Fillable Printable NYC Certificate of Correction
Fillable Printable NYC Certificate of Correction

NYC Certificate of Correction

AEU2: Certificate of Correction
Required For Certification Of ECB Violations Only
1 Violation Information
2 Person Who Performed Work
3 Cure Submission (Check box below only if eligible and you are requesting a cure - see reverse)
PLACE OF OCCURRENCE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
(Number and street) (Borough and Zip)
STATE OF ________________________ COUNTY OF _________________________________________
I, ____________________________________________________ , duly swear and affirm under penalty of perjury, that I am the (check one):
Respondent named on the violation
Officer, Director or Managin g Agent of the named respondent corporation (circle one)
Owner of Property but not named respondent (if you are a new owner, attach copy of deed)
Managing agent of place of occurrence (attach letter of designation by owner)
Partner of named respondent partnership
Contractor or other agent of named respondent (attach written authorization from respondent)
My mailing address is: _________________________________________________________________________________________
(street address, city, state, zip code)
I have complied with the order of the Commissioner to correct each condition cited on this violation. The work described in the attached sworn
statement was completed on __________________ and was performed by (check one):
REQUIRED: I have attached a sw orn/affirmed statement describing the w ork done to correct the violating condition(s). In addition, I
have attached copies of all permits, bills, receipts, photographs, and/or other documentary proof that the violating condition(s) has/have been
corrected, or have explained in my statement why such are not available. I am aware that I may be required to attend any pending ECB hearing
on the violation or risk the imposition of default penalties.
My employee
Name of person who performed work: _________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
License/ Registration No. of professional/licensee/contractor:______________________________
4 Statement of Signature
False certification is a criminal misdemeanor under sections 28-203.1.1 and 28-211.1 of the NYC Administrative Code, punishable by
up to 1 year imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $25,000. It is also punishable with a civil penalty of up to $25,000.
CURE REQUEST. I admit the existence of the violation(s) charged. I am aware that a hearing is required if my request is not accepted.
I have personal knowledge that the violating condition(s) have been corrected as per this affidavit and statement(s) attached.
Sworn to, or affirmed under penalty of perjury, before me
this ________ day of _____________________
Notary Public
Affix Stamp
Mail or return th
is form in person, with supporting documents, to:
NYC Department of Buildings, Administrative Enforcement Unit
280 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2405