Fillable Printable Affidavit of Support Form - Santa Clara University
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Support Form - Santa Clara University

Affidavit of Support Form - Santa Clara University

FORMS (Affidavit-of-Support-2013.pdf) 03/2013
International Student Services
Global Engagement Office
Email: [email protected]du
Phone: (408) 551-7037
Fax: (408) 554-2340
This form is required of all admitted students requesting an I-20/DS-2019 immigration form. The University is required by
U.S. federal regulations to obtain documentation proving that you have current resources available to support yourself (and
your dependents, if applicable) during your first year of study at SCU. For a list of the current estimated expenses for
international applicants, please visit:
PART A: Financial Certification (the person/persons responsible for paying your expenses must sign this portion of the
Source of funding (check all that apply): □ Personal □ Parent/Guardian or other family member(s)
□ Sponsor (non-family member) □ Other (circle one): government company university
Type of Award: ________________________________
Sponsor certification (to be completed by each family member or sponsor). If you have more than one sponsor, please
attach an additional sheet(s).
This is to certify that I will provide financial support in the amount of $_______________ (U.S. dollars) for the student’s
first academic year of study at Santa Clara University (and dependents, if applicable). I understand that I will need to
provide at least the previously mentioned amount each year for the duration of the student’s studies at SCU. I further
certify that the funds are available to the student and the financial documents are attached with this form.
Sponsor’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Printed Name of Sponsor: ______________________________________________________________________
Sponsor’s Relationship to Student (i.e., parent, brother, aunt, friend):
Sponsor’s Address: _____________________________________ Sponsor’s E-mail:______________________
_____________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Phone:______________________
PART B: Student Certification
This is to certify that the total amount of money that is available for my first academic year of study at Santa Clara
University (and dependents, if applicable) is $_______________ (U.S. dollars). I further certify that the above information
is correct and complete, and that I shall notify International Student Services at SCU of any changes in my financial
circumstances. I understand that I am ultimately responsible for all anticipated yearly expenses for the entire length of my
stay at SCU.
Student’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________