Fillable Printable Affidavit of Truth of Citizenship Status
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Truth of Citizenship Status

Affidavit of Truth of Citizenship Status
Be it known to all governments, government sub divisions, courts, and other parties, that I,
William D Duff am a natural, freeborn Sovereign Missourian, as described in 4 Wheat 402 as
quoted by Bouvier’s 14th edition law dictionary as it describes individual American sovereignty
and Hale vs. Henkel as it describes the nature of Citizen of the several States. I am neither subject
to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I
dominated. I am expressly not a United States citizen residing in Missouri as comprehended by
the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America or the equivalent as
represented in the contemporary Missouri Constitutions. No federal or state declaration
regarding the status of my nature can alter that fact without diminishing my individually held
rights without my consent. I do not consent. I state here that I am of age of majority and
competent and knowledgeable of the following facts and law sufficient to assert this affidavit.
The nature of my status in America is described at 4 Wheat 402 as cited by Bouvier’s 14th edition
in definition of ‘Sovereignty”, to wit;
Bouvier's 14th edition Law Dictionary (quoting from 4 Wheat, 402): "It has been justly thought a
matter of importance to determine from what source the United States derives its authority... the
question here proposed is whether our bond of union is a compact entered into by the states, or
whether the Constitution is an organic law established by the People. To this we answer: We The
People ... ordain and establish this Constitution" ... the government of the state had only delegated
power (from the People) and even if they had an inclination, they had no authority to transfer the
authority of the Sovereign People. The people in their capacity as Sovereigns made and adopted
the Constitution; and it binds the state governments without the state's consent. The United
States, as a whole, therefore, emanates from the People and not from the states, and the
Constitution and laws of the states whether made before or since the adoption of that Constitution
of the United States, are subordinate to the United States Constitution and the laws made in
pursuance of it. The people are the Fountain of sovereignty. The whole was originally with them
as their own. The state governments are but trustees acting under a derived authority, and had no
power to delegate what is not delegated to them. But the people, as the original Fountain, might
take away what they have lent and entrust to whom they please. They have the whole title and as
absolute proprietors have the right of using or abusing. – jus utendi et abutendi. It is a maxim
consecrated in public law as well as common sense and the necessity of the case that a Sovereign
is answerable for his acts only to his God and his own conscience … There is no authority above a
Sovereign to which an appeal can be made. "4 Wheat, 402 (Bouvier’s 14th edition Law
Dictionary: “Sovereignty”)
"The words "People of the United States" and "Citizens" are synonymous terms, and mean the
same thing. They both describe the political body that, according to our Republican institutions
form the sovereignty ... they are what we familiarly call the "Sovereign people", and every citizen
is one of these people and a constituent member of the sovereignty..." Wong Kim Ark. P. 914,
quoting Dred Scott vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393, 19 How 577. See also: Hancock vs. Carry Alcorn
Mining Co., Inc., Ky., 503 S. W. 2 d 710 Kentucky Constitution section 4; Commonwealth Ex
Rel. Hancock vs. Paxton Kentucky, 516 S. W. 2 d page 867(2) clause 3. "A SOVEREIGN IS
Rights retained by the people include but are not limited to those eluded to in the following U.S.
Supreme Court case insofar as it supports my sovereign birthright (accent added on point):
"The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his
private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no such duty [to
submit his books and papers for an examination] to the State, since he receives nothing there
from, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of
the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken
from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a
refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure
except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass
upon their rights." Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905).
Rights possessed by me individually include but are not limited to;
The right to carry on my private business in my own way so long as that use does not harm or
trespass on anyone. Thus, be it known to all that even though I recognize and respect those
collectively held powers granted to governments, I reserve my individually held prerogative rights
of action not to be compelled to perform under any contract or disability that I did not enter into
knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. A compelled state license to use my property upon the
public right of way is one such disability.
As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for
persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me, and are null and void acts when applied to me. If
I have participated in any of the supposed "benefits" associated with these hidden contracts, I
have done so under duress from coercion, mis-information, and ignorance of my true nature and
rightful power. I correct that ignorance here.
From my age of consent to the date affixed below I have never signed a contract knowingly,
willingly, intelligently, and voluntarily whereby I have waived any of my individually held natural
Rights, and, as such,
Take Notice that I revoke, cancel, and make void, ab initio, my power of appointment on any and
all contracts, agreements, forms, or any instrument which may be construed in any way to give
any agency or department of any federal or state government authority, venue, or jurisdiction over
me upon subject matter that is solely within my individual province; one being my Right to be free
from all government restraint of my choice of action unless I have first harmed or trespassed upon
the rights of another.
This position is in accordance with the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brady v. U.S., 379 U.S.
742 at 748 (1970):
"Waivers of Constitutional Rights not only must be voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent
acts, done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and consequences."
Declaration of Citizenship. Any document signed by me, in which I answered "yes" to the
question, "Are you a U.S. citizen?" - cannot be used to compromise my status as a Sovereign, nor
obligate me to perform in any manner. This is because it was not disclosed to me that being a U.S.
citizen altered my birthright and diminished my individually retained private rights through the
“Doctrine of Selective Incorporation”.
I am not a "United States" citizen residing in Missouri. I am a Missourian as comprehended by
the birthright of “We the People” defined at 4 wheat 402. The United States is an entity created
by the U.S. Constitution with jurisdiction as described on the following pages of this Affidavit. I
am not a "resident of," an "inhabitant of," a "franchise of," a "subject of," a "ward of," the
"property of," the "chattel of," or "subject to the jurisdiction of" any corporate federal
government, corporate state government, corporate county government, corporate city
government, or corporate municipal body politic created under the authority of the U.S.
Constitution nor the Missouri Constitution as that jurisdiction comprehends any subject matter
that would diminish my individually held prerogative rights. I am not subject to any legislation,
department, or agency created by such authorities, nor to the jurisdiction of any employees,
officers, or agents deriving their authority there from as that jurisdiction comprehends any subject
matter that would diminish my individually held prerogative rights. Further, I am not a subject of
the Administrative and Legislative Article IV Courts of the several states, or Article I Courts of
the United States, or bound by precedents of such courts, deriving their jurisdiction from said
authorities as that jurisdiction comprehends any subject matter that would diminish my
individually held prerogative rights.
Take Notice that I hereby revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio any such instrument or any
presumed election made by any of the several states or the United States government or any
agency or department thereof, that I am or ever have voluntary elected to be treated as a United
States citizen, subject to its jurisdiction, or a resident of any territory, possession, instrumentality
or enclave under the sovereignty or exclusive jurisdiction of any of the several states or of the
United States as defined in the Missouri or U.S. Constitutions.
Therefore, in addition to the fact that no unrevealed federal or state contract can obligate me to
perform in any manner without my fully informed and uncoerced consent, likewise, no federal or

state statutes or regulations apply to me or have any jurisdiction over my actions taken within my
individually held prerogative rights where same harms no one. I hereby affirm that I do not reside
or work in any federal territory of the "District" United States, and that therefore no U.S. federal
government statutes or regulations have any authority over me.
Furthermore, I hereby revoke, rescind, and make void ab initio, all powers of attorney, in fact or
otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, as it pertains to the
Social Security number assigned to me, John Quincy: Public as it pertains to my birth
certificate, marriage or business license, or any other licenses or certificates issued by any and all
government or quasi-governmental entities, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said
agencies to attempt to deprive me of my Sovereignty and/or property and I demand that all
moneys of whatever character which have been paid to such entity in my name be returned to me
without further delay.
I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit" or gratuity
associated with any of the aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. I do hereby revoke
and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in law
or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real
or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. I am the sole and
absolute lawful owner and possess all rights, title and interest in any and all such property.
Take Notice that I also revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio all powers of attorney, in fact, in
presumption, or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, claiming to act on my behalf, with
or without my consent, as such power of attorney pertains to me or any property owned by me,
by, but not limited to, any and all quasi/colorable, public, governmental entities or corporations on
the grounds of constructive fraud, concealment, and nondisclosure of pertinent facts.
I affirm that all of the foregoing is true and correct. I affirm that I am of lawful age and am
competent to make this Affidavit. I hereby affix my own signature to all of the affirmations in this
entire document with explicit reservation of all my unalienable rights and my specific common law
right not to be bound by any contract or obligation which I have not entered into knowingly,
willingly, voluntarily, and without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion.
The use of notary does NOT grant any jurisdiction to anyone and as such none is necessary as I
personally will be glad, in special appearance, to verify that all statements within are true to the
best of my knowledge and that I assert each and every one through this document as truth. My
signature below is evidence of that fact.
Dated Thursday, June 14, 2007
John Quincy: Public