Fillable Printable Application for Search of Birth Record Files - Illinois
Fillable Printable Application for Search of Birth Record Files - Illinois

Application for Search of Birth Record Files - Illinois

Before a request for a copy of a birth record can be considered you must specify your eligibility to obtain it.
ILCS410/535/25(4) states that copies of birth records may only be issued upon:
• The order of a court of competent jurisdiction
• The specific written request for a certification or certified copy by the person, if of legal age (18 or older), or by a
parent or other legal representative* of the person to whom the record of birth relates; or
• The specific written request for a certification or certified copy by a department of the state, a municipal corporation,
or the federal government
*77 Illinois AdmCode 500.10 refers to “Legal representative” as
• An attorney acting on behalf of a person(s) named on a birth certificate;
• An agent authorized by power of attorney;
• A court-appointed personal representative;
• An agent with written, notarized authorization from a person(s) named on a birth certificate for the purpose of obtaining a
certified copy or certification for that person; or
• Any other agent, approved by the State Registrar as a legal representative of the person to whom the birth certificate relates.
NOTE: Any person who, willfully and knowingly uses or attempts to use, or furnishes to another for use, for any purpose
of deception, any certificate, record, report, certification or certified copy thereof so made, altered, amended, or mutilated; or,
Any person who with the intention to deceive, willfully uses or attempts to use any certification or certified copy of a
record of birth knowing that such certification or certified copy was issued upon a record that is false in whole or in part
or that relates to the birth of another person, is guilty of a Class 4 felony in the state of Illinois (ILCS 410/535/27(f)).
A NON-EXPIRED, GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID, such as a driver's license. If you have an extension sticker on
your license, submit a copy of both sides of the license. If you do not have a driver's license, a photo ID Card issued
by the Department of Motor Vehicles can be provided.
If your driver's license or ID Card is expired or not available, you must submit TWO (2) pieces of documentation with
your name on them. In addition to your name, one piece must also have your current address on it to prove your identity.
ONE piece of documentation can be a bill or other USPS mail; the SECOND must be one of the items listed below:
• Medical/car insurance card • Bank statement
• Credit card statement • Public assistance card
• Paycheck stub with imprinted information • Active duty military ID w/ issued and expiration dates
• Voter’s registration card • EBT Link Card (Illinois Electronic Benefit Transfer)
• Car registration paperwork
Matrícula Consular card issued after October 2006 is acceptable on its own. However, if issued prior to
October 2006, we need ONE additional type of documentation showing current address as noted above. If
you do not have any of the items listed above, please submit a copy of a current utility bill (electricity, cellular
phone, water, etc.) showing your name and current address.
If you are currently incarcerated, you can submit a dated copy of your prison intake/offender summary sheet
containing your photo. If you have been released from prison within the last six months, a copy of the release
papers along with the prison photo ID will be accepted.
If you are writing from a state or federal agency, you can submit a copy of your photo work badge with issued
and expiration dates.
State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Public Health

NOTE: Birth Certificates are confidential records and copies can only be issued to persons entitled to receive them (for a complete
list, see other side). The application must indicate the requestor’s relationship to the person and the intended use of the document.
VR 180 (Rev. 2/15)
Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois P.O.#1415146 3M 2/15 IOCI 15-571
PRINT NAME ____________________________________________
STREET ADDRESS _______________________________________
CITY_____________________ STATE ______ ZIP ___________
YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO PERSON _________________________
INTENDED USE __________________________________________
SIGNATURE _____________________________________________
MAIL RECORD(S) TO: (If other than applicant)
NAME ___________________________________________
AGENCY ________________________________________
STREET ADDRESS ________________________________
CITY ____________________________________________
STATE ______ ZIP _____________
FULL NAME (First, Middle, Last Prior to First Marriage/Civil Union)
PLACE OF BIRTH (Hospital, City or Town, County, State)
FATHER/CO-PARENT'S NAME (First, Middle, Last Prior to First Marriage/Civil Union, Current Legal Last Name)
MOTHER/CO-PARENT'S NAME (First, Middle, Last Prior to First Marriage/Civil Union, Current Legal Last Name)
MAIL TO: Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records, 925 E. Ridgely Avenue, Springfield, IL 62702-2737
For more information -
State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Public Health
Application for Search of Birth Record Files
The state began recording birth records on January 1, 1916.
The Division of Vital Records offers two types of birth certificates available for legal purposes.
Please indicate your choice below and return this form with the proper fee and a legible copy of your non-expired, government
issued photo ID.
Illinois Law (ILCS410/535/25(1)) requires advanced payment for the search of birth record files. This $10.00 search fee, included in
the price of the copy(ies) you are requesting, is non-refundable.
DO NOT SEND CASH – Make check or money order payable to: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Birth certificate (with the following items: name, date of birth, sex,
place of birth, mother/co-parent's maiden name,
mother/co-parent's place of birth, mother/co-parent's age,
father/co-parent’s name, father/co-parent's place of birth,
father/co-parent's age, file date, date issued and State File number)
$10.00 first copy $2.00 each additional copy
Amount enclosed $__________ for ________ total copies
Birth certificate (with available information collected at time of birth
- information has varied throughout the years)
$15.00 first copy $2.00 each additional copy
Amount enclosed $__________ for ________ total copies
Foreign birth (births of adopted persons born outside of the U.S.
who were re-adopted in Illinois) OR
$5.00 each copy
Amount enclosed $__________ for ________ total copies
Genealogical (uncertified) (records 75 years old and older)
$10 first copy $2 each additional copy
Amount enclosed $__________ for ________ total copies