- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
- International Student Financial Affidavit - University at Albany
- Affidavit of Support Form - Pennsylvania
- Affidavit of Financial Support for Undergraduate Applicants - Kansas
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form - New Jersey
- International Student Affidavit of Financial Support - McHenry County College
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support Form - California
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support Form - California

Affidavit of Financial Support Form - California

Office of Admissions and Records_____
International Admissions
All F-1 students are required to provide documentation of financial support before an I-20 document can be issued.
If the student will use his/her own personal funds as the source of financial support, the student MUST PROVIDE A BANK STATEMENT
showing the availability of at least $ 35,000 (undergraduates) or $34,000 ( graduat es) in liqu id ass ets. Bank statements and financial
affidavits s hould be dated no EARLIER than June 1
for Spring applications or October 1
for Fall applications.
If the student will be supported by a private sponsor (family member, friend, or private institution), the sponsor must sign the Stat ement o f Financial
Obligation below. In addition, sponsors MUST PROVIDE A BANK STATEMENT showing the availability of at least $35,000 (undergraduates)
or $34,000 (graduates) in liquid assets.
If the student will be sponsored by a public agency (embassy, home government, public institution, religious organization, etc.), the agency must
provide written verification that the costs will be covered. Sponsorship statements should reflect the semester and year of the applicat io n.
Estimated Student Expenses For One School Year (2 semesters)
(Th ese am o unts are est imates and are subject to change without not ice. Actual expenses may vary.)
24 unit s / 2 semesters
18 unit s / 2 semester s
Tuition -- at $3 72 per unit
$ 8928.00
$ 6696.00
Book s and Su pplies
Room and Meals
Insurance ( 12 month co ver age)
Other expenses (including transportation and personal expenses)
Family Membe rs. Students who will be accompanied by a spouse and/or children will need to submit additional
documentation of financial support ($5000 for spous e and $3000 for each c hild).
Note: MBA and MSA students pay an additional amount of $254.00 per unit.
State ment o f Financial O blig a ti on
Students requiring a form I-20 must complete this Statement of Financial Obligation and supply all appropriate documentation of financial support.
If the student will be supported by funds other than his/her personal funds, the sponsor must sign below. If more than one sponsor will provide
financial support, each sponsor must sign our Financial Affidavit form, and each sponsor must provide an official bank statement showing the
availability of the necessary funds (please see Estimated Student Expenses above).
Spons or ’ s na me (Print) __ __ _________ ______________ ________ _________ _________________ Relationship to student ____ _______ ________
Sponsor’s signature ________________________________________________________________________ Date ____ ________ _______ ______
Student’s name (Print) _________________________________________________________________
Student’s sig na t ure ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ _________________________________ Date ________ _____ _______ ____
By signing above, the student and sponsor, if applicable, certify that sufficient financial resources will be available to cover all expens es (please see
stimated Student Expenses above) for the duration of studies at CSU Northridge. Further, by signing above, the student agrees to obtain and
maintain adequate health insurance through out the du ration of studies.
If a spouse and/or children will be included on the I-20, please provide the following information (If necessary, use an extra sheet of paper).
Spouse Date of Birth ___________________________________
(Family or Surname), (Given Name)
Country of Birth Countr y of Citizenship Gender: Female ____ Male ______
Child Date of Birth ___________________________________
(Fami ly or Surn ame), (Given N ame)
Country of Birth Countr y of Citizenship Gender: Female ____ Male ______
Affidavit of Financial Support, December 10, 2014 PLEASE CO MPLETE BOT H PAGES

Financial Affidavit Page 2 of 2
CSUN ID Number or last 4 digits of US Social Security Number (if available) ____________ ______ ______ _ _______
Name as it appears on Passport _____________________________________ _______________________________
(Family Name or Sur name ), (First Name or Given N ame)
Date of Birth (Month Day, Year) _________________________ Gender: Female ________ or Male ______
Country of BIRTH __________________________ Country of CITIZENSHIP ____________________________
If you are currently in the United States, what type of visa do you hold? (For example, F1, F2, B1, J1, A2, etc.) _______
Permanent Address in your HOME COUNTRY: Please print clearly
Street Address
Province or State _______________________ Postal Code Country________________________________
Phone number in HOME COUNTRY
Email Address
1. Are you transferring to CSUN from a US school (including language school, high school, college, university)?
__________ YES __________ NO
If you answered YES, please provide the following information:
Name of School
City and State of School
Month and Year you ended, or plan to end, your enrollment at that school
2. Are you on OPT? YES NO
If you answered YES, please provide the following information:
Name of School that authorized your OPT
Month, Day and Year your OPT began and ending date
Please complete both pages of this form and mail or email it to the address below. Your I-20 cannot be issued until we
have received this completed form and all required documentation of financial support. If you are transferring from a
school in the US, that school must first transfer your I-20 record to us in the SEVIS database.
California State University, Northridge
International Admissions, Bayramian Hall 150
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8207 USA
Affidavit of Financial Support, December 10, 2014 PLEASE CO MPLETE BOT H PAGES