Fillable Printable Affidavit of Common Law Marriage Form - South Carolina
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Common Law Marriage Form - South Carolina

Affidavit of Common Law Marriage Form - South Carolina

12/12 Return to your benefits administrator or
PEBA Insurance Benefits, Post Office Box 11661, Columbia, SC 29211-1960
803-734-0678 (Greater Columbia area) or 888-260 -9430 (toll-free outside the Columbia area)
Common Law Marriage Affidavit
This affidavit is to attest that the persons below are in a valid common law marriage under the laws of the State
of South Carolina for the purposes of adding a common law spouse to a subscriber’s insurance coverage.
This document must be signed, nota rized and submitted with a completed Notice of Election (NOE) form to your benefits
administrator (or to PEBA Insurance Benefits if you are a retiree, COBRA or survivor subscriber of a state agency, higher
education institution or public school district).
Subscriber Information (Please Print)
______________________________________ _______________________________ ___________
Last Name First Name MI
Common Law Spouse Information (Please Print)
______________________________________ _______________________________ ___________
Last Name First Name MI
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that all information in this Common Law Marriage Affidavit is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge. I agree to provide this Affidavit to PEBA Insurance Benefits and further agree that this Affidavit
(or copies of it) may be provided by PEBA Insurance Benefits to its third-party administrators and insurance carriers. I
understand that coverage may be canceled, I may be reported to the Attorney General’s Office for investigation, and I
may be responsible for repaying claims paid by PEBA Insurance Benefits and any insurance carriers in the event of fraud
or misrepresentation regarding any statement contai ned in this Affidavit.
_______________________________ _______________________________ ___________________
Subscriber Common La w Spouse Date
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me
On this ____ day of ______________, 20 _____
______________________________________ My Commission Expire s: ____________ ______________
Notary Public of South Carolina (Sig nature)
Acknowl edgement:
I understand that I am presenting this affidavit as proof of my legal common law marriage in the State of South Carolina in
order to add my Common Law Spouse to my insurance coverage. I understand that in order to remove my Common Law
Spouse from my insurance coverage after filing this document, I must either: (1) present to PEBA Insurance Benefits
proof of the divorce; (2) present to PEBA Insurance Benefits proof of the death of my Spouse; or (3) wait for an open
enrollment period or special eligibility situation, such as a gain of other coverage, as described in the Insurance Benefits
Subscriber’ s Initials: ____ ____