
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support Form - Houston Community College System

Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support Form - Houston Community College System

Affidavit of Financial Support Form - Houston Community College System

Affidavit of Financial Support Form - Houston Community College System

3100 Main Street, MC1138, Hous ton, TX 7700 2 T713.718. 8521 F 713.718. 2112 W hccs.edu
This is to certify that I will assume financial responsibility for thestuden t’s durat ionof study at Houston
Comm un ity Colleg e (and depe nd ents, if ap pl ic able).
Full Financial Responsibility* [ ] Tuition and Fee Expenses* [ ] Living Expenses* [ ]Dependent Expenses**[ ]
You must include additional supporting financial documents showing assets in the amount of $22,980USD
(given this is the estimated cost for a full year of study at HCC). **Additionalfinancial support required: $4,400USD
per dependent.These figures are subject to change without notification.
___________________________ _______________ _______________________________________
Family (Last) NameFirst NameDat e o f Birth
(Copy of proof of relationship must be submittedin English. Additional
dependents can be added on a separate sheet of paper.)
Family (Last)NameFirst NameDate of Birth
Country of Birth Country of Citizenship Relationship
Family (Last)NameFirst N a meDate of Birth
Relationsh ip to St ud entEmailTelephon e num ber
Sponsor’s CompleteMailing Address
I acknowledgethat t h e above financ ial support inform ation is ac curate and com plete to t he
best of my knowledge.I am aw are of my financial res po n sibilitie s as a f inancial sponsor to t he
student named on this form. I therefore certify that I know the contents of this affidavit signed by
me and that the content is true and correct.
______________________________ _________________________
Financial Sponsor’s SignatureDate of Signature
Affi da vi t of Financial Support
(For Non-US Citize n/ Non-US Resident Sponsor)
HCC ID: ___________________
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