Fillable Printable Application Form for McDonald's Employment
Fillable Printable Application Form for McDonald's Employment

Application Form for McDonald's Employment

This independent McDonald’s franchise is an equal opportunity employer
committed to a diverse and inclusive work force.
Name _____________________________________________________________ Number____________________________
First Middle Init. Last
Address _____________________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________
Street Apt./Suite# City State Zip
How long
at this Previous How long
address?_____________ address______________________________________________________________ there? ______
Position you are
applying for____________________ Location of restaurant you would like to work at ________________________
Date available Referred Do you have transportation
for work_________________________ by ________________________________________ to work? ❏ YES ❏ NO
Are you legally authorized to work Are you willing to transfer/
in the United States? ❏ YES ❏ NO relocate? ❏ YES ❏ NO
If so, geographic preference___________________________________________
Are you willing to Do you have a relative in
travel? ❏ YES ❏ NO the employ of McDonald’s?
❏ YES ❏ NO If yes, who? _______________________________________
Have you ever been If so, when Position held:
employed by McDonald’s and where last ❏ Crew ❏ Staff
before? ❏ YES ❏ NO employed?______________________________________ ❏ Management
Did you
School Name, City and State (Yes/No) Degree/Courses G.P.A.
High School
Graduate School
©2004 McDonald’s Corporation CS-5066 U.S. Rev. 1/04 (Licensee)
Hiring Manager: Detach and file separately
This independently owned and operated McDonald’s organization is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse work
force. In order to assist us in our efforts, we invite you to voluntarily provide responses to the following requests for information.
Failure to respond will not subject you to adverse treatment. This form shall be kept confidential and will not be retained with your
application. Information provided will be used only in accordance with the law and for equal opportunity purposes.
❏ Male ❏ American Indian (1) ❏ White (4)
❏ Female ❏ Hispanic (2) ❏ Black (5)
❏ Asian American (3)

List below your three most recent employers, beginning with the current or most recent one. If you were employed under
a maiden or other name, please enter that name in the right hand margin.
May we contact your present employer? ❏ YES ❏ NO
EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND (most recent first)
Name __________________________________ Address________________________________________________________
Job Name of
Title_________________________________________ Supervisor_____________________________ Phone____________
Date Date Base Salary Reason
Started ________ Left____________ or Wage $ _________/$__________/$ ________ for Leaving __________________
Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Start End (Bonus, etc.)
Name __________________________________ Address________________________________________________________
Job Name of
Title_________________________________________ Supervisor_____________________________ Phone____________
Date Date Base Salary Reason
Started ________ Left____________ or Wage $ _________/$__________/$ ________ for Leaving __________________
Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Start End (Bonus, etc.)
Name __________________________________ Address________________________________________________________
Job Name of
Title_________________________________________ Supervisor_____________________________ Phone____________
Date Date Base Salary Reason
Started ________ Left____________ or Wage $ _________/$__________/$ ________ for Leaving __________________
Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Start End (Bonus, etc.)
Branch of Service ______________ Date Entered___________ Date of Discharge __________ Highest Rank____________
Do you have service-related skills and experience
applicable to civilian employment? ❏ YES ❏ NO If yes, Describe ____________________________________________
*During the past 5 years, have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty to or pled no contest to, a crime, excluding
misdemeanors and traffic violations? ❏ YES ❏ NO (*A concviction will not necessarily bar you from employment)
If yes, describe in full______________________________________________________________________________________
1. I certify that I have read this application and the information on it is complete and correct. I understand that any omissions or misrepresentation of information is
grounds for dismissal.
2. I authorize the persons, employers, schools and organizations listed on this application to give you any information concerning my employment and other pertinent infor-
mation they may have, personal and otherwise, and release all parties from all liability and damages that may result from furnishing this to you.
3. I acknowledge that I am applying for employment with an independently owned and operated McDonald’s franchisee, a separate company and employer from
McDonald’s Corporation and any of its subsidiaries.
4. I acknowledge that the owner of this McDonald’s franchise reserves the right to amend or modify any of its handbooks or policies at any time and without prior notice.
These policies do not create any promises or contractual rights between this employer and its employees. At this independently owned and operated McDonald’s fran-
chise, employment is at will. This means an employee is free to terminate his/her employment at any time, without any reason, with or without cause, and the franchise
owner retains these same rights. The owner of this independently owned and operated McDonald’s franchise is the only person who may make an exception to this, and
any exception must be in writing, addressed to a particular individual, and signed by the owner.
5. This independent McDonald’s franchise is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Various federal, state, and local laws prohibit discrimination on account of race, color, reli-
gion, sex, age, national origin, disability or veterans status. It is this McDonald’s franchise policy to comply fully with these laws, as applicable, and information requested
on this application will not be used for any purpose prohibited by law.
6. I understand that as a part of the procedure for my employment application an investigative consumer report may be made concerning my character, general reputation,
personal characteristics and mode of living. Upon written request, additional disclosure concerning the complete nature and scope of the investigation will be provided. If
I am denied a job based either wholly or in part because of information contained in an investigative consumer report, I will be provided the name and address of the
reporting agency that supplies the information.
________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
Signature Date Signature (Parent/guardian, if applicant under 18) DATE