Fillable Printable Affidavit of Support - Academy of Art University
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Support - Academy of Art University

Affidavit of Support - Academy of Art University

This form must be filled out completely and returned with an Original Bank Letter to:
International Admissions, Academy of Art University, 79 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.
STUDENT’S INFORMATION: Start Term (Circle One): Spring Summer Fall Year: __________
I am a new student. I am a returning student. I am AAU Alum I am currently on OPT until _________
I’ve applied for (Circle One): AA | B.ARCH | BA-Multimedia Communications | BA-Fashion Journalism | BFA | 2
CERT (120 units) | Continuing Education (Non-Degree) | MFA | M.ARCH | MA-Art Education | MA-Art History |
MA-Fashion Journalism | MA-Multimedia Communications
Student’s Family/Last Name: _ Given/First Name: ________________________________________
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy): Country of Birth: ______________________Country of Citizenship:_______________________
Permanent/Foreign Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________Province (if any): _________________Country: _________________ Postal Code (if any): ___________
Please mail my I-20 Form & Admissions Acceptance Letter to:
Address: ____________________________________________________________City: _________________________________
Province/State: __________________________________Postal Code (if any): __________ Country: ____________________
Phone Number: ___________________________________________ Email: __________________________________
AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT (Student is allowed to have more than one sponsor):
Self-Sponsored Agencies, Government, Foundations (Enclose your award letter with this form)
I agree to financially support student’s entire course of study at the Academy of Art University and the official bank letter is enclosed
with this form.
Parent Name: _____________________________________Signature: Date:___________
Sponsor’s Name: __________________________________ Signature: Date:___________
DEPENDENT(S) - STUDENT’S SPOUSE and/or CHILD/CHILDREN who would like to apply for F-2 visa: Additional
$5,000 for each dependent must show on the bank letter. Include a copy of the dependent’s passport.
Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Relationship: _________________________
Country of Birth: ___________________________ Country of Citizenship: _________________________________________
Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Relationship: _________________________
Country of Birth: __________________________ Country of Citizenship: _________________________________________
Name: __________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Relationship: _________________________
Country of Birth: ___________________________Country of Citizenship: _________________________________________
CERTIFIED BY BANK: Student is not required to complete this section if an official bank letter is submitted to the university.
Amount in Bank Account in US Dollars: _________________________
Name of Bank: ____________________________________________
Name and Title: ___________________________________________
Signature of Bank Official: ___________________________________
I certify that all the above information is accurate and my sponsor has the amount required by the university and is capable of
supporting and financing my school and living expenses for at least the first year of my study.
Student’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________ INT’L AAU 6/2014
Official Bank’s Seal or Stamp Here