Fillable Printable Access Control Policy Sample
Fillable Printable Access Control Policy Sample

Access Control Policy Sample

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Access Control Policy
Jethro Perkins
Information Security Manager

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Document control
Distribution list
Name Title Department
Information Security
Advisory Board
Information Technology
External document references
Title Version Date Author
Information Security Policy 3.0 15/03/13 Jethro Perkins
Information Classification Standard 3.0 15/03/13 Jethro Perkins
Policy and Guidance on the Use of
Social Media for Staff
1.0 07/06/12
Version history
Date Version Comments
27/03/13 0.1 Initial version
Released to ISAB
Incorporating changes requested by ISAB
Correction of inaccuracy in Section
Review control
Reviewer Section Comments Actions agreed
ISAB 1.2 Some non-IMT systems do not fall within the
remits of 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
Out of scope extended to
reflect this comment
By default students do not have access to
shared departmental drives.
Document updated to
reflect this
Departmental share permissions are not set as
default. They are largely granted by the folder
owners and their delegates.
Claim that permissions on
departmental shared areas
was provided by default has
been removed.

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Table of contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Out of Scope .............................................................................................................................. 4
Responsibilities................................................................................................................................ 5
Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Principles .................................................................................................................................... 6
Generic identities ................................................................................................................ 6
Privileged accounts ............................................................................................................ 6
Least privilege and need to know ....................................................................................... 6
Maintaining data security levels .......................................................................................... 6
Access Control Authorisation ..................................................................................................... 6
User accounts ..................................................................................................................... 6 Staff User Accounts ............................................................................................................... 6 Taught Postgraduate and Undergraduate Student User Accounts........................................ 7 Research Postgraduate Student User Accounts ................................................................... 7
Third parties .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Passwords .......................................................................................................................... 7
Access to Confidential, Restricted and Internal Use information ....................................... 7
Policies and guidelines for use of accounts ....................................................................... 8
Access for remote users ..................................................................................................... 8
Access Control Methods ............................................................................................................ 8
Further Policies, Codes of Practice, Procedures and Guidelines .............................................. 8
Review and Development ........................................................................................................ 10

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1 Introduction
LSE implements access control across its networks, IT systems and services in order to provide
authorised, granular, auditable and appropriate user access, and to ensure appropriate preservation
of data confidentiality, integrity and availability in accordance with the Information Security Policy.
Access control systems are in place to protect the interests of all authorised users of LSE IT systems
by providing a safe, secure and accessible environment in which to work.
1.1 Scope
This policy covers all LSE networks, comms rooms, IT systems, data and authorised users.
1.2 Out of Scope
The LSE external website and other information classified as ‘Public’.
Systems outside IMT control will not fall under Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2

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2 Responsibilities
Members of LSE:
All members of LSE, LSE associates, agency staff working for LSE, and alumni may have or require
access to LSE data or IT systems, and may be responsible for the systems upon which LSE data
System Owners
Those with responsibility for systems (including designating access) upon which LSE data reside. This
includes but is not limited to Finance, HR, Registry, Library, STICERD.
Department of Information Management and Technology:
Responsible for administering access to LSE’s Active Directory environment and many of its systems.
Responsible for implementing role based access control upon the School’s shared access file
systems, creating LSE’s Active Directory user accounts and passwords, and maintaining LSE’s
network infrastructure.
Information Security Manager:
Responsible for writing this policy and establishing access control principles.
Information Security Advisory Board
Responsible for the advising on and recommending information security policies to the Information
Technology Committee, assessing information security risks, identifying and implementing controls to
Information Technology Committee
Responsible for approving information security policies.

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For latest version and information about, see and search by title.
3 Policy
3.1 Principles
LSE will provide all employees, students and contracted third parties with on-site access to the
information they need to carry out their responsibilities in as effective and efficient manner as
3.1.1 Generic identities
Generic or group IDs shall not normally be permitted as means of access to LSE data, but may be
granted under exceptional circumstances if sufficient other controls on access are in place.
3.1.2 Privileged accounts
The allocation of privilege rights (e.g. local administrator, domain administrator, super-user, root
access) shall be restricted and controlled and not provided by default.
Authorisation for the use of such accounts shall only be provided explicitly, upon written request from
a Departmental or Group manager, and will be documented by the system owner. Technical teams
shall guard against issuing privilege rights to entire teams to prevent potential losses of confidentiality
and / or integrity.
3.1.3 Least privilege and need to know
Access rights will be accorded following the principles of least privilege and need to know.
3.1.4 Maintaining data security levels
Every user should understand the sensitivity of their data and treat them accordingly. Even if technical
security mechanisms fail or are absent, every user should still attempt to maintain the security of data
commensurate to their sensitivity. The Information Classification Standard
enables users to classify
data appropriately and gives guidance on how to store it, irrespective of security mechanisms that
may or may not be in place.
Users electing to place information on digital media or removable storage devices or maintaining a
separate database are advised by IMT only do so where such an action is in accord with the
information’s security classification. Users are consequently responsible in such situations for
ensuring that appropriate access to the data are maintained in accord with the Information Security
Policy and any other contractual obligations they may have to meet.
Users are obligated to report instances of non-compliance to the LSE via the IT Service Desk .
Instances of non-compliance will be published on IMT’s risk register and supplied to external auditors
upon request.
3.2 Access Control Authorisation
3.2.1 User accounts
Access to LSE IT resources and services will be given through the provision of a unique user account
and complex password. Staff User Accounts
Staff user accounts can only be requested in writing, and by using the appropriate forms, by
departmental managers.
No access to any LSE staff IT resources and services will be provided without prior authentication and
authorisation of a user’s LSE account.

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By default staff are provided with access to h: space (with access denied to all other users), and an
email account.
They have access to a standard suite of software applications, the remote desktop and VPN services.
By default staff accounts will upon termination of contract, unless a request for an extension is
received from the relevant Departmental Manager. Taught Postgraduate and Undergraduate Student User Accounts
By default taught postgraduate and undergraduate students are provided with access to h: space
(with access denied to all other users), and an email account.
They have access to a standard suite of software applications, the remote desktop and VPN services.
By default taught postgraduate and undergraduate students accounts will expire 2 months after the
end of the course. Research Postgraduate Student User Accounts
By default research postgraduate students are provided with access to h: space (with access denied
to all other users), and an email account.
They have access to a standard suite of software applications, the remote desktop and VPN services.
By default research postgraduate students accounts will expire at the end of the term following a
successful viva. Third parties
Third parties are provided with accounts that solely provide access to the systems and / or data they
are contracted to handle, in accordance with least privilege and need to know principles.
The accounts will be removed at the end of the contract or when no longer required.
Unless operationally necessary (and explicitly recorded in the system documentation as such) third
party accounts will be disabled when not in use.
3.2.2 Passwords
Password issuing, strength requirements, changing and control will be managed through formal
Password issuing will be managed by the IT Service Desk for staff and IT Helpdesk for students.
Password length, complexity and expiration times will be controlled through Windows Active Directory
Group Policy Objects. The criteria for both staff and student passwords are given at:
Password changing can be performed on LSE workstations, via LFY or the remote desktop.
3.2.3 Access to Confidential, Restricted and Internal Use information
Access to ‘Confidential’, ‘Restricted’ and ‘Internal Use’ information will be limited to authorised
persons whose job responsibilities require it, as determined by law, contractual agreement or the
Information Security Policy. The responsibility to implement access restrictions lies with the data and
systems owners.
Role-based access control (RBAC) will be used as the method to secure access to all file-based
resources contained within LSE’s Active Directory domains and administered by IMT.
There are no restrictions on the access to ‘Public’ information.

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3.2.4 Policies and guidelines for use of accounts
Users are expected to become familiar with and abide by LSE policies, standards and guidelines for
appropriate and acceptable usage of the networks and systems. This includes the Conditions of Use
of IT Services at LSE and the JANET acceptable use policy.
3.2.5 Access for remote users
Access for remote users shall be subject to authorization by IMT and be provided in accordance with
the Remote Access Policy and the Information Security Policy. No uncontrolled external access shall
be permitted to any network device or networked system.
3.3 Access Control Methods
Access to data is variously and appropriately controlled according to the data classification levels
described in the Information Security Policy.
Access control methods include explicit logon to devices, Windows share and file permissions to files
and folders, user account privileges, server and workstation access rights, firewall permissions, IIS
intranet/extranet authentication rights, LSE login rights, database access rights, encryption and other
methods as necessary.
Access control applies to all LSE-owned networks, servers, workstations, laptops, mobile devices and
services run on behalf of LSE.
Role-based access control (RBAC) will be used as the method to secure access to all file-based
resources contained within LSE’s Active Directory domains.
3.4 Further Policies, Codes of Practice, Procedures and Guidelines
This policy sits beneath LSE’s overarching Information Security Policy. Other supporting policies have
been developed to strengthen and reinforce this policy statement. These, along with associated codes
of practice, procedures and guidelines are published together and are available for viewing on LSE’s
website. All staff, students and any third parties authorised to access LSE’s network or computing
facilities are required to familiarise themselves with these supporting documents and to adhere to
them in the working environment.
The below list of current policies is in no way authoritative and new policies will be published on the
LSE website as they become available.
Associated polices:
Information Security Policy
Conditions of Use of IT Facilities at LSE
Policy on the use of mobile telephony equipment
Policy on the use of school-funded iPhones
Conditions of use of the residences network
Password Policy
Asset Management Policy
Data Protection Policy
Account Procedures
Standards and Guidelines:
Information Classification Standard

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Encryption Guidelines
Remote and Mobile Working Guidelines
Guidelines on the use of Cloud storage

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3.5 Review and Development
This policy shall be reviewed and updated regularly by the Information Security Advisory Board (ISAB)
and an auditor external to IT Services as appropriate to ensure that it remains appropriate in the light
of any relevant changes to the law, organisational policies or contractual obligations.
Additional regulations may be created to cover specific areas.
ISAB comprises representatives from all relevant parts of the organisation. It shall oversee the
creation of information security and subsidiary policies.
The Information Security Manager will determine the appropriate levels of security measures applied
to all new information systems.