- Driving Licence Application Form - New South Wales
- Application for International Driving Licence
- Application for Non-Commercial Restricted Diver License
- Driver's License or Identification Card Application - Nevada
- Driving Licence Application Form - Isle of Man
- Application for a Non-Commercial Learner Permit And/Or Driver License - Connecticut
Fillable Printable Application Form for a Driving Licence D401
Fillable Printable Application Form for a Driving Licence D401

Application Form for a Driving Licence D401

1. Have you previously held a learner permit and/or driving licence in Ireland?* Yes
If yes, which one? Learner Permit
Driving Licence
Driver number* (if known)
(You will fi nd this on Field 5 of the paper licence or Field 4d on a plastic card licence.)
2. Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms
(please specify)
Name to appear on the licence
3. First name(s)*
4. Surname *
As it appears on your birth certifi cate
5. First name
6. If your surname has changed since your last licence issued please indicate the reason
Deed Poll
Use of Irish name Divorce/Separation
Previous names
7. Address 1*
Address 2
8. Date of birth*
If aged 70 or over, a valid medical report will be required.
Day Month Year
9. Gender* Male Female
10. PPSN* Original proof of PPSN must also be provided. See page 4 of the Guidance Notes.
If born in Republic of Ireland, please state County. If born abroad, please state country
11. Place of birth*
12. Mobile no.
Email address
Part 1: Personal Details (See Part 1 of accompanying guidance notes) *Mandatory fi eld
Application form for
a Driving Licence D401
Please read accompanying guidance notes before
completing this form. Please complete this form in
block capitals using a black ballpoint pen. Please place
an X in the appropriate boxes e.g.
Please do not
photocopy this form as it may reduce its quality and
result in your application being delayed or rejected.
July 2014

13. Preferred method of communication* Email Post
(other channels of communication may be used in certain circumstances)
Part 2: Licence Details (See Part 2 of accompanying guidance notes) *Mandatory field
14. Application type*: First time
If replacement, please specify the reason:
Add/remove categories
Personal detail change
Not received
(please specify)
15. On receipt or exchange of this driving licence, will you hold a driving licence issued by
another country?* Yes
If ‘Yes’, please provide details below:
Issuing country
Driving licence no.
16. If your licence was lost or stolen or damaged please sign the declaration below and get the declaration witnessed
and stamped at your local Garda Station.
I declare my licence lost/stolen/damaged
(circle as appropriate)
Signature of Applicant
I certify that the applicant has declared his/her licence lost/stolen/damaged.
Name of Garda
Signature of Garda
Office uSe OnLy
17. Licence category required:
Part 3: exchanging a Licence (See Part 3 of accompanying guidance notes)
18. Has the licence you are exchanging for an Irish licence been obtained on foot of an exchange
of another licence from another country? Yes
If ‘Yes’, please state the country where the original licence was obtained:
19. I took up normal residence in Ireland on
Day Month Year
Part 4: Organ Donation (See Part 4 of accompanying guidance notes)
2o. Place an X in the box provided if you would like code 115 to appear on your licence indicating your wish
to become an organ donor.
July 2014

Part 5: Driver fitness (See Part 5 of accompanying guidance notes) *Mandatory field
Part 6: Declaration by Applicant (See Part 6 of accompanying guidance notes) *Mandatory field
44. i hereby declare that:
Ireland is my normal place of residence. I am not currently disqualified from holding a learner permit or driving licence.
The address given is my normal residence. The accompanying supporting documents relate to me. The information
I have given in this application is correct.
THiS DecLARATiOn MuST Be SiGneD By THe PeRSOn TO WHOM THe Licence iS TO Be iSSueD
Applicant’s signature*
Day Month Year
Information contained in this form may be subject to disclosure under Section 60 of the Finance Act, 1993 (No. 13 of 1993) as amended by Section 86
of the Finance Act, 1994 (No. 13 of 1994) and regulations made thereunder. List of disclosees is registered with the Data Protection Commissioner.
An electronic version of all information contained in this application may be retained for a period of at least 20 years.
21. Do you need to wear glasses
or lenses for driving?* Yes
(If yes Code 01 will be added to your licence)
If in the past you answered ‘Yes’ to this question
and are now answering ‘No’ you must provide a
current eyesight report with your application.
Health and fitness
Have you ever had, or do you currently suffer from,
any of the following conditions?
22. Diabetes treated by insulin and/or sulphonylurea
tablets. Ask your doctor whether you are on these or
not. No need to tell us if managed
by other tablets and/or diet. Yes
23. Epilepsy Yes No
24. Stroke or TIAs
with any associated
symptoms lasting longer
than one month Yes
25. Fits or blackouts Yes No
26. Any type of brain surgery, brain abscess or severe head
injury involving in-patient treatment
or brain tumour or spinal injury
or spinal tumour Yes
27. An implanted cardiac pacemaker Yes No
28. An implanted cardiac
defibrillator (ICD)
Yes No
29. Repeated attacks of sudden
disabling dizziness Yes
30. Any other chronic neurological condition such
as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease,
Parkinson’s disease and
Huntington’s disease Yes
31. Persistent alcohol misuse
or dependency Yes
32. Persistent drug misuse
or dependency Yes
33. Serious psychiatric illness or mental
health problems Yes
34. Parkinson’s disease Yes No
35. Sleep Apnoea syndrome Yes No
36. Narcolepsy Yes No
37. Any condition affecting your
peripheral vision Yes
38. Total loss of sight in one eye Yes No
39. Any condition affecting both eyes, or the remaining eye if
you only have one eye (not including
colour blindness or short
or long sight) Yes
40. A serious hearing deficiency which
has worsened since your last
application/renewal Yes
41. Any persisting problem with arm(s) or leg(s) which needs
driving to be restricted to certain
types of vehicle or those with
adapted controls
Yes No
42. Severe learning disability
Yes No
43. (a) Is your vehicle adapted because
of a physical disability to enable
you to drive? Yes
(b) Has there been any deterioration in the disability
since you last applied for a driving
licence or a learner permit? Yes
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an event with stroke symptoms that lasts less than 24 hours before disappearing (sometimes called a mini-stroke).
While TIAs generally do not cause permanent brain damage,they are a serious warning sign of stroke.
An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is an electronic device which monitors your heart continuously. The ICD is programmed to detect abnormally fast or
slow heart rhythms.
which has worsened since your last application/renewal.
If in doubt, please consult your family doctor.
(Please keep signature within the box)
if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions below 22 to 42 or 43(b), you will also be required to submit a medical report dated within one month of application date.
July 2014

How to apply
You must apply in person at any one of the new NDLS centres
nationwide. Before attending the centre, please read the
list of supporting documents required to complete your
application. This list can be found on the accompanying
guidance notes and at NDLS.ie. You will not need to provide
photographs as your photograph will be taken in the centre.
You will also be asked to provide your signature digitally at
the time of photograph capture. These will then appear on
your licence. The centres are open from 9am to 5pm each day
Monday to Friday inclusive, and remain open through lunch
times. They are also open from 9am to 2pm on Saturdays.
Part time centres in Belmullet and Clifden are open from
9am to 4pm one day per week. Any future change of opening
hours will be communicated on www.ndls.ie
Book an Appointment
If you wish to book an appointment to apply for your licence
you can do so at www.ndls.ie. This service is available online
only. You need to have your driver number or PPSN to use the
identity validation
You will need to bring certain documents with you in order
to confirm you are the person that is applying for the licence.
This is an important requirement as it will increase the
security of your licence and reduce the risk of fraud. This
is not intended to inconvenience customers but rather to
improve the service for all drivers and to comply with EU
Directives and best international practice. All customers
must be ‘normally resident’ in Ireland and will be required to
provide documents in support of their application to confirm
their residency entitlement, identity, address and PPSN.
A full list of the types of documents that can be used in
each category is available on page 4 of the accompanying
guidance notes and on www.ndls.ie. We would strongly
advise you to review this list before visiting an NDLS centre as
not having the right documents with you will prevent your
application from being processed on the day in the nDLS
centre. Any documents you bring with you must be originals
– photocopies will not be accepted. Identity documents may
be retained by the NDLS to enable the processing of the
application. These documents will be returned to you after
your application has been processed.
Remember that the documents required to confirm your
identity are in addition to any other documents that might be
required as part of your application, for example, an eyesight
report or medical report, a Certificate of Competency (driving
test pass certificate) or a Theory Test Certificate. If you hold
an existing licence, this must be surrendered to NDLS as part
of your application package.
The locations of all of the NDLS centres are included on page 4
of the accompanying guidance notes and are also available on
further information
For further information please refer to the accompanying
guidance notes and ndls.ie For further support you may email
fees and payment
The fees for the driving licence are set out below:
Type of Licence cost
Ten year licence (or period greater than three years) €55
Three year licence (issued on age and medical grounds) €35
One year licence (issued on medical grounds) €25
Adding a new licence category to an existing car licence €35
To exchange a foreign licence €55
To replace a licence exchanged abroad €35
Change of personal details No fee
Licence for over 70s No fee
The National Driver Licence Service will accept the following
payment methods with your application:
• Cash (where you attend in person at the
NDLS centre)
• Cheque
• Bank draft
• Money order
• Debit card / credit card / prepaid credit card
The NDLS will only accept one method of payment for each
application. The NDLS will only accept one payment for one
application – a single payment for multiple applications will
not be accepted.
Cheque, bank drafts or money orders must be made payable
to ‘National Driver Licence Service (NDLS)’. For applications
paid for by cheque, please note that those applications will be
placed on hold until the cheque clears.
The NDLS will process debit and credit card payments in
accordance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) rules. If you
wish to use a third party debit or credit card for payment,
then the third party must be present in person to make the

Checklist for your Driving
Licence application
The majority of driving licence applications will fall in to one of the six examples
below. In all cases please submit a fully completed NDLS ‘Application Form for a
Driving Licence’ and the correct fee. For more information please see the Guidance
Notes in the ‘Forms’ section on www.ndls.ie
THe nDLS cenTReS ARe OPen MOnDAy TO fRiDAy 9.00AM – 5.00PM
(incLuDinG LuncHTiMe) AnD SATuRDAy fROM 9.00AM – 2.00PM.
ViSiT WWW.nDLS.ie fOR THe ADDReSS Of yOuR neAReST cenTRe
i have just passed my driving test and am applying
for my fi rst driving licence so i must submit:
• A Certifi cate of Competency (dated within 2 years)
• My current/most recent Learner Permit
• Evidence of PPSN*
• A completed NDLS Medical Report Form
if required in my case
• If the address on my application form is different
to that on my current Learner Permit I will
need to provide evidence of address*
My licence was lost/stolen and i am applying for
a replacement so i must submit:
• A completed Lost Licence Declaration
(see question 15 of the Application Form)
• Photographic I.D.*
• Evidence of PPSN*
• A completed NDLS Medical Report Form if there
has been a change in medical fi tness since last
licence issued
• If the address on my application form is different
to that on my lost/stolen licence I will need
to provide evidence of address*
i want to add a category to my licence so
i must submit:
• My current/most recent full licence
• My current Learner Permit
• A Certifi cate of Competency (dated within 2 years)
• Evidence of PPSN*
• A completed NDLS Medical Report Form
if required in my case
• CPC (Certfi cate of Professional Competence)
if required in my case
• IBT (Intial Basic Training) if required in my case
• If the address on my application form is different
to that on my current licence I will need to
provide evidence of address*
i am renewing my licence so i must submit:
• My current/most recent full licence
• Evidence of PPSN*
• A completed NDLS Medical Report Form
if required in my case
• If the address on my application form is different
to that on my current licence I will need to
provide evidence of address*
i am exchanging my licence from another eu
or recognised country so i must submit:
• My current full licence
• Evidence of PPSN*
• Evidence of address*
• Photographic I.D.*
• A completed NDLS Medical Report Form
if required in my case
• A completed NDLS Eyesight Report Form
if exchanging a non EU licence
• Evidence of residency entitlement*
• If the address on my application form is different
to that on my current licence I will need to
provide evidence of address*
• Letter of Entitlement if required in my case
i am renewing my licence and changing my name
so i must submit:
• My current/most recent full licence
• Evidence of PPSN*
• Evidence of address* if address is changing
• Evidence of name change e.g. Marriage/Civil
Partnership Certifi cate, evidence of divorce/
separation, evidence of deed poll enrolled in
the High Court. Please refer to website for further
*For a list of accepted proof of evidence, please see Lists 1-4
on the reverse.

nDLS centres
carlow Unit 7, First Floor, Graigue Village Centre, Graiguecullen, Carlow
cavan Unit 5, Cavan Shopping Centre, Main Street, Cavan
clare Unit 4, Ennis Shopping Centre, Ennis
cork Commercial Unit 1, Copley Hall, Cotter’s Street, off Copley Street, Cork
cork First Floor, Cork Co-operative Marts, Marsh Road, Skibbereen
cork Second Floor, 17 Market Square, Mallow
Donegal Unit 7, O’Boyce’s Corner, Port Road, Letterkenny
Donegal Eurohouse, Killybegs Road, Donegal Town
Dublin Unit 9, Leopardstown Shopping Centre, Ballyogan Road, Dublin 18
Dublin Unit H Own Door Offices, Citywest Shopping Centre, Citywest
Dublin Unit 236, Omni Park Shopping Centre, Swords Road, Santry
Dublin Unit 3, Floor 3, Clarehall Shopping Centre, Malahide Road
Galway Galway 2nd Floor, Block 1, Cityeast Business Park, Ballybrit Business Park
Galway Clifden (part-time), Station House Hotel
Kerry Mezzanine Unit, Manor West Shopping Centre, Tralee
Kildare 5B Elm House, Millennium Park, Naas
Kilkenny Unit 2E, First Floor, Cillin Hill Centre, Dublin Road, Kilkenny
Laois unit 29A, Laois Shopping Centre, Portlaoise
Leitrim Unit 7, Bridge Lane, Carrick-on-Shannon
Limerick Unit 29, Parkway Shopping Centre, Dublin Road, Limerick
Longford Suite 3, Business Centre, Longford Shopping Centre, Longford
Louth Ground Floor Unit 3, Southgate Shopping Centre, Dublin Road, Drogheda
Mayo New Antrim Street, Castlebar
Mayo Belmullet (part-time), Broadhaven Bay Hotel
Meath Unit 3 Finnegans Way, Emmet Street, Trim
Monaghan Office 2, First Floor, Teach O’Cleircin, Old Cross Square, Monaghan
Offaly Room 201, Down Suite, Castle Buildings, Tara Street, Tullamore
Roscommon Unit 1, Racecourse Business Park, Roscommon
Sligo Ground Floor Millennium House, Stephen Street, Sligo
Tipperary Suite 5A, Second Floor, Powerstown House, Clonmel
Tipperary 10 Silver Street, Nenagh
Waterford Waterford Shopping Centre, Lisduggan, Waterford
Westmeath Golden Island Shopping Centre, Athlone
Westmeath Unit 1A, Mullingar Shopping Centre, Ashe Road, Mullingar
Wexford 7a The Square, Redmond Square, Wexford
Wicklow Unit C16, Wicklow Enterprise Centre, The Murrough, Wicklow
NB: In some instances the same document could satisfy more than one requirement. e.g. an Irish/EU passport
is adequate as photo ID and evidence of normal residency; a letter to you from Revenue showing your PPSN could
be used as both evidence of your address and evidence of your PPSN.
When applying, avoid queues by visiting the online booking system at NDLS.ie. Drivers with either a valid driver number
or PPS number can book their visit for a date and time that suits.
For further information visit NDLS.ie
List 3: Photographic i.D.
• Irish Passport (current or expired by no more than
12 months on the day of application)
• Irish Driving Licence or Learner Permit
• Current Passport for all non-Irish citizens
• Current National Identity Card for
EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens
• Irish Certificate of Naturalisation
• Current UK photo driving licence
• Current Public Services Card
• Current Irish Travel Document
List 2: evidence of address
(Evidence of document can be no more than 6 months
old at date of application and must exactly match
address on application form)
• Utility Bill (i.e. from your electricity/phone/
gas/cable television/broadband provider).
Printed online utility bills are accepted.
Mobile phone bills are not accepted
• Correspondence from an insurance company
regarding an active insurance policy - health/life/
house/car insurance
• Statement from Bank/Building Society/
Credit Union (Statements from Store cards/
catalogue companies are not accepted)
• Letter from Department of Social Protection/
• Other official correspondence from an Irish
state agency
List 4: evidence of residency entitlement
• Irish/UK Long-form Birth/Adoption Certificate
• Certificate of entry in the Irish Register
of Foreign Births
• Irish Passport (current or expired by no more than
12 months on the day of application)
• Current Passport for all EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens
• Current National Identity Card for
EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens
• Irish Certificate of Naturalisation
• Current Certificate of Registration
(GNIB card) for non-EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens
(must be presented with current passport)
List 1: evidence of PPSn
• Public Services Card/Social Services Card
• Correspondence from Revenue/Department
of Social Protection showing PPSN
• P21/Tax Assessment/ Notice of Tax credits
• Receipt of Social Welfare Payment
• Medical Card / Drug Payment Scheme (DPS) Card
• Payslip or P60/P45
• European Health Insurance Card
• C2 card issued to self-employed contractors