- Divorce or Legal Separation - California
- Divorce Packet with Property and/or assets (No Children) - Oklahoma
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Oklahoma
- Marital Dissolution Agreement - Tennessee
- Divorce Information and Forms - Arkansas
- Instructions Uncontested Divorce Packet (No Children) - Hawaii
Fillable Printable Stipulation and Settlement (with Children) - South Dakota
Fillable Printable Stipulation and Settlement (with Children) - South Dakota

Stipulation and Settlement (with Children) - South Dakota

COUNTY OF _______________) ________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
_________________________, DIV _______
Come now the parties above-named, and for the purpose of aiding the Court in the
disposition of the divorce action pending before it, hereby stipulate and agree as follows:
The parties to this Agreement are , hereinafter
referred to as “Wife” or “Mother” and , hereinafter
referred to as "Husband” or “Father.”
The parties were married in , State of __ ,
on the
day of , _______, and are now and have been ever
since, (husband and wife) or (wife and husband). (Circle one)
Defendant was served with a true and correct copy of the Summons and Complaint on the
________ day of ___________________, ________, as reflected by the Proof of Service filed
with the Court.
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Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010

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Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
Wife resided at , County, South
Dakota, at the time of the commencement of this divorce action and presently resides at
County, South Dakota. Husband resided at
, _________________ County, South Dakota, at the time of the
commencement of this divorce action and presently resides at ,
_________________ County, ____________________. Wife has continued to live in South
Dakota since the divorce action was started. Both parties agree that venue and jurisdiction in the
_________ Judicial Court, _________________ County, South Dakota is appropriate and
consent to such jurisdiction and venue.
There have been children born to or adopted by the parties during the course of their
During the course of their marriage, the parties have accumulated certain real [land]
and/or personal property and have incurred certain debts and obligations, all of which is listed in
this agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions upon
which the parties agree to compromise and settle the controversies arising out of their marital
relationship and to aid the Court in disposing of this matter. The parties hereby request the Court
approve this Stipulation entered into between the parties and to grant the divorce to both parties
on the grounds of irreconcilable differences pursuant to SDCL §25-4-17.3, based on the

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Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
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Affidavits of the parties as to jurisdiction and grounds for divorce without the necessity of a
court hearing.
This Agreement is made and entered into freely and voluntarily by both parties. The
parties represent to the court that each has been advised of the importance of consulting an
attorney prior to the execution of this agreement and acknowledge that it is a legal document and
binding upon them.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein
contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:
(1) Waiver of Notice: The parties waive notice of trial, findings of fact and
conclusions of law and agree that Husband/Wife (circle one) may forthwith submit this
Stipulation and Settlement Agreement together with the parties’ Affidavit to the Court for entry
of a Decree of Divorce, without further notice to either party, provided that the terms of this
Stipulation and Settlement Agreement are incorporated by reference into the Decree of Divorce
entered by the Court.
(2) Children: We have the following children born to us or adopted during our
Name Date of Birth Date of Adoption Age Sex
A. Legal Custody: We shall share joint legal custody of our children.

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B. Physical Custody: The children shall be in the primary physical custody
of Mother\Father (circle). The parties agree that the non-custodial parent shall have parenting
time consistent with this agreement and\or the South Dakota Visitation Guidelines. Failure to
allow parenting time consistent with this agreement may subject the party failing to following
the agreement to punishment by the Court, including attorney fees of the other party and possible
fine, and jail time.
At this time, Mother shall have the children during the school week as follows
(including pick-up and return times and location): _____________________________________
At this time, Father shall have the children during the school week as follows
(including pick-up and return times and location): ____________________________________
Mother shall have the children for the following parenting time during the
Summer: _____________________________________________________________________
Father shall have the children for the following parenting time during the
Summer: _____________________________________________________________________
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Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
The parties shall alternate the following holidays: Easter/Spring Break, Memorial
Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving.
Mother shall have Easter/Spring Break and Thanksgiving in even-numbered years
and Memorial Day and Labor Day in odd-numbered years, unless the parties agree otherwise, in
Father shall have the Easter/Spring Break and Thanksgiving in odd-numbered
years and Memorial Day and Labor Day in even-numbered years, unless the parties agree
otherwise, in writing.
Christmas vacation (winter break) shall be divided equally with Mother to get the
first half in odd-numbered years and the second half in even-numbered years. Father shall
receive the first half of Christmas in even-numbered years and the second half of Christmas in
odd-numbered years. If the parties are celebrating Christmas in the same area, then the parent
not having the first half of Christmas shall have the children from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on
Christmas Day. The parties may alter the holiday schedule, by mutual agreement which
will be in writing and signed by both parties.
Mother shall have the children on their birthday in even-numbered years and
Father shall have the children on their birthday in odd-numbered years.
The children shall be with Mother every Mother’s Day weekend and with Father
every Father’s Day weekend.
The transportation between the parents shall be handled equally. One parent shall

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Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
pick up the children at the beginning of the visit and the other parent shall pick up the children at
the end of the visit, unless the parties agree otherwise.
If either party decides to move, they must provide at least 45 days advance
written notice to the other parent, and such other information as required by law.
C. Child Support: Child Support must be addressed in the Stipulation
Agreement or the court will not grant a divorce. Please attach to the Stipulation Agreement either
a print out of child support calculations or a report from a Child Support Referee. For
information and assistance with child support calculations, parties may visit the Child Support
Obligation Worksheet page found on the Department of Social Services website at
For additional help, parties may hire an attorney or contact the State Bar's Access to Justice
lawyer referral program or other Legal Aid programs throughout the state.
Attached are child support calculations prepared by:
Licensed Attorney: __________________________________ (Print name of attorney)
Child Support Referee Report
______________________________ (name of non-custodial parent) shall pay current
support in the amount of $ ____________ per month on behalf of the child(ren) named above
with the first payment to be due on the _______ day of ___________________, 20______ and
thereafter on the 1
day of each month until the child(ren) attains the age of eighteen, or until the

________________ ________________
Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
child(ren) attain the age of nineteen if a full-time student in a secondary school, or until further
order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Until otherwise notified, all payments shall be made
payable to the Division of Child Support and mailed to:
PIERRE, SD 57501
______________________________ (name of non-custodial parent) payer of income
shall be directed to withhold amounts for current support and arrearages effective upon entry of
this order.
______________________________ (name of parent) currently provides health
insurance coverage for the minor child(ren) at a costs of $ ___________ per month and shall
continue to do so. Pursuant to SDCL 25-7-6.16, the cost attributable to the child(ren) shall not
exceed $ ___________ per month and ______________________________ (name of parent) is
required to pay a pro rata share of the cost of this health insurance coverage. Therefore, _____%
of the cost, or $ ___________ per month has been added to/subtracted from the basic child
support obligation and is reflected in ______________________________ (name of parent)
$ ___________ monthly child support obligation as stated above.
______________________________ (name of custodial parent) shall be solely responsible for
the first two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per year of uncovered medical expenses per child. Any
additional, reasonable medical costs, including optometric, dental, orthodontic, counseling, or
other health care costs not covered by insurance shall be apportioned between the parties with
______________________________ (name of custodial parent) paying _____% and

________________ ________________
Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
______________________________ (name of noncustodial parent) paying _____%.
______________________________ (name of parent) shall provide health insurance
coverage for the minor child(ren). Pursuant to SDCL 25-7-6.16, the costs of the insurance
attributable to the child(ren) shall not exceed $ ___________ per month and
______________________________ (name of parent) is required to pay a pro rata share of the
cost of this health insurance coverage. Therefore, _____% of the cost, or $ ___________ per
month has been added to/subtracted from the basic child support obligation and is reflected in
______________________________ (name of parent) $ ___________ monthly child support
obligation as stated above after the insurance coverage cost is provided to the Divison of Child
______________________________ (name of custodial parent) shall be solely responsible for
the first two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per year of uncovered medical expenses per child. Any
additional, reasonable medical costs, including optometric, dental, orthodontic, counseling, or
other health care costs not covered by insurance shall be apportioned between the parties with
______________________________ (name of custodial parent) paying _____% and
______________________________ (name of noncustodial parent) paying _____%.
D. Parent Education Certificate
: Each of the parties has attended a parent education course
[if required] and attached hereto their certificates of completion. [Please check with your local
clerk of court to determine if attendance is required in your circuit prior to the granting of the
(3) Property Settlement:
A. Real Property (land and buildings)
: The parties have an interest in the
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Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
following real property:
Legal description:

________________ ________________
Plaintiff’s Initials Defendant’s Initials
Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
□ Wife/Husband (circle one) will receive the land and all improvement
thereon. The party not receiving the land shall sign a quit claim deed releasing all interest in the
□ The land shall be sold with the net sale proceeds to be divided equally
between the parties. The parties agree to use __________________________ as a realtor and to
mutually agree on the selling price. Husband/Wife (circle one) shall remain in the residence
until sold. Until sold, the expenses relating to the marital residence shall be divided as follows:
B. Vehicles:
Husband shall receive the following vehicle(s):
free and clear of any claim by Wife.

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Form UJS-325 Rev. 11/2010
Wife shall receive the following vehicle(s):
free and clear of any claim by Husband.
Each shall transfer the title to the party receiving the vehicle.
C. Personal Property: The parties have divided their personal property by
agreement and represent to the court that such division is equitable. Wife shall retain as her sole
and separate property all of her personal clothing and effects and all personal property in her
possession, free and clear of any claim by Husband. Husband shall retain as his sole and
separate property all of his personal clothing and effects and all personal property in his
possession, free and clear of any claim by Wife. Any property purchased by a party since their
separation shall belong to the party purchasing same.
If either party has property to be given to the other, then Wife shall give to
Husband the following personal property items: _______________________________________
and Husband shall give to Wife the following personal property items: _____________________
D. Checking and Savings Accounts: The parties represent that they have