Fillable Printable Apa 6Th Edition Title Page
Fillable Printable Apa 6Th Edition Title Page

Apa 6Th Edition Title Page

APA: A Quick and Easy Guide
Margins: 1 inch
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt
Paragraphs: Double-space
Alignment: Left
Header: Running head
Title Page
Main Body
List of References
The heading for APA belongs on the title page of the document. (Example below)
Instructors might require different information.
Student’s name
Course and section number
Professor’s name
Date (month day, year)
The abstract should be written in tight, concise language (between 150 to 250 words). It
should contain at least your research topic, research questions, participants, methods,
results, data analysis, and conclusions.
In-Text Citation:
(Information below provided by Purdue OWL)

If paraphrasing an idea from another work, you only have to refer to the author and
year of publication in your in-text reference, but APA guidelines encourage you to
also provide the page number (although it is not required.)
Ex: paraphrasing of the text (Author last name, year of publication) punctuation at
the end
Ex: … (Robbins, 2008).
Quote less than 40 words:
Name author in the signal phrase or in the parentheses each time you cite the work.
In the parenthetical citation after the author’s last name, include the publication year
and the quoted page numbers from the reference. Make sure to separate each piece of
information in the parenthetical citation with commas.
Ex: “…” (Smith, 2005, p.6).
Ex: “…” (Smith, 2005, pp. 8-9).
Incorporating a source into a paragraph:
If you are directly quoting from a work, you will need to include the author, year of
publication, and the page number for the reference (preceded by "p."). Introduce the
quotation with a signal phrase that includes the author's last name followed by the
date of publication in parentheses.
According to Stemmer (2008)…
Stemmer (2008) indicates…
Quote more than 40 words (block quote):
Block quotes in APA are like MLA but with a year attached. For prose, if a quotation
runs longer than 40 words into the text, set it off from the text by beginning a new
line, indenting one-half inch from the left margin, and typing it double-spaced,
without adding quotation marks. Indent any new, subsequent paragraph by one-half
inch. The parenthetical reference for a block quotation sits at the very end in
parentheses after the closing punctuation.
Ex: . (Roueche & Roueche, 1993, p.121)
Secondary Source:
When citing a source within a source, name the original work and give a citation for
the secondary source.
Ex: Stemmer’s work (as cited in Pratt, 2008).
Pratt on Reference page
Reference Page:
(Examples provided by APA: The Easy Way)
Title: References (centered)
Branham, C. (1998). Profiles of great African Americans. Lincolnwood, IL: Publications
Clemetson, L. (2001, January 8). Oprah on Oprah. Newsweek, 137, 38-44.
Dedman, B. (1999, October 10). Professor Oprah, preaching what she practices. New
York Times, p. C1.
Sandsworth, L. R. (n.d.). Oprah’s dynasty. Retrieved from
For further information, check the APA manual.