Fillable Printable Affidavit of Correction - Georgia
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Correction - Georgia

Affidavit of Correction - Georgia

T-11 (Rev.07-2005)
Affidavit of Correction
Date: ___________________________
The strikeover on the assignment of the attached Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin or Certificate of Title for the
following described vehicle:
(Year Model, Make of Vehicle and Vehicle Identification Number)
was made due to the following reason(s):
Typographical error Assignment placed in Dealer Assignment in error
Customer changed mind Notary Public placed signature in wrong space
Seller signed their name incorrectly Purchaser’s name misspelled
Seller assigned title to himself Other _________________________________
Seller assigned title to wrong party ______________________________________
Seller made strikeover in purchaser’s name ______________________________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this ________ day of __________________, __________ ______________________________________
(Day) (Month) (Year) (Signature)
______________________________________________ ______________________________________
(Notary Public’s Signature & Notary Seal/Stamp) (Date Notary Commission Expires)
The person(s) who was required to complete the assignment where the correction has been made must complete this form. This
form cannot
be used when information has been blocked out by erasure or the use of correction fluid. In these cases,
replacement documents must be obtained. This form cannot
be used to correct an odometer reading, a purchase date or an
incorrectly recorded lien or security interest holder. For an incorrectly recorded odometer reading, Form T-107 (Odometer
Discrepancy Affidavit) must be completed and submitted. For an incorrectly recorded lien or security interest holder, Form T-4
(release of lien or security interest) must be completed by the incorrectly recorded lien or security interest holder and submitted.
Alterations of the purchase date result in the assessment of a $10.00 title penalty.