Fillable Printable American Eagle Job Application Form
Fillable Printable American Eagle Job Application Form

American Eagle Job Application Form

Please complete all requested information. (Please print legibly in ink.)
Location/Store #___________________________________________________ Today's Date__________________________________________
Name (Last First Middle) Telephone - Home Telephone - Work
Street Address Date you can start work
City Province Postal Code Full Time Part Time Temporary
Days Evenings Weekends All
Please indicate the hours you are available to work during both day and evening
Willing and able to relocate? Yes No shifts for each day: (i.e. 5 p.m.-10 p.m.)
If yes, identify geographical area:
Have you ever worked for American Eagle Outfitters, Thrifty's, Shift Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Bluenotes or NLS before? Yes No From
If yes, state where, when, final position, and reason for leaving: To
Have you ever applied to American Eagle Outfitters, Thrifty's, Note: Should your availability change, it is your responsibility to notify your manager.
Bluenotes or NLS before? Yes No (Any changes to availability are subject to manager approval based on business need.)
If yes, where and when?
Do you have a spouse, child, or parent currently employed by American Eagle Outfitters, Thrifty's/Bluenotes, and/or NLS? Yes No
If yes, identify by name(s) relationship, position and location where employed:
Is any additional information relative to change of name, use of an assumed name or nickname necessary to enable a check on your employment history?
American Eagle Outfitters Canada Corporation is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants and employees are considered for employment, advancement, and compensation based upon their skills
and performance without regard to race, sex, national origin, citizenship status, age, ancestry, handicap, disability, marital status, or any other ground under Human Rights legislation.
Po siti on Desir ed
Yes No If yes, please explain:
List all current and former employers, beginning with present or most current employer first. Include any periods of unemployment, self employment, etc.
Information provided is subject to verification. Please explain any gaps in employment in the general comment space provided on the back of this application.
Company Name Starting Position Starting Salary
Street City Province Postal Code Last Position Final Salary
Phone Supervisor's Name Title Duties:
Reason for leaving: Dates of employment
May be contacted now? Yes No Start: (Month/Year) End: (Month/Year)
Company Name Starting Position Starting Salary
Street City Province Postal Code Last Position Final Salary
Phone Supervisor's Name Title Duties:
Reason for leaving: Dates of employment
May be contacted now? Yes No Start: (Month/Year) End: (Month/Year)
Company Name Starting Position Starting Salary
Street City Province Postal Code Last Position Final Salary
Phone Supervisor's Name Title Duties:
Reason for leaving: Dates of employment
May be contacted now? Yes No Start: (Month/Year) End: (Month/Year)

Have you ever been discharged from any employment?
Yes No If yes, please explain:
Have you ever been convicted (found guilty) of a criminal offense for which you have not been pardoned?
Yes No If yes, state details (When/for what/final disposition?):
Note: Depending on the nature of the offense, a conviction record will not necessarily bar individuals from employment.
Are you legally eligible to work in Canada?
Yes No
Professional references can include current or former Supervisors, Counselors, Teachers, Professors, and/or Coaches
Professional Reference (Not related to you) Professional Reference (Not related to you)
Name (Last First Middle) Name (Last First Middle)
Street City Province Postal Code Street City Province Postal Code
Phone Job Title Phone Job Title
How acquainted and for how long? How acquainted and for how long?
Type of School Number of years completed Diploma or Degree Type Type of Course / Major
High School Yes No
College Yes No
Post Grad Yes No
Additional Yes No
If job related, indicate the job skills which you have performed:
How did you hear of this position? Why are you interested in working for American Eagle Outfitters and what are your
Walk in applicant career objectives?
Newspaper ad Name
Community Organization Name
Employment Agency Name
School/College Name
Other Name
Employee Referral Name
The statements on this application form and any resume submitted by me are absolutely true and correct. Any false or misrepresented statements could result in my not being eligible for employment or
in the termination of my employment for cause, regardless of seniority or other considerations. I agree that if I should be offered and accept employment, that I will be a probationary employee for a
period of 90 days (6 months in New Brunswick) during which time I may be terminated or resign without notice.
I acknowledge that after my probationary period I may also be terminated for cause without notice or pay in lieu of notice; cause can include (but not limited to) theft, insubordination, serious misconduct,
conflict of interest, neglect of duty, ongoing poor performance, etc... I agree that I may also be terminated without cause, subject only to the company complying with my province's employment/labour
standards legislation as my full legal entitlement and agree I have no other entitlement under common law. I understand that I am to inform myself of my employment/labour standards entitlement prior to
accepting employment with the company.
I hereby consent to the collection and disclosure of any relevant personal information for any purposes reasonably required in connection with my employment.
I agree to abide by all company rules and regulations, written or unwritten, established by the Company, my Store Manager, or my Supervisor. I agree to become a member of any compulsory company
benefit plans and programs and to remain a member of such plans for the required time period. I agree that my social insurance number can be used for record keeping purposes. The company may
make inquiries of and request any information as permitted by law from the persons and companies noted and referred to on the application form or any other materials furnished by me and that no
person or organization shall be liable as a consequence of the answers to such inquiries.
I understand that because of the nature of retail operations, the company reserves the right (except where prohibited by law) to conduct inspections of my person, lockers, bags (including purses and
briefcases) or parcels brought into or taken out of the store. I understand that refusal to submit to a requested inspection may result (except where prohibited by law) in termination of my employment.
Signature Date