or tracking receipt.
IV. My Agent shall have authority to make copies of this Power of Attorney and to certify and deliver
the copy or original to any person, entity, or government agency. I hereby agree that any third
party receiving a duly executed copy or facsimile of this Power of Attorney may act hereund er
and that revocation or term ination of the Power of Attorney shall be ineffective as to such third
party unless t he third party possesse s no tice or knowledge of such revocation or termin ation.
V. I willfully and voluntarily sign this document and I und erstand its purpo se.
________________________________ ______________________
Principal’s Signature Date
Statement a nd Signature of Witnesses.
We sign bel ow as witne sses. This d eclaration was signed in our presence. The declarant appears to be
of sound mind, and to be makin g this designation voluntarily, without duress, fra ud, or undue influen ce.
Two witnesses at least 18 years of age are required by Pennsylva nia law and should witness your
signature in each other’s prese nce. A person may not be a witness if he/she sign s this document on
behalf of and at the direction of a Principal.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Witness Signature Witness Signature
_______________________________ ________________________________
Print Name Print Name
Notarization (Optional)
Notarization of document is not required in Pennsylvania, but if the document is both witnes sed and
notarized, it is more likely to be honore d in some other states.
On this ______ day of ___________ ________, 20__ __, before me personally appeared the af oresaid
declarant, to me known to be the person described in and who exe cuted the fo regoing instru ment and
acknowledged that he/she executed the same as his/her free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I
have hereunto set my han d and affixed my official seal in the County of ______ ___________ _________,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the day and year first above written.
______________________________ ___________________
Notary Public My Commission Expires