- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form - New Jersey
- Affidavit of Financial Support for Undergraduate Applicants - Kansas
- International Student Financial Affidavit - University at Albany
- International Student Affidavit of Financial Support - McHenry County College
- Affidavit of Support Form - Pennsylvania
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support Form - The Ohio State University
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Financial Support Form - The Ohio State University

Affidavit of Financial Support Form - The Ohio State University

Undergraduate study
Affidavit of financial support for international students
The Ohio State University is required by U.S. government regulations to check the availability of adequate funding for your tuition, fees
and living expenses for the duration of your studies. Complete this form if you are requesting F-1 or J-1 status. Please note that we will
not be able to issue a notice of admission until funding documentation is completed.
Important: The total funds on the affidavit(s) you submit—from personal sources, funding agencies or both—must equal the total funds
needed for the duration of your studies at Ohio State (at least four years). However, you only need to submit evidence (bank statements,
financial awards, etc.) to support your first year of study in the United States. See estimated annual expenses on this page.
A separate copy of this affidavit form is required from each personal or agency sponsor. Please read the instructions in each section.
To submit the required financial documentation, we highly recommend using our Admissions Uploader
at admissions.osu.edu/secure/docus. Or, you may email to [email protected] or mail via courier to
Undergraduate Admissions, SAS Building – Rm. 621, 281 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, OH 43210 USA.
Section 1: Student information and declaration (required)
Name in full as it appears on your passport:
Family name/surname
First/given name Middle name
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
OSU ID (*see note at bottom right) Date of birth (month/day/year)
Country of citizenship
City and country of birth
Country of residence
Do you presently hold an F1 or J1 student status? h Yes h No
If yes, what institution issued the Form I-20 or DS-2019: _________________________________________
Student declaration
I hereby promise that the information provided on this form is correct and complete. I understand that I am
ultimately responsible for all expenses associated with my stay in the United States.
________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________
Student’s Signature Date (month/day/year)
Estimated annual expenses for single
student living alone (without
family) in the United States
The amounts below represent estimated
fees in effect autumn 2015 through spring
2016 for most programs; costs are subject
to change without notice.
Costs listed are for an academic year
(two semesters/nine months).
Average tuition and fees
Room and board
Books and supplies $1,234
Health insurance
Living expenses $2,900
Total estimated
expenses $46,539
Tuition and fees may vary by major, college, and
area of study. The university reserves the right to
assess fees for special services and programs
applicable to students. In 2016–2017 and beyond,
students should plan for a 5 to 10 percent annual
increase for all costs.
1 Includes an International Undergraduate
Student Fee of $500 per semester, assessed to
provide academic and support services for
international students.
2 Health insurance is required for international
3 Cost of the most popular room and meal plan
combination; your cost will depend on the plans
you select.
Additional estimated annual expenses
for family member(s) accompanying
the student to the U.S.
Living expenses (nine months)
For spouse only $8,628
For each child $4,314
Health insurance (nine months)
For spouse only $2,374
For all children $4,748
For spouse and children $7,122
*The OSU ID number is provided to
applicants by email 1–5 days after the
application has been submitted. If you have
not yet applied to Ohio State, please leave
this space blank.
Section 2 continued on other side
Section 2: Affidavit for personal sponsors
Use this affidavit if full or partial funding is coming from a personal source (family, friend, or self).
1. Ask each sponsor to (a) complete the “Affidavit of Support from Personal Sources” (other side) indicating
full or partial support of your studies and (b) attach an official bank statement(s). The name on the affidavit
must match the account holder on the bank statement(s).
2. Bank statements must be in English. English translations must be signed and sealed by the appropriate
bank or government official.
3. Each bank statement submitted must include the following details:
• Sponsor’s name—the translated name must be on the original document (not handwritten in)
• Date—documents must be dated no more than one year (12 months) prior to the date classes begin
for the desired term of enrollment (see class start dates at go.osu.edu/bigcal)
• Amount of available funds and the type of currency

Affidavit of Support from Personal Sources
Please check ONE:
h I will provide FULL FINANCIAL SUPPORT for the student’s educational and living expenses for the entire length of study at Ohio State.
h I will provide PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT for the student’s education and living expenses for the entire length of study at Ohio State
in the amount of USD$ _____________ per year.
h I am self-sponsored; I will provide FULL FINANCIAL SUPPORT for my educational and living expenses for the entire length of study at
Ohio State. I have attached a bank statement(s) verifying that funding is available.
Check if appropriate:
h I will provide full financial support for a spouse and/or children accompanying the student to the United States (see expenses on front page).
Sponsor’s family name/surname First/given name Middle name
Relationship to student
________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________
Sponsor’s signature Date (month/day/year)
Section 3: Affidavit for agency sponsors
Use this affidavit if funding is coming from a funding agency (government, organization, or institution/school).
Ask each funding agency to either complete the form below OR attach a letter including the details of the award.
Affidavit of Support from a Funding Agency
We, ________________________________________ (name of sponsor), hereby certify that we will provide full financial support associated
with tuition, fees, books, health insurance and living expenses for ________________________________________ (student’s name) and, if
applicable, health insurance and living expenses for spouse and children for the entire length of study at Ohio State.
Study is approved for ___________________________________ (degree) in ___________________________________ (field of study) at
The Ohio State University. Funding is effective for the entire length of study starting _____________________________ (Term: e.g., Autumn 2014)
Official title
Office or division
Address where tuition/fees will be billed, if applicable:
________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________
Signature Date (month/day/year)
Official seal/stamp of
funding institution
Section 2 ,continued
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