Fillable Printable Affidavit of Support - Goldey-Beacom College
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Support - Goldey-Beacom College

Affidavit of Support - Goldey-Beacom College

Affidavit of Support
Dear International Applicant:
It is your responsibility to demonstrate that sufficient funding is available to meet all College and living expenses for the
duration of your studies. An I-20 form can only be issued after this form is completed, notarized, and returned to the
Admissions Office of Goldey-Beacom College. As you will need copies of your financial documentation to prove to United
States Consular Officials that you have sufficient funds, we recommend that you make copies of this form and all
supporting documents. Please note: The Office of Admissions will accept only documents that bear ORIGINAL
signatures, stamps and seals. No photocopies will be accepted. If you have more than one sponsor, please make a
photocopy of this form for each sponsor before having it completed.
1. Student’s Name________________________________________________________________________
Surname (family name) First Middle
2. Sponsor: (This section must be completed by the sponsor or sponsoring organization.)
NAME OF SPONSOR (print)_____________________________________________________________________
COMPLETE ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________
RELATIONSHIP OF SPONSOR TO APPLICANT_____________________________________________________
This is to certify that I, the sponsor (sponsor’s name)_________________________________, will provide the funds in
the amount of at least U.S. $30,733 plus any increase due to inflation per academic year for tuition, fees, living expenses
and miscellaneous expenses for (student’s name) ____________________________. The support will continue for the
duration of this student’s program of study. Furthermore, I understand that I am responsible for any and all debts incurred
by the student while attending Goldey-Beacom College. My signature below certifies my sponsorship.
Signature of Sponsor (to be signed in front of Notary Public or other legal official) Date
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
______date of_____A.D., 19_____
____________________________________ Signature of official
____________________________________ Title of official (Seal or stamp of certification)
3. Student: (This section must be completed by the applicant.)
I certify that I take all financial responsibilities should my source of funding, as specified above, be interrupted or stopped.
Student’s Signature Date

(To be completed by bank official)
This is to certify that___________________________________________________________________________
Family's Name or Sponsor’s Name (please print)
is a customer of______________________________________________________________________________
Name of Bank (please print)
His/her account was opened on ____________________________________ and, for the past year, has shown an
average balance of $_______________, which is equivalent to U.S.$____________.
The funds that are currently in this/these account(s) total $___________ which is equivalent to U.S.$___________.
These funds are available to___________________________________________________ upon his/her request.
Name of Sponsor
Account number(s)________________________________________________________
Signature of bank official____________________________________________________
Telephone Number________________________________________________________
Date___________________________________________________________________ Bank Seal
Estimate of Expenses of International Students
Division of Graduate Studies
Goldey-Beacom College
Tuition and fees $16,956
Living expenses $13,777
Estimated expenses for one academic year* $30,733
*Please note: Estimated expenses for one academic year quoted above are for students alone; expenses for married
students and those with dependents will be higher.