Fillable Printable Announcement Letter Format
Fillable Printable Announcement Letter Format

Announcement Letter Format
Announcement Letter Format
Hardik Shetty,
Rounak Gardens,
Vikhroli Road.
Sep 2010
Subject: Inform about individual & separate business entity.
Dear Mr. Hardik;
With reference to the above subject & in accordance with the increasing
public interest & media encroachment; this is with due respect & bearing
the professional ethics to inform & make it clear to distinguish & separate
the two different entities with names as the first being ‘Friends & Company’
& the late being ‘Friends & Foes Company’ on legal as well as social
Further the only one common link in the aforesaid entities is just the similar
names relating to friends. It is prudent in corporate terms to make even a
thin line difference to dive & on own terms in the big ocean.
Lastly with courteous request to all the related & associated ones to take in
to consideration to avoid from any future uncertainties & possible illusions
from any of the aforesaid entities.
Warm Regards,
Naresh Gavle.
Signed For Friends & Company