
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Marriage/Same-Sex Domestic Partnership - Johns Hopkins University

Fillable Printable Affidavit of Marriage/Same-Sex Domestic Partnership - Johns Hopkins University

Affidavit of Marriage/Same-Sex Domestic Partnership - Johns Hopkins University

Affidavit of Marriage/Same-Sex Domestic Partnership - Johns Hopkins University

Human Resources
Benefits Service Center
Johns Hopkins at Eastern
1101 East 33
Street, Suite D200
Baltimore, MD 21218
I, _____________________________ SSN _____-______-______ certify that
Name of Faculty/Staff Member (print)
(Completeeither “A” or “B”):
A. I, and _______________________SSN _____-_____-_____were legally
Name andSSN of Spouse (print)
married on ___/___ /____
B. I, and __________________________SSN _____-_____-_____became
Name and SSN ofSame-sex Domestic Partner(print)
same-sex domestic partners on ___/___ /____,and we certify the following to be true:
1. Weare committed as a family in a long-term relationship ofindefinite duration and are
socially, emotionally, and financiallyinterdependent with each other in an exclusive mutual
commitment in which we agree to be responsible for each other’s common welfare and share
financial obligations; and
2. we are not related by blood toa degree of closeness which would prohibit legal marriage in
the state in which welegallyreside and our relationship does not violate state or local law;
3. we agree to notify Johns Hopkins University if there is any change in our status of marriage or
domestic partnership as certified in this statement within thirty days ofthat change by filinga
Marriage/Same-sex Domestic Partnership Termination Form; and
4. we were competent to consent to contract when our marriage or domestic partnership began;
5. we understand that anymarriage or domestic partnership recognized by the University based
on this affidavit will be treated as terminated for benefits purposes upon the death of my
spouse/domestic partner or on the date indicated in a Marriage/Same-sexDomestic
Partnership TerminationForm submission (or, if earlier, on the date ofdivorce or legal
separation ofa legal marriage); and
6. we understandthat benefits provided by Johns Hopkins University for a domestic partneror a
child ofa domestic partner generallywill be subject to federal (and possibly state)income tax
withholdingand also to Social Securityand Medicare taxes based on the fair market value of
those benefits and any employee contributions for coverage for those benefits must be made
on an after-tax basis unless the faculty or staff member signs the statement at the end of this
Affidavit to certify that the partner or child qualifies as aSection 152 Dependent (as described
later in this Affidavit) of the faculty or staffmember for tax purposes; and
7. we understand that this information will be held confidential but is subject to disclosure for
administrative purposes, as requiredby law or upon ourexpress writtenauthorization; and
8. we understand that anyperson’s eligibility for benefits is subject to auditing byJohns Hopkins
University and its agents for verification purposes; and
9. we understand thatlegal implicationsunder state and/orfederal lawmayexist due to the
declaration of responsibilityfor our common welfare; and
10.we understand that ifwe make a false statement or misrepresentation on this Affidavit of
Marriage/Same-sexDomestic Partnership, the University reserves the right to take any and all
actions necessary to denybenefits or to recover amounts paid for benefits to which a person
was not entitled, as well as anyexpenses or attorney fees incurred by the University in an
attempt to recover such amounts and that any false statements on this Affidavit maylead to
other disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
11.we understand that completing this Affidavit is onlyonerequirement for certain benefits and
that all eligibility requirements and other provisions ofallbenefit plans as well as policy
provisions of University programs willalso apply.
Faculty/Staff Member’s Signature:____________________________ Date:___/ ___/___
Print Name: ____________________________
Spouse/Domestic Partner’s Signature: ____________________________ Date:___/ ___/___
Print Name: ____________________________
Return completed form to: Johns HopkinsUniversity, Benefits Service Center, Johns
Hopkins at Eastern, 1101 East 33
Street,Suite D200, Baltimore,MD 21218, or fax form to
NOTE: You should review thedefinition below and sign the statement below if you intend to
elect any type of coverage for your domestic partner or any child of your domestic partner, if you
conclude that your partner or your partners child is your dependent for taxpurposes.
Internal Revenue Code Section 152 Definition of Dependent
For purposes of the Universitys medical, dental, and personal accident benefits, a domestic partner
generally will be your dependent under Internal Revenue Codesection 152 (referred to as “Section 152
Dependentin this Affidavit)only if youprovide over one-half of your partner’s financial support and your
partner lives with you during the entire tax year. A child of your domestic partner who is not your adopted
or biological child generally will qualify asyour Section 152 Dependent forpurposesof these benefits for
a tax year only if (1) you provideover one-half of the childs support, (2)the child lives with you and (3)
neither your domestic partner nor any other taxpayer claims the child as adependent for federal tax
purposes. Additional rulesand restrictions may apply. You should consult with atax adviser if you have
any question about whether your domestic partner or a child qualifies as your dependent for tax
If your domestic partner or any child of a domestic partner qualifies as a Section 152
Dependent for purposesof medical, dental,and personal accident benefits and you do
not want to be taxedon the value of any of those benefitsprovided to your domestic
partner or a child of a domestic partner, you must complete the following:
Bysigning below, I certifythat Ihave reviewed the requirements for a domestic partner or a
child of a domestic partner to be treated as my Section 152 Dependent for purposes ofthe Plan
and that the following person or persons(check appropriate box or boxes):
my domestic partner
the following child orchildren ofmy domestic partner (list by name):
qualify as my Section 152 Dependents for purposes of the Plan’s medical, dental or personal
accident benefits. I agree to promptlyinform the University ifany person indicated above
ceases to qualifyas my Section 152 Dependent while covered under any ofthese benefits.
Faculty/Staff Member’s Signature: ____________________________ Date:___ /__/__
Rev. October 2014 OBS
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