- Affidavit of Marriiage or Domestic Partnership - Willamette University
- Affidavit of Marriage or Domestic Partnership - California
- Affidavit of Marriage - Santa Clara University
- Affidavit of Marriage - California
- Common Law Marriage Affidavit - Oklahoma
- Affidavit of Marriage - Western Oregon University
Fillable Printable Common Law Marriage Affidavit - Oklahoma
Fillable Printable Common Law Marriage Affidavit - Oklahoma

Common Law Marriage Affidavit - Oklahoma

The following information is required before a request to add a common law spouse or a
dependent child.
Insured’s Name SSN
Name of Common
Law Spouse SSN
Affidavit of Common Law Marriage
We, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, attest that the following statements are true.
1) We are residents of the State of .
2) I am the wife/husband of (Insured).
3) We have mutually consented and agreed to be married and are married to each other.
4) There is no legal impediment of our marriage, including, but not limited to, a prior
marriage of either party that has not been legally terminated by death or divorce.
5) As evidence of our marriage contract, we cohabit together as husband and wife, refer to
each other as husband and wife, and are known by our families as the community as
husband and wife.
6) With the result that we are treated and referred to a husband and wife by our families,
our co-workers, and in the community in which we reside.
7) The date of our Common Law Marriage is:
Signature of Insured
Sworn to before me, a notary public, by said , personally known to me on
this day of , 200 .
Notary Public
My commission expires:
Signature of Common Law Spouse
Sworn to before me, a notary public, by said , personally known to me on
this day of , 200 .
Notary Public
My commission expires:
10.290 (7/06)