Fillable Printable Application Form for Re-Evaluation of Senior Secondary Answer Scripts
Fillable Printable Application Form for Re-Evaluation of Senior Secondary Answer Scripts

Application Form for Re-Evaluation of Senior Secondary Answer Scripts

National Institute of Open Schooling
(Application should be sent by Registered/Speed Post only to the concerned Regional Centre)
The Regional Director Demand Draft No………………….....………..………....
Regional Centre............................................................... Date……………Amount (Rs.) …….…………....……....
National Institute of Open Schooling Name of the Bank & Place……………….……………...
............................................................................................ for processing fee @ Rs. 500/- per subject in favour of
............................................................................................ Secretary, National Institute of Open Schooling
Payable at ………………………………….…..…………..
I hereby apply for re-evaluation of Answer script of self/son/daughter/ward who appeared in examination held in (Name
of the examination April/October………………..) in the subjects vide particulars mentioned below :-
ROLL NO. Name of the Candidate…………………………………………………
Examination Centre No. ................................................... Father's Name ...........................................................................................
Name of the Exam. Centre ...................................................................................
Subject Subject(s) Marks obtained
Code No. Theory Pract. Total
I have carefully gone through the rules for re-evaluation printed overleaf and I hereby undertake to accept the result of
re-evaluation of the Answer Scripts.
Yours faithfully,
Name and Address of the Candidate (Signature of Applicant)
................................................................................. Name : ....................................................................................
................................................................................. Tel. No. if any ......................................................................
Pin E-mail: ...................................................................................
Note : 1. Form must be filled in Block Letters only.
2. For rules of re-evaluation, please see overleaf.

(i) A candidate who has appeared at an examination conducted by the NIOS may apply to the concerned Regional Centre
of the NIOS for re-evaluation of answer scripts in any particular subject. If the increase of marks in re-evaluation is
less than 5% of the maximum marks of the question paper, the original marks, will stand except when the candidate is
able to get a pass with or without grace, the marks of re-evaluation will be awarded to the candidate. If the increase of
marks on re-evaluation is 5% or more of the maximum marks of the question paper, the new marks will be awarded to
the candidate. If the marks obtained on re-evaluation are less than the original marks, the original marks will stand.
(ii) Such an application must be made by the candidate within 15 days from the date of the declaration of common results
and not from the date of individual result due to correction, UFM/Mass copying decision etc.
(iii) All such applications must be accompanied by payment of processing fee as prescribed by the NIOS i.e. Rs.500/- per
(iv) No candidate shall claim for inspection of his/her answer book(s) or other documents.
(v) In no case the re-evaluation of answer script(s) shall be done in the presence of the candidate or any one else on his/
her behalf, nor will the answer books be shown to him/her or to his/her representative.
(vi) The marks, on re-evaluation will be revised upward as per the actual marks obtained by the candidate in his/her answer
(vii) The communication regarding the revision of the marks, if any, shall be sent to the candidate within a 60 days period
of time.
(viii) The NIOS will not be responsible for any loss or damage or any inconvenience caused to the candidate, consequent
upon the revision of marks or delay in communication for reasons beyond control.
(ix) The NIOS shall revise the marks statement in respect of such candidates after the previous marks statement is returned
by the candidate.
(x) The decision of the Chairman on the result of the re-evaluation shall be final and binding on the candidate.
301 Hindi
302 English
303 Bengali
304 Tamil
305 Odia
306 Urdu
309 Sanskrit
311 Maths
312 Physics
313 Chemistry
314 Biology
315 History
316 Geography
317 Pol. Science
318 Economics
319 Commerce
320 Accountancy
321 Home Science
328 Psychology
330 Computer Science
331 Sociology
332 Painting
333 Environmental Science
335 Mass Communication
336 Data Entry Operations
Secondary Senior Secondary
Code Subject Code Subject
201 Hindi
202 English
203 Bengali
204 Marathi
205 Telugu
206 Urdu
207 Gujarati
208 Kannada
209 Sanskrit
210 Punjabi
211 Maths
212 Science
213 Social Science
214 Economics
215 Commerce
216 Home Science
229 Data Entry Operations
231 Nepali
232 Malayalam
233 Odia
235 Arabic
236 Persian
237 Tamil