Fillable Printable Applicant Drug Testing Consent Agreement
Fillable Printable Applicant Drug Testing Consent Agreement

Applicant Drug Testing Consent Agreement

As a prerequisite to employment, I hereby agree to allow the Company to collect
urine samples from me to determine the presence of illegal drugs in my body.
Further, I give my consent to release my test results to authorized Company
Management for appropriate review, and authorize the Company to use the test
results as a defense to any legal action to which I am party.
I understand that the results of the drug testing of my urine, if confirmed
positive will remove me from consideration for employment. I also understand
that if I refuse to consent, I will be removed from further consideration of
Further, I understand that if employed by the Company, I must abide by the
terms of the Company’s drug-free work place policy and may be required to
submit to testing for the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol. I understand that
submission to such testing is a condition of employment with the Company, and
disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, may result if (1) I refuse to
consent to such testing; (2) I refuse to execute all forms of consent and releases
of Liability as are usually and reasonably attendant to such examination; (3) I
refuse to authorize release of the test results to the Company (if the tests
establish a violation of the Company’s drug-free work place policy); or (4) I
otherwise violate the policy.
I hereby consent to the administration of the drug test and to the terms and
conditions of the Consent Agreement.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Social Security Number
Witness’ Signature Date
I hereby refuse the drug detection urine test
Applicant’s Signature Date
Social Security Number
Witness’ Signature Date