
Fillable Printable affidavit of marriage - Oregon State University

Fillable Printable affidavit of marriage - Oregon State University

affidavit of marriage - Oregon State University

affidavit of marriage - Oregon State University

University Housing and Dining Services
Oregon State University, 102 Buxton Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-1317
T 541-737- 4771 |F 541-737- 61 80 | //oregons t at e.e du/uhds
Affidavit of Marriage
We, the undersigned, declare that we are legally married to each other and if requested,
would be able to provide proof of our marriage.
We certify under penalt y of perjury under the laws of the State of Oregon that the
foregoing is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge, and we understand
that the University may initiate disciplinar y action and impose sanctions against
any student who furnishes false or misleading information to the University or its
representative. OAR 576-015-0020(6).
Student or Employee: Spouse:
Printed Name Printed Name
Signature Signature
Date Date
**Note**: This affidavit is for use in providing services and benefits within the purview of
Oregon State University and is not related to employee health benefits.
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