- International Student Financial Affidavit - University at Albany
- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
- Affidavit of Financial Support for Undergraduate Applicants - Kansas
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form - New Jersey
- Affidavit of Support Form - Pennsylvania
- International Student Affidavit of Financial Support - McHenry County College
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support for International Students - Tuskegee University
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support for International Students - Tuskegee University

Affidavit of Financial Support for International Students - Tuskegee University

Instru cti ons*for*completing*the*Aff idav it*and *Sup porting*Bank*Letter*
Affidavi t *
1.* The* Affidavit* must* be * fully* and* properl y* completed.* (Print* in* ink* or* type,* in#
2.*The*form*must*be*signed*and*dated*within*three*month s*of*the*time*the*student*
pl ans*to*enroll.*
3.*The*financial*sponsor*must*sign*the*affidavit*in*the*pre sence*of *a*U.S.*embassy*or*
consular* officer,* a* U.S.* Immigrati on* of ficer,* a* notary* public,* an* attor ney,* or* anothe r*
officia l* in * the* sponsor’s* countr y* who* is* authorized* to* administer* oaths* or* verify*
id entity*and* signature.*
Supporting/Bank / Letter*
1.*An*ori ginal#letter*in*English#on*official#bank*statio nery*must*be*submitted*from*a*
bank* or* other* financial * institution* in* which* the* sponsor* has* savings* deposits,*
certificates* of* deposit,* mo ney* ma rket* certific ates* or* other* types* of* accounts#
conta inin g# readily# avail able# funds.* * If* funds* are* in* mor e* than* one* financia l*
in sti tution, *a* se parate *letter*m ust*be*submitted*from*ea ch.*
2.* The* letter* must* provide* a* specific* amount* of* funds* in* U.S.* dollars.* A* statement*
certifyin g*that*the*sponsor*possesses*“sufficient#financi al#resources”#to#support##
the#applicant#is#not#acceptable#without #the#U .S. #dollar#figur e.*
3.* The* dollar* figure* must* be* in* U.S.* dollars.* If* not* in* U.S.* dollars,* the* financial*
in sti tution*m ust*show*the*conversion*ra te*and/or*U.S.*dollar*equi valent. *
4.* The* specific* amount* of* funds* verified* must* total* at * least* $____ ,# _____ _._ ____*# (add *
$____,# ______._____** per* dependant* and* or* spouse).* This* is* the* estimate d* total* cost* for*
5.* Letter s* must * be* signed* and* dated* within* three# months* of* the* time* the* student*
pl ans* to* enroll. * I ncome* tax* documents,* bank* statements,* or* proof# of# prope rty#
ownership#ar e#not#acceptable*as*eviden ce *of*a va ilability*of*funds.*
1)*Tui tion*fees *
US$____,#___ ___._____**
2)*Room*and*Boar d*
US$____,#___ ___._____**
3)*Miscellaneo us **
US$____,#___ ___._____**
US$____,#___ ___._____**
US$____,#___ ___._____*#
*The% current% ch arges%for%attending%Tuskegee%University%should% be% obtained%from%the%
Univers ity%Bursar%at%334<727<8643%at%the%time%of %do cume nt%preparation%
*Stud ents/coming/with/depend ent(s) /should/add/$/4,000/per/dependent/to/the/to tal/am ount/
for/ preparation / of/ I20 / documents/ required/ by/ the/ United/ States/ Dep art me nt/ of/ Homeland/
(Original# documents#must#replace#te mporary#copies ,#faxes,#efile s,# etc.#
submitted#be fore #applications#ar e#co nsidered#co mplet e).**Immigrat i on*
docum ents*are*p r ocessed*only*afte r * a*file*is* marked * c omplete.
Colleg es*and*universities*in*the*
United* St ates* are* required* by*
the* U.S.* Citizenship* and*
Immigration* Services* (CIS )* to*
have* documentary* proof* of*
adequate* financ ial * s upport*
before* th ey* may* admi t* an*
in ternational* student.* Fa ilure*
to*fully*and*properly*follo w*the*
in structions* on* thi s*
in formation*sheet*may*result*in*
nonissuan ce* of* the* U.S.*
governme nt* form,* which* is*
required* to:* (1)* obtain* a * visa*
and* e nter* this* country* or* (2)*
lega lly* transfer* from* another*
U.S.* school* to* Tu skegee*
University .*
U. S./ Employment/ &/ Fi nancial/
On‐campus *j obs*are *limited *and*
di fficu lt* to* obtain.* Off‐campus*
jo bs *are *n ot*allowed*during*the*
first * academic* year* and*
restricted* by* immigration*
regulation s.* Federal* Financial*
aid* is* n ot* a vailable* to*
in ternational* students.*
There fore,* full* finan cial*
support* from* y our* spo ns or*
Who/may/Sp onsor/a/Student?/*
Spons or s*may*be*a*family*
member,*a*friend,*a*bu siness, *or*
yourself .**In*all*cases,*the*
by*each* sponsor.**I n*ad dition,*
each*sponso r*must*ver ify*
adequate*fund s*by*presenting*
an*official,*origin al*letter*from*
the*sp onsor’ s*bank*(Original#
documents#must#r eplace#
temporary#copi es,#faxes,#efiles,#
etc.#submitte d#before#
ap plications#are#considered#
complete) .*

Tuskege e/University*
Affidavit/of/F inancial/Supp ort/for/ Internation al/ Studen ts*
Certifi cations*should*be*signed* and* date d*wi thin* three#m onths*of*the*time*the*stude nt*plans* to*enroll*
R etu rn#to:#*
GSR**|**Kenney*Hal l*44‐320* |** 1200 *Old*Montgomery*Road**|**T uskegee,*AL*36088*
General%Inf ormation%*
App lic ant’s*Name:*__________ _____ _____ _____ _____ ________________________* *****____ _____ _____ ______________________________________________*
*************************************** (Family*or*last*name)***** **** *********** **** *********** **** *** (Giv en*o r*first*name)
Spons or ’s* Name: *______________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________*** ***___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _______________________________________ ___*
*************************************** (Family* or*last *name)***************** **** *********** **** *** (Giv en*o r*first*name)
Spons or ’s* Mailing*Address:*_______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _______________________________________________________________________ ____*
Spons or ’s* relatio nship*to*applicant:* _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _________________________________________________________________________*
Spons or ’s* employer*an d*an nual *income: *__ _____ _____ _____ _________________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____________________________*
Declara tion%of %Support***
I,*_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ________,*finan cial*sponsor*fo r*________ __________________________________________________ _____ ,**
******************************** (Sponsor)***********************************************************************************************************(Stude nt)*
certify*that*I*agree*to*support*the*person*n ame d*above*and*that *he*or*she*wi ll*n ot*become*a*pub lic *ch arge*during*his/her*
stay *in*the*United*S tates*of*America.*I*am*aware*that *the*o ffi cial*e stim ate*o f*the*annual *co st*for*an*international*s tudent*
at tending*Tuskegee*Univers ity*is*US$_ ___,#______.___ __*#(add *US$____,#______.__ ___**for*each*dependant*an d*or*spouse).**I*am*
also *aware*that*t hese*e sti mates*are* su bject*to*chan ge*without*p rior*noti ce.*
** ****I*do*plan*to*make*specific*c ontr ibutions*to*the*support**o f*the*prospective*st udent.*I*plan*to*contribute*
******* ****____________ _____ ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___*US* $* **per*year* for*[__]#years.*
I*d o*not*plan* to*support *this*st udent.*
I*certify*tha t*all*information*provided*on*thi s*Affidavit*and*on *the*a ttached*documen ts*prov ing*availability*of*funds*is *true*
and*valid.*I*fur ther*certify*tha t*I*understand* this*affidavit*is*a*bindin g*do cu ment.*
Spons or ’s* signature:*_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____________________________*Date*signed:*_ _____ _________________________*
Certification#by#notary#public,#at torney,#U.S.#Con sular#Officer,#or#other#offi cial#authorized#to#a dminister#oaths.*
Subscribed*and*sworn*to*me*this________________ ___day*of_______ __________________ ____,*20____ _,*at* _____ _____________________________ *
M y*commiss ion*expires*on*____________________________________________________________________________________________________________*
Signat ur e*and*title*of*officer*administeri ng*o ath:*
______________________________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ ___*** *********_____________________________________________________*
******************************** * * *Signature****** *********** *********** *********** *********** *********** ****** *********** ********Title*
**#This #pro perl y#execut ed/notarized#Aff idav it#must#be#accompanied #by#an#of ficia l#letter#of#su pport#fr om#an#appropriate#f inancial#institut ion