Fillable Printable Agreed Final Decree Divorce - Texas
Fillable Printable Agreed Final Decree Divorce - Texas

Agreed Final Decree Divorce - Texas

NO. 13FD2791
On _________________________________ the Court considered this case.
Petitioner, Toni Sanchez, appeared in person and through attorney of record, Greg B. Enos, and
announced ready for trial.
Respondent, Jesse Joe Sanchez, did not appear in person but has agreed to the term s of this order as
evidenced by Petitioner's signature below.
The record of testimony was duly reported by the court reporter for the 306th Judicial District Court.
Jurisdiction and Domicile
The Court finds that the pleadings of Petitioner are in due form and contain all the allegations,
information, and prerequisites required by law. The Court, after receiving evidence, finds that it has
jurisdiction of this case and of all the parties and that at least sixty days have elapsed since the date the suit
was filed.
The Court further finds that, at the time this suit was filed, Petitioner had been a domiciliary of Texas
for the preceding six-month period and a resident of the county in which this suit was filed for the preceding
ninety-day period. All persons entitled to citation were properly cited.
A jury was waived, and questions of fact and of law were submitted to the Court.
Agreement of Parties
The Court finds that the parties have entered into a written agreement as contained in this decree by
virtue of having appro ved th is decree as to both form and substance. To the extent permitted by law, the
parties stipulate the agreement is enforceable as a contract. The Court approves the agreement of the parties
as contained in this Final Decree of Divorce.
The agreements in this Final Decree of Divorce were reached in mediation with David J. Salinsky.
This Final Decree of Divorce is stipulated to represent a merger of a mediated settlement agreement between
the parties. To the extent there exist any differences between t he mediat ed settlement agreement and this
Final Decree of Divorce, this Final Decree of Divorce shall control in all instances.

IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that Toni Sanchez, Petitioner, and John Joe Sanchez, Respondent,
are divorced and that the marriage between them is dissolved on the ground of insupportability.
Child of the Marriage
The Court finds that there is no child of the marriage of Petitioner and Respondent and that none is
Division of Marital Estate
The Court finds that the following is a just and right division of the parties' marital estate, having due
regard for the rights of each party.
Property to Husband
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the husband, John Joe Sanchez, is awarded the following
as his sole and separate property, and the wife is divested of all right, title, interest, and claim in and to that
H-1. All household furniture, furnishings, fixtures, goods, art objects, collectibles, appliances, and
equipment in the possession of the husband or subject to his sole control.
H-2. All clothing, jewelry, and other personal effects in the possession of the husband or subject
to his sole control.
H-3. All sums of cash in the possession of the husband or subject to his sole control, including
funds on deposit, together with accrued but unpaid interest, in banks, savings institutions, or other financial
institutions, which accounts stand in the husband's sole name or from which the husband has the sole right
to withdraw funds or which are subject to the husband's sole control.
H-4. The sums, whether matured or unmatured, accrued or unaccrued, vested or otherwise,
together with all increases thereof, the proceeds therefrom, and any other rights related to any profit-sharing
plan, retirement plan, Keogh plan, pension plan, employee stock option plan, 401(k) plan, employee savings
plan, accrued unpaid bonuses, disability plan, or other benefits existing by reason of the husband's past,
present, or future employment, except for those portions awarded to Wife below.
H-5. All policies of life insurance (including cash values) insuring the husband's life.
H-6. Toolbox and some of the power tools in wife’s possession.
Property to Wife
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the wife, Toni Sanchez, is awarded the following as her sole
and separate property, and the husband is divested of all right, title, interest, and claim in and to that property:
W-1. All household furniture, furnishings, fixtures, goods, art objects, collectibles, appliances, and
equipment in the possession of the wife or subject to her sole control.
W-2. All clothing, jewelry, and other personal effects in the possession of the wife or subject to
her sole control.
W-3. All sums of cash in the possession of the wife or subject to her sole control, including funds
on deposit, together with accrued but unpaid interest, in banks, savings institutions, or other financial

institutions, which accounts stand in the wife's sole name or from which the wife has the sole right to
withdraw funds or which are subject to the wife's sole control.
W-4. The sums, whether matured or unmatured, accrued or unaccrued, vested or otherwise,
together with all increases thereof, the proceeds therefrom, and any other rights related to any profit-sharing
plan, retirement plan, Keogh plan, pension plan, employee stock option plan, 401(k) plan, employee savings
plan, accrued unpaid bonuses, disability plan, or other benefits existing by reason of the wife's past, present,
or future employment.
W-5. 50% of the community portion Acme Tire Company Employee Savings Plan for Bargaining
Unit Employees as of January 19, 2012, as set forth in the Qualified Domestic Relations Order entered by
this Court.
W-6. All policies of life insurance (including cash values) insuring the wife's life.
W-7. The 2009 Ford Explorer motor vehicle, together with all prepaid insurance, keys, and title
W-8. The T-Shirt Business, including but not limited to all furniture, fixtures, machinery,
equipment, inventory, cash, receivables, accounts, goods, and supplies; all personal property used in
connection with the operation of the business; and all rights and privileges, past, present, or future, arising
out of or in connection with the operation of the business.
W-9. Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) payable by John Joe Sanchez to Toni
Sanchez on or before June 30, 2013, by cash, cashier's check, or money order.
Division of Debt
Debts to Husband
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the husband, John Joe Sanchez, shall pay, as a part of the
division of the estate of the parties, and shall indemnify and hold the wife and h er property harmless from
any failure to so discharge, these items:
H-1. The following debts, charges, liabilities, and obligations:
a. Debt owed to Texas Dow Employees Credit Union, provided John Joe Sanchez is
ordered to not borrow any more funds on this loan in Wife’s name
b. Acme Tire Company Employee Savings Plan 401k loan
H-2. All debts, charges, liabilities, and other obligations incurred solely by the husband from and
after April 5, 2011 unless express provision is made in this decree to the contrary.
H-3. All encumbrances, ad valorem taxes, liens , assessments, or other charges due or to become
due on the real and personal property awarded to the husband in this decree unless express provision is made
in this decree to the contrary.
H-4 All 2011 property taxes due on petitioner’s residence on or before January 31, 2012.
H-5. Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) payable by John Joe Sanchez to Toni
Sanchez on or before June 30, 2013, by cash, cashier's check, or money order.

Debts to Wife
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the wife, Toni Sanchez, shall pay, as a part of the division
of the estate of the parties, and shall in demnif y and hold the husband and his property harmless from any
failure to so discharge, these items:
W-1. The mortgage payable to Greenleaf Mortgage, secured by the property at 616 Elm, League
City, Texas 77573.
W-2. The following debts, charges, liabilities, and obligations:
a. Debt owed to Chase Visa, Account number ending in xxxx
W-3. All debts, charges, liabilities, and other obligations incurred solely by the wife from and after
April 5, 2011 unless express provision is made in this decree to the contrary.
W-4. All encumbrances, ad valorem taxes, liens, assessm ents, or other charges due or to become
due on the real and personal property awarded to the wife in this decree unless express provision is made in
this decree to the contrary.
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that each party shall send to the other party, within three days
of its receipt, a copy of any correspondence from a creditor or taxing authority concerning any potential
liability of the other party.
Attorney's Fees
To effect an equitable division of the estate of the parties and as a part of the division, each party shall
be responsible for his or her own attorney's fees, expenses, and costs incurred as a result of legal
representation in this case.
Liability for Federal Income Taxes for Prior Year
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that John Joe Sanchez shall be responsible for all federal income
tax liabilities of the parties from the date of marriage through December 31, 2011, and he shall timely pay
100 percent of any deficiencies, assessments, penalties, or interest due thereon and shall indemnify and hold
the other party and her property harmless from 100 percent of such liabilities unless such additional tax,
penalty, and/or interest resulted from a party's omission of taxable income or claim of erroneous deductions.
In such case, the portion of the tax, penalty, and/or interest relating to the omitted income or claims of
erroneous deductions shall be paid by the party who earned the omitted income or proffered the claim for an
erroneous deduction. The parties agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed as or is intended as
a waiver of any rights that a party has under the "Innocent Spouse" provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
The parties are ordered to file a joint income tax return for 2011 unless the parties agree in writing
to not do so. IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that if a refund is made for overpayment of taxes for any
year during the parties' marriage through December 31 of 2011, Tammy Jo Sanchez shall be entitled to
seventy-five percent (75%) of the refund and John Joe Sanchez shall be entitled to twenty-five percent (25%)
of the refund, and the party receiving the refund check is designated a constructive trustee for the benefit of
the other party, and shall pay to the other party their percentage of the total amount of the refund check within
five days of receipt of the refund check. Either party is ORDERED to endorse a refund check on presentation
by the other party.

Treatment/Allocation of Community Income for Year of Divorce
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that, for the calendar year 2012, each party shall timely pay and
indemnify and hold the other party and hi s or her property harmless from any federal income tax liability
attributable to the personal earnings of the reporting party and any net income resulting from property subject
to the sole management and control of the reporting party from January 1 of that year through the date of
divorce and for all such postdivorce earnings and income.
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that for calendar year 2012, each party shall indemnify and hold
the other party and his or her property h ar mle ss from any tax liability associated with the reporting party 's
individual tax return for that year unless the parties have agreed to allocate th eir tax liability in a manner
different from that reflected on their returns.
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that each party shall furnish such information to the other party
as is requested to prepare federal income tax returns for 2012 within thirty days of receipt of a written request
for the information, and in no event shall the availa ble information be exchanged later than March 1, 2013.
As requested information becomes available after that date, it shall be provided within ten days of receipt.
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that all payments made to the other party in accordance with the
allocation provisions for payment of federal income taxes contained in this Final Decree of Divorce are not
deemed income to the party receiving those payments but are part of the property division and necessary for
a just and right division of the parties' estate.
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that any assets of the parties not awarded or divided by this Final
Decree of Divorce are subject to future division as provided in the Texas Family Code.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED, as a part of the division of the estate of the parties,
that any community liability not expressly assumed by a party under this decree is to be paid by the party
incurring the liability, and the party incurring the liability shall indemnify and hold the other party and his
or her property harmless from any failure to so discharge the liability.
Confirmation of Separate Property
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the following described property is confirmed as the separate
property of Toni Sanchez: 616 Elm Avenue, League City Texas 77573 and the 2009 Ford Explorer.
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the following described property is confirmed as the separate
property of John Joe Sanchez: 2003 GMC Sierra; and the pre-marital part of his Acme Tire Company
Employee Savings Plan in the amount of $19,423.10.
Change of Petitioner's Name
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that Toni Sanchez's name is changed to Toni Ackermann.
Court Costs
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that costs of court are to be borne by the party who incurred
Resolution of Temporary Orders
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that all obligations and duties imposed by the tem porary orders
of this Court that are not yet discharged shall survive this judgment, and independent enforcement may be
Discharge from Discovery Retention Requirement
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the parties and their respective attorneys are discharged from
the requirement of keeping and storing the documents produced in this case in accordance with rule 191.4(d)
of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
Decree Acknowledgment
Petitioner, Toni Sanchez, and Respondent, John Joe Sanchez, each acknowledge that before signing
this Final Decree of Divorce they have read this Final Decree of Divorce fully and completely, have had the
opportunity to ask any questions regarding the same, and fully understand that the contents of this Final
Decree of Divorce constitute a full and complete resolution of this case. Petitioner and Respondent
acknowledge that they have voluntarily affixed their signatures to this Final Decree of Divorce, believing this
agreement to be a just and right division of the marital debt and assets, and state that they have not signed by
virtue of any coercion, any duress, or any agreement other than those specifically set forth in this Final Decree
of Divorce.
Each party represents and warrants that he or she has not incurred any outstanding debt, obligation,
or other liability on which the other party is or may be liable, other than those described in this decree. Each
party agrees and IT IS ORDERED that if any claim, action, or proceeding is hereafter initiated seeking to
hold the party not assuming a debt, an obligation, a liability, an act, or an omission of the other party liable
for such debt, obligation, liability, act or omission of the other party, that other party will, at his or her sole
expense, defend the party not assuming the debt, obligation, liability, act, or omission of the other party
against any such claim or demand, whether or not well founded, and will indemnify the party not assuming
the debt, obligation, liability, act, or omission of the other party and hold him or her harmless from all
damages resulting from the claim or demand.
Damages, as used in this provision, includes any reasonable loss, cost, expense, penalty, and other
damage, including without limitation attorney's fees and other costs and expenses reasonably and necessarily
incurred in enforcing this indemnity.
IT IS ORDERED that the indemnifying party will reimburse the indemnified party, on demand, for
any payment made by the indemnified party at any time after the entry of the divorce decree to satisfy any
judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction or in accordance with a bona fide compromise or settlement
of claims, demands, or actions for any damages to which this indemnity relates.
The parties agree and IT IS ORDERED that each party will give the other party prompt written notice
of any litigation threatened or instituted against either party that might constitute the basis of a claim for
indemnity under this decree.
Clarifying Orders
Without affecting the finality of this Final Decree of Divorce, this Court expressly reserves the right
to make orders necessary to clarify and enforce this decree.
Relief Not Granted
IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that all relief requested in this case and not expressly granted is
denied. This is a final judgment, for which let execution and all writs and processes necessary to enforce this
judgment issue. This judgment finally disposes of all claims and all parties and is appealable.

Date of Judgment
Enos Law Firm, P.C.
17207 Feather Craft Lane
Webster, Texas 77598
Tel: (281) 333-3030
Fax: (281) 488-7775
Greg B. Enos
Attorney for Petitioner
State Bar No. 06630450
Toni Sanchez, Petitioner
John Joe Sanchez, Respondent