- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
- Affidavit of Support Form - Pennsylvania
- Affidavit of Financial Support for Undergraduate Applicants - Kansas
- International Student Financial Affidavit - University at Albany
- International Student Affidavit of Financial Support - McHenry County College
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form - New Jersey
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support - Calhoun Community College
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support - Calhoun Community College

Affidavit of Financial Support - Calhoun Community College

Affidavit of Financial Support
Admission to Calhoun Community College
NOTE: Colleges and Universities in the United States are required to have documentation of adequate financial support
before they may legally admit an international student for study. Proper completion and submission of this form by the
financial sponsor with adequate bank statements are required.
This form must be TYPED or PRINTED clearly in INK
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be completed by prospective STUDENTS’S FINANCIAL SPONSOR ONLY.
1. Studen t ’s Name: _____________________________ _______________________________________
(Family Name in Capital Letters) (First) (Last)
2. Sponsor ’s Name:__ _______________________ _______________________________________ ____
(Family Name in Capital Letters) (First) (Last)
3. Mailing Address of Sponsor: ____ _________ ________________________ _____________________
4. Relations hip to Studen t:________________________ 5. County of Birth:______________ _________
6. Date of Birth: ________________ _________ __7. Country of Citizenship____________________ ___
(Month) (Day) (Year)
8. Employer of Source(s) of income and net amount (U.S. Dollar) received per year.
_________________________________________ $ _______________________________________
_________________________________________ $ _______________________________________
9. Position or Job Title:_________________________________________________________________
10. Person s d ep end ent upon sponsor for financial support (other than prospective student):
Name of Person Age Relationship
__________________ ________ _____________ ________
_______________ ___ ________ _____________________
__________________ ________ _____________ ________
11. Number of persons named above who are or w ill be studying in the United States: ________________
12. Does your government re quire you to obtain their permission in order to transfer funds to the U.S. to
financially support the prospective stud ent? YES ________________ NO ___ ___________________.
If “YES”, please list the documents you will need from Calhoun Community College to obtain the required
13. Calhoun Community College has a policy which prohibits students from registering for classes unless
the studen t p ays all tuitio n and fees at reg istratio n. Do you anticip ate an y diff iculty in assu ring th at th is pro spectiv e
student will have sufficient funds in his/her possession at each registration YES__________ NO __________.

I, __________________________________________________ financial guarantor for
_____________ ________________________ __________certify that I will prov ide funds to pay for ANY
(Print Prospective Student’s Name)
and ALL educational and living expenses of the above named prospective student, and certify that the prospective
student WILL NOT become a public charge during his/her stay in the United States of America.
I am aware that the official MINIMUM estimation of the total cost of an international student
attending Calhoun Community College for the 2012-13 academic year is: $10, 845.00 (U.S.) for a dependent
student. (Please Check)
Sponsor ’s Signature:_______________________ _______________ Date: ________________________ __
Name of Sponsor__ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________
(Family Name in Capital Letters) (First Name) (Middle)
Date: (Month, Day, Year): ________________________________________________________________
This is to certify that, in view of our pro fessional relationship with the above named client, who has had an account
and/or cond ucted other business transactio ns through this bank for ____________ years, it is our conviction that he/she
has sufficient financial means to provide at least the amount of money indicated in the top part of this p age to the above
named prospective student for the purpose of studying in the United States of America. Further, to the best of our
knowledge, he/she should experience no difficulty in transferring the required funds from our country to the student in
the United States.
It is understood that this DECLARATION is being made without incurring any risk, obligation or responsibility on the
part of this banking institution.
Signa ture of Bank Official:_______________ ________________________ _________ _________ _______
Printed Name of Bank Official:_____________________________________________________________
Name of Bank: ______________________________________________________ ___________________
Address of Ban k:_______ _________ _________ ___________Phone Number of Bank______________ __