
Fillable Printable Alabama 7 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

Fillable Printable Alabama 7 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

Alabama 7 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

Alabama 7 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

Alabama 7 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
Date: ____________________________
To: _____________________________ [Tenant's Name]:
and all other tenants in possession of the hereinafter described premises:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the rent is past due on said premises which you currently
hold and occupy. Your rental account is delinquent in the amount itemized as follows:
Rental period: ___________________________ Rent due: $_________
Rental period: ___________________________ Rent due: $_________
Rental period: ___________________________ Rent due: $_________
Total rent due:$_________
Less partial payment of:$_________
Total balance due:$_________
Pursuant to written lease dated ______________________________, you are hereby
required to pay said rent on said premises or you are hereby required to deliver up
possession of the premises, within _______days after service on you of this notice, to
the undersigned or the undersigned will institute legal proceedings against you, to declare
a forfeiture of the lease under which you occupy said premises and to recover possession
thereof, including rents and damages.
The undersigned ________ Does /________ Does Not elect to terminate the lease if the
rent is not paid within _______ days.
The premises referred to are commonly known as:
Authorized By:
________________, Landlord
Return on Service
I received this notice at ________________ (time)on
_______________________(date), and on __________________
(date), at __________________(time) , I served it on the
within-named ___________________________ (name of tenant)in
the manner described below.(Check One)
_____ By leaving it with some person above the age of 18
years residing on or in possession of the premises.
_____ By posting it onthe front door of the premises.
Done this ________ day of ___________________, 20_____.
(Signatureof Server)
Sworn to and subscribed before me this ______ day of
________________, 20_____.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
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