Fillable Printable Application for Registration As An Australian Company
Fillable Printable Application for Registration As An Australian Company

Application for Registration As An Australian Company

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 1 of 8
Application for registration as an Australian
Form 201
Corporations Act 2001
Use this form to apply to ASIC for registration of a company under the Corporations Act 2001.
Lodgement details
An image of this form will be available as
part of the public register.
Who should ASIC contact if there is a query about this form?
ASIC registered agent number (if applicable)
Contact name/position description Telephone number (during business hours)
( )
Email address (optional)
Postal address
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
1 State/territory of registration
I apply for registration of the company under the Corporations Act 2001 and nominate the State or Territory in which the
company will be taken to be registered.
Give State or Territory
2 Details of the company
Does the company have a proposed company name?
If yes, the proposed company name is
Name reservation number (if any)
The company name on registration will be its Australian Company Number (ACN).
Tick the legal elements that apply
Pty. Ltd. Proprietary Limited No liability NL
If there is insufcient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of this lodgement
Australian Securities &
Investments Commission
Related Forms
208 - Notication of details of shares allotted other than for cash
207Z - Certication of compliance with stamp duty law

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 2 of 8
2 Continued ... Further details of the company
Is the proposed name identical to a registered business name(s)?
Yes No
If yes, I declare that I hold, or am registering the company for the holder(s) of, the identical business
name(s), the registration details of which are listed below.
For business names registered before
28 May 2012 without an ABN.
Previous business number Previous state/territory of registration
Type of company
proprietary company
Class of company
limited by shares
unlimited with a share capital
Special purpose (if applicable)
home unit (HUNT)
superannuation trustee (PSTC)
charitable purposes only (PNPC)
public company
limited by shares
limited by guarantee
unlimited with a share capital
no liability
superannuation trustee (ULSS)
charitable purposes only (ULSN)
Special purpose company
Refer to Guide for descriptions of
special purpose companies.
If this is a special purpose company, tick the box below to make the declaration.
I declare that this company is a special purpose company as dened under Regulation 3 of the Corporations
(Review Fees) Regulations 2003.
Governance of a public company
A public company that is:
• a superannuation trustee, or
• for charitable purposes only,
must have a constitution.
The company will rely entirely on replaceable rules
The company has a constitution
A proposed public company which has adopted a “Constitution” must lodge a copy of the constitution with
this application.
If the proposed company is to be a public company limited by guarantee, state the amount of the guarantee that each
member agrees to in writing.
The amount of the member’s guarantee is
(insert amount)
Registered ofce
You cannot use a PO Box address
At the ofce of, C/- (if applicable)
Ofce, unit, level
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 3 of 8
2 Continued ... Further details of the company
Does the company occupy the premises?
If no, name of occupier
Occupier’s consent (Select box to indicate the statement below is correct)
The occupier of the premises has consented in writing to the use of the specied address as the address of
the registered ofce of the company and has not withdrawn that consent.
Ofce hours
For a public company
a. Registered ofce of a public company is open to the public each business day from at least 10 am to 12 noon
and 2 pm to 4 pm.
b. Registered ofce of a public company is open to the public each business day for at least 3 hours between
9 am and 5 pm.
If b, insert hours open
from am/pm
to am/pm
Principal place of business If same as registered ofce, write “as above”.
Ofce, unit, level
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
3 Appoint ofceholder
A public company must have a minimum
of 3 directors (2 resident in Australia)
and 1 secretary (resident in Australia).
A proprietary company must have
a minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The ofce of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Ofceholder(s) appointment date shall
be effective from the beginning of the
day on which the company becomes
Ofce held
Director Secretary
Family name Given names
Former name
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
/ /
[D D] [M M] [Y Y]
Place of birth (town/city) (state/country)

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 4 of 8
3 Continued ... Appoint another ofceholder
A public company must have a
minimum of 3 directors (2 resident in
Australia) and 1 secretary (resident in
A proprietary company must have
a minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The ofce of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Ofceholder(s) appointment date shall
be effective from the beginning of the
day on which the company becomes
Ofce held
Director Secretary
Family name Given names
Former name
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
/ /
[D D] [M M] [Y Y]
Place of birth (town/city) (state/country)
3 Continued ... Appoint another ofceholder
A public company must have a
minimum of 3 directors (2 resident in
Australia) and 1 secretary (resident in
A proprietary company must have
a minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The ofce of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Ofceholder(s) appointment date shall
be effective from the beginning of the
day on which the company becomes
Ofce held
Director Secretary
Family name Given names
Former name
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
/ /
[D D] [M M] [Y Y]
Place of birth (town/city) (state/country)
4 Identify ultimate holding company
Will the company have an ultimate holding company upon registration?
If yes, provide the following details of the ultimate holding company
Company name
ACN/ARBN/ABN Country of incorporation (if not Australia)

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 5 of 8
5 Share structure table
Details of shares issued by the company. Please show all details of shares that the company has on issue at the time of this application.
Standard share codes
Refer to the table for the share class
codes for sections 5 and 6.
Share class code Full title Share class code Full title
PRF preference
B B ...etc
CUMP cumulative preference
EMP employee’s
NCP non-cumulative preference
FOU founder’s
REDP redeemable preference
LG life governor’s
NRP non-redeemable preference
MAN management
CRP cumulative redeemable preference
ORD ordinary
NCRP non-cumulative redeemable preference
RED redeemable
PARP participative preference
SPE special
If you are using the standard share class codes you do not need to provide the full title for the shares, just the share class code.
If you are not using the standard share class code, enter a code of no more than 4 letters and then show the full title.
class code
Full title if not standard Total number of
Total amount
paid on these
Total amount
unpaid on these
Are any of these shares issued other than for cash?
Yes No
If yes, will some or all of the shares be issued under
a written contract?
If no, continue to Section 6 Details of members.
If yes: Proprietary companies
Lodge a Form 207Z certifying that all stamp duties have been paid.
Public companies
Lodge a Form 207Z and either a Form 208 or a copy of the contract.
If no: Proprietary companies
Continue to Section 6 Details of members.
Public companies
Lodge a Form 208.

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 6 of 8
6 Details of members
Use this section to notify the name and address of each person who consents to become a member.
If shares are jointly owned, provide names and addresses of all joint-owners on a separate sheet (annexure), clearly indicating the share class and with whom the
shares are jointly owned.
Please complete a separate section below for each member, print additional copies of page 7 if more members are required.
Member details and shareholding
Indicate whether the member is an
individual or a company and provide the:
• name of the individual or company
• address of the individual or
company, and
• shareholding.
Family name
Given names
Company name
Address of individual or company
Ofce, unit, level, or PO Box number
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Complete each column for each share class the above member has agreed, in writing, to take up.
Note: Benecially held usually means that the owner of the shares is entitled to the direct benet from the shares. For example, benets could include the
entitlements to payments in relation to any dividends. Shares held by a person as trustee, nominee or on account of another person are non-benecially held.
Share class
Number of
shares taken up
Amount agreed to
pay per share
Total $ paid on
these shares
Amount unpaid
per share
Total $ unpaid on
these shares
Fully paid
held (y/n)

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 7 of 8
6 Continued ... Details of another member
Family name Given names
Company name
Ofce, unit, level, or PO Box number
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Share class
Number of
shares taken up
Amount agreed to
pay per share
Total $ paid on
these shares
Amount unpaid
per share
Total $ unpaid on
these shares
Fully paid
held (y/n)
6 Continued ... Details of another member
Family name Given names
Company name
Ofce, unit, level, or PO Box number
Street number and Street name
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Country (if not Australia)
Share class
Number of
shares taken up
Amount agreed to
pay per share
Total $ paid on
these shares
Amount unpaid
per share
Total $ unpaid on
these shares
Fully paid
held (y/n)

ASIC Form 201 11 December 2012 Page 8 of 8
Declaration by applicant
I/we apply for registration of a company on the basis of the information in this form and any attachments. I/we
have the necessary written consents and agreements referred to in the application concerning the member and
ofceholders and I/we shall give the consents and agreements to the company after the company becomes
registered. The information provided in this application and in any annexures is true and correct at the time of
Signature of applicant
Payment has been attached
Provide family and given names OR
corporation name (include ACN/ARBN if
Name of applicant
Capacity of applicant
If the applicant is an individual - 1 signature
If the applicant is a corporation - a director
or secretary to sign.
Name of ofceholder
If the agent for the applicant is a rm – a
member/partner of the rm to sign
Agent for individual or corporation
Name of agent
Signature of applicant
Date signed
/ /
[D D] [M M] [Y Y]
Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841
For more information
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630

ASIC Form 201 Guide 1 July 2014 Page 1 of 2
Application for registration as an Australian
This guide does not form part of the prescribed form. It is included by ASIC to assist you in completing and lodging the Form 201.
Use this form to apply to ASIC for registration of a company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act).
This form must be signed by:
• the applicant; or
• a person who has consented to become a director or secretary or member of the company; or
• the agent for the applicant, being a person who has authority to sign the form on behalf of the applicant(s).
Lodgement period
Nil – to be lodged when required.
Lodging fee
A lodgement fee applies to this form.
For information on fees refer to
Ofceholder address
Ofceholders’ addresses must be their usual current residential address. An alternative address may only be used
where we approve an application under s205D of the Corporations Act.
Replaceable rules and
The Corporations Act contains ‘replaceable rules’ which apply to all companies—except companies where the sole
member is also the sole director—and may be used to govern the internal running of the company. Companies may
displace some of the replaceable rules by a constitution and be governed by a combination of replaceable rules for
some things and their own constitution for others. Where the proposed company is to be governed by a combination of
replaceable rules and a constitution, please tick the box that says ‘The company has a constitution’.
A company with more than one member/director may adopt a constitution provided all persons who have agreed to
become a member of the company agree to the terms and conditions.
If a written constitution governs the company, a copy of the constitution must also be lodged. A public company that is:
• a superannuation trustee, or
• for charitable purposes only,
must have a written constitution.
Company names
A name is available unless it is identical to:
• a name that is currently reserved or registered under the Corporations Act for another body, or
• a name that is held or registered on the business names register in respect of another individual or body who is not
the person applying to have the name, or
• is unacceptable for registration under the Corporations Regulations 2001.
If it is proposed to register a name which is identical to a registered business name(s), we must be satised that the
proposed company is entitled to the use of the name under s147. Therefore either the owner, or someone registering
the company for the owner of the business name, must be the applicant for registration and the questions regarding the
business name(s) shown on the Form 201 must be completed.
The information concerning identical business names on the Form 201 may instead be given in a statement attached
to the Form 201 (as an annexure) under the heading ‘Declaration Regarding Registered Business Name(s)’. Be sure
to provide the same information as is required on the Form 201. The statement must be dated and signed by the
applicant as being ‘true and correct’ as follows: ‘I declare that the information given in this statement is true and correct’.
Form 201
Corporations Act 2001
Australian Securities &
Investments Commission
Related Forms
208 - Notication of details of shares allotted other than for cash
207Z - Certication of compliance with stamp duty law

ASIC Form 201 Guide 1 July 2014 Page 2 of 2
Special purpose companies
The different types of special purpose companies that can be established on registration are:
Charitable purposes only
A company whose constitution requires it to pursue charitable purposes only and to apply its income in promoting those
purposes; and prohibits the company making distributions to its members and paying fees to its directors; and requires
its directors to approve all other payments the company makes to them.
Home unit company
A proprietary company:
• that is the proprietor of land on which a building is erected and divided into separate residential areas and areas for
common usage
• whose members are entitled to exclusive occupation of one or more of those areas and use of the common areas,
• which operates solely to facilitate the rights of those members in relation to their exclusive occupation of those
residential areas and maintenance of the common areas.
Superannuation trustee company
A company that acts solely as the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of s19 of the
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and whose constitution prohibits the distribution of its income or
property among its members.
Other types of companies
A no–liability company (NL) must be a public company. The Corporations Act limits the activities of a NL company to
mining purposes only and obliges a NL company’s constitution to state, amongst other things, that its sole objects are
mining purposes only.
A company limited by guarantee (LMGT) must be a public company. In order for a LMGT company to qualify as a
‘special purpose company’ as dened by the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003, its constitution must
contain, amongst other things, provisions which limit its activities to charitable purposes only.
Shares issued other than
for cash or under a written
For public companies
If shares will be issued for other than cash, then a Form 208 Notication of details of shares allotted other than for cash,
or a copy of the ‘contract’ must be lodged.
If the shares will be issued under written contract, then a Form 207Z Certication of compliance with stamp duty law
must also be lodged.
For proprietary companies
If shares will be issued under written contract or issued for other than cash, a Form 207Z Certication of compliance
with stamp duty law must be lodged.
How to provide additional
Photocopied Form 201 pages
If there is insufcient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of
this lodgement.
If there is insufcient space in any section of the form, you may alternately submit annexures as part of this lodgement.
To make any annexure conform to the regulations, you must
1. use A4 size paper of white or light pastel colour with a margin of at least 10mm on all sides
2. show the company name and ACN or ARBN
3. number the pages consecutively
4. print or type in BLOCK letters in dark blue or black ink so that the document is clearly legible when photocopied
5. mark the annexure with an identifying letter or symbol eg a,b,c or 1,2,3 etc.
6. endorse the annexure with the words:
This annexure (mark) of (number) pages referred to in form (form number and title)
7. sign and date the annexure
The annexure must be signed by the same person(s) who signed the form.
The information provided to ASIC in this form may include personal information. Please refer to our privacy policy
( for more information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek
access to and correct personal information, and to complain about breaches of your privacy.
Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841
For more information
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630