Blood Pressure Log Chart

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It is rightly said, “prevention is better than cure”, but what steps to be adopted once blood pressure is encountered in human body? Blood pressure usually varies from person to person and there are different factors that influence BP. Eating habits and lifestyle can be a major reason behind affecting the normal pressure level in life. So, if the reading is above or below the normal blood pressure, then it signifies that it’s time for you to visit a doctor!
Meaning of blood pressure
Blood pressure usually refers to force that restricts circulating of blood on the wall of blood vessels. The pressure gets decreased while blood flows through arteries, veins, arterioles and capillaries. Usually the term blood pressure is referred to arterial pressure and it signifies to pressure that occurs in larger arteries and restrict blood from reaching to the heart.What is meant by blood pressure log?
While looking into a traditional blood pressure log, you can visualize that it is a graphical representation of different blood pressure readings that may be below or above the normal rate. This will further indicate whether the person is experiencing low or high blood pressure.You have possibility of calculating the predicted heart rate by making use of the below formula:220 - (Age) = Age Predicted Maximum Heart RateIndication of blood pressure reading
Through blood pressure log you will understand that whether the number is high or low compared to the normal range. This would indicate the problem you are presently encountering:- 90/60 or less: This signifies you are having a low pressure
- More than 90/60, but less than 120/80: This states that you are having a healthy pressure and have an ideal condition
- More than 120/80 and lower than 140/90: Have a normal reading, but still a bit higher compared to reading that it should be. So, take proper measures to lower it.
- 140/90 or more: Having a very high blood pressure that indicates hypertension
Importance of blood pressure log
The blood pressure reading obtained by doctor actually captures a single moment reading which can often be influenced by white coat hypertension phenomenon. There are many people around who might have encountered the problem of getting different readings in doctor’s chamber and at home. Therefore, it becomes vital for patients to maintain blood pressure chart.Monitoring BP at home helps you become actively involved in your health care. Tracking the progress and finally taking up right medications can be an effective remedy! In present time, there is a high chance of getting varied home blood pressure monitors. The most convenient way is to choose a monitor that comes with cuff and then slips into the upper arm. It automatically inflates while providing digital read-out. But, you need to be conscious that the cuff fits properly so that accuracy can be achieved in measurement.What is the purpose of blood pressure log?
Have you ever thought why most people are now encountering problem with blood pressure? Due to stressful life and unhealthy lifestyle, most of us are now experiencing severe health problem. Blood pressure is known to be a delicate condition that demands constant monitoring. BP turns out to be abnormal in case you do not perform proper exercise and get inclined towards fatty foods.No matter what age group you belong to, BP can surely affect your body and neglecting the condition can cause multiple diseases. There are many reasons behind high BP:- Emotional problems
- Improper food intake
- Lack of sleep
- Stress
Need for maintaining blood pressure chart
- High blood pressure is known to be a medical condition that requires constant monitoring. Therefore, keeping the chart of blood pressure can help you eliminate all kind of complications. Blood pressure readings can be a helpful tool for monitoring the health condition.
- The log would contain information related to age, systolic pressure readings and diastolic pressure readings.
- Log may also act as an interpretation of your day-to-day activity. The safe and unsafe level of blood pressure will indicate when you are in need of medical attention. Based on health requirements, the chat is created.
Different types of blood pressure
Blood pressure is categorized under:1. Systolic pressure: It is known to be the highest pressure that records while heart pumps blood.2. Diastolic pressure: The lowest pressure that captures during relaxation of heart.So, have you encountered normal systolic pressure? It usually ranges from 90 to 119 mm of Hg and in case of normal diastolic pressure it usually varies from 60 to 70 mm Hg. But still it is said that having a lower pressure in this category is better. A human being having a pressure of 118/78 mm Hg can experience an ideal life while adopting a healthy lifestyle such as:- Quitting of smoking and drinking
- Reducing weight
- Performing exercises
- Normal stage
- Hypertension stage 1
- Hypertension stage 2
Essential elements available in chart
There are different elements that should be mentioned in the chart:- Date: Mention date in log whenever you check the pressure
- Time: It is essential to test the pressure twice a day. Both in the daytime and night and mention it in your log book
- Pulse: It helps to record the beats over 60 seconds. In case your device fails to show the information, then visit a doctor and know your pulse rate.
- Systolic: It is a top reading and comparatively larger than bottom reading. Make sure that the number is less than 120.
- Diastolic: It is a lower reading and need to be smaller than top reading. It need to be lower than 80.
- Remarks: Need to state about your condition and way to feel the whole day.
Known facts about blood pressure
The main reason behind encountering such health condition is due to stress or because of mental pressure. Overweight, excess consumption of salt, smoking and alcohol can also lead to such condition. Though there are no specific signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, but it is usually recommended to every individual to test their pressure at least once in every two years.It is a chart that needs to be maintained for at least one week. But remember:- Don’t measure the pressure immediately after having your meal! Rather wait for 30 minutes and then consider having your measurement.
- In case you have consumed caffeine then you need to wait for longer duration about 2 hours before taking the readings. Caffeine has tendency to elevate your pressure for short time.
How to make use of blood pressure chart?
Don’t you want to maintain the blood pressure? It is only possible when you have a proper chart in hand. But, lack of knowledge on how to prepare the chart can certainly put your effort in vain. So, you can choose our free download template that can give you an idea about ways to prepare the chart.Download the template and have printable blood pressure log. Track out different values that are responsible for causing such changes in your body and affecting blood pressure measurements. This can finally be of huge benefit to you as well as to your health.- If you are encountering high blood pressure, there is a possibility of having heart disease, chronic kidney diseases, diabetes and other conditions that can have an adverse affect to health.
- Having a normal pressure ensures that you have adopted a healthy lifestyle and can easily prevent any kind of health conditions. In case you do not have a normal blood pressure, then it is needed to adopt a healthy lifestyle along with medication.
Common questions asked about blood pressure log
Q: How often blood pressure chart needs to be monitored?A: Once you know the purpose of the chart, the usage of it would depend on the result that you seek to obtain. Having a normal reading would not demand much attention. You can think of opting for bi-annual check-up so maintain stability in readings.Whereas, having low or high pressure will demand constant monitoring and you need to check often to see whether medication is acting appropriately. Take doctor’s advice in monitoring BP and have a healthy life.Q: What would be the course of action after taking the readings?A: Check your daily routine and think where you need to change. Adopting the right course of action will definitely help you achieve positive results. You can implement few steps such as:- Maintaining proper body weight
- Get involved into physical workout
- Reduce salt intake
- Take proper medication
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