Fillable Printable Affidavit of Common Law Marriage - Iowa
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Common Law Marriage - Iowa

Affidavit of Common Law Marriage - Iowa

, and
, being
(Print Name of Employee)
(Print Name of Common Law Spouse)
duly sworn under oath, do declare that on or about the following date,
, we
have agreed to live as spouses, and that we have so lived and cohabited since that time and it is our intention to be
We declare that we publicly hold ourselves out to be each other’s spouse and that neither of us have previously been
married, or, if either of us has been previously married, said marriage has been terminated by death, annulment, or
We grant, to the State of Iowa, or its representative, permission to inquire of anyone who knows us as to our status
and whether we have, in fact, held ourselves out to be each other’s spouse since the date declared above.
We declare that we understand that a common law marriage is legally recognized as a marriage and must be
terminated through a legal divorce.
We understand that further documentation may be required by the State before the State recognizes our Common
Law Marriage.
(Signature of Employee)
(Signature of Spouse)
Subscribed to and sworn to before me this
day of
, 20
(Notary Public)
CFN 552-0690 04/09