- Driving Licence Application Form - New South Wales
- Driver's License or Identification Card Application - Nevada
- Application for Non-Commercial Restricted Diver License
- Application for International Driving Licence
- Driving Licence Application Form - Isle of Man
- Application for a Non-Commercial Learner Permit And/Or Driver License - Connecticut
Fillable Printable Driving Licence Application Form - Isle of Man
Fillable Printable Driving Licence Application Form - Isle of Man

Driving Licence Application Form - Isle of Man

Please complete the form using block capitals and black ink. Please take the completed form to the nearest Post Office
for forwarding to the processing centre or post to: Isle of Man Post Office, Licensing Agent, PO Box 367, Douglas, Isle of Man,
IM99 3HA. Isle of Man Post Office Licensing Department can be contacted on 698525
2 months in advance.
Full licence applications can be made
Previous licence number
Previous licence type
Manual Automatic
Previous groups entitlement
Date for licence to start
Yes No
Would you like an inclusion on your licence for organ donation consent ?
Any part of my body
or tick appropriate boxes for consent
Kidneys Eyes
For therapeutic purposes (transplant)
For medical education or research
Type of licence required
Full Provisional Duplicate
If Yes which country
Please state date when you became a resident in the Isle of Man
Please state reason for duplication
Details of new groups to be added
or removed
Place of birth
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Other)
Telephone number
Date of birth
Forename (s)
Have you lived in another country in the past 12 months?
metres in case of a licence for pedestrian controlled vehicle or mowing machine?
Can you read a number plate in good daylight, with or without glasses or corrective
lenses from 20.5 metres (67 feet) for figures 79.4mm high ( 3.1/8”), or from 12.3
Department of Infrastructure
Driving Licence Application Form
Form DL1
New, Renewals, Additions,
Issue date: 1st April 2014 Form DL1
Please answer all questions on the reverse of this application form.
Signature Date
request please do so in writing to the Vehicle Licensing Department and enclose your current licence.
been withdrawn and that the details will be passed onto the N.H.S. Organ Donor Register. If you wish to cancel this
I understand that such a statement will be conclusive evidence that I have made such a request and that it has not
2 months in advance.
Upgrades and Amendments

Form DL1
Form DL1
I certify that the photograph which I have signed is a true likeness of the applicant whom I have known
Signature Date
Are you disqualified by any Court from holding or obtaining a licence?
on your licence? Or 11 years in drink or drug related incidents?
If yes give details
If yes give details
Has any Court in the last 4 years ordered a conviction to be endorsed
Have you ever had a licence revoked for medical reasons?
Please provide details for any questions answered “Yes” and put additional information on a separate sheet if required
No Yes
Has a Doctor advised you not to drive?
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
Are you without hand, foot or do you have defect in limb
Movement or power?
Was a limb disability mentioned on previous applications and if so
has it become worse since then?
Do you have diabetes that is treated by insulin? No Yes
No Yes
Do you suffer from diabetic eye problems or episodes of
hypoglycaemia likely to cause problems when driving?
Do you suffer from epilepsy or sudden attacks of giddiness/fainting?
No Yes
Have you been treated for drug addiction within the last 3 years?
No Yes
No Yes Have you been fitted with a cardiac pacemaker?
Do you suffer from any other disability which could affect your
fitness to drive either now or in the future?
No Yes
Certification of Photographs
Medical Declaration
personally for a least 2 years.
We will only issue you with a licence if the address you give is the address where
you reside in the Isle of Man. Please include with your application:
1. Your last licence including paper part if applicable
4. Proof of age must be supplied by 16 year olds
3. Suitable identification (See information sheet note 3)
2. Your test certificate if applicable
5. Photograph (See information sheet note 4)
6. Licence fee
Licences issued on medical grounds are subject to a reduced term of 3 years and also a reduced fee. If any of the legal
or medical questions have been answered “Yes” please take the form to the D.o.I. at Sea Terminal Buildings.
I understand that it is a criminal offence to give false information in order to obtain a driving licence. I declare that the
information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am not disqualified by reason of age or
otherwise from holding or obtaining the licence I am applying for.
Please keep your
signature in the
box provided
ID Type
Fee paid
Official use only
If any of the questions below are answered “Yes” then please forward the completed application to D.o.I., Licensing Office,
P.O. Box 363, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM99 3EZ
Signature Years Known

Department of Infrastructure
Driving Licence Application Form
Form DL1
Information Sheet
Form DL1
Note 1 Costs
aged 67 the fee will be £30.00 valid for 8 years
aged 68 the fee will be £27.00 valid for 7 years
aged 69 the fee will be £24.00 valid for 6 years
aged 70 the fee will be £21.00 valid for 5 years
aged 71 the fee will be £18.00 valid for 4 years
aged 72 or over the fee will be £15.00 valid for 3 Years
aged 66 the fee will be £33.00 valid for 9 years
Full Licence: aged under 66 the fee will be £36.00 valid for 10 years
Provisional Licence £22.00
Subsequent provisional licence £18.00
Exchange Licence (removing endorsements) £18.00
Exchange Licence (adding groups) £18.00
Duplicate Licence £18.00
A licence issued on medical grounds for reduced term 3 years: £15.00
1 or 2 years £10.00
Note 2 Payment
Please make cheques payable to IOM Post Office unless you are returning the application to the D.o.I. and then it
will be payable to the Isle of Man Government. Please ensure the cheque is crossed and that your name and address
is written on the reverse of the cheque.You may also hand in at any Post Office counter and payment can be made
by debit card, cheque, cash or post order. Emergency transactions will incur a further £33.00 fee.
Note 3 Identification
The address must be the address where you reside in the Isle of Man. A business, club or hotel address cannot be
accepted if you do
not reside there. First time provisional, new applications and replacement for a lost licence require
two forms of identification including proof of age and photographic identification i.e. Birth certificate and passport. An
endorsed photograph (see below) may be used for photographic identification. Applicants who are renewing can use
both parts of their present licence as proof of identity. The present licence will be forwarded with the application.
Bank cards will not be accepted as proof of identity without exception. Proof of address will be required to collect an
emergency licence.
Note 4 Photographs
All applications must include a recent colour photograph passport size and style taken full face without hat or dark
glasses printed on photographic paper and unmounted. Please put the name of the applicant on the reverse of the
A photograph being used as proof of identity must be endorsed on the reverse with "I certify that this is a true
likeness of then Title or name". The endorser must complete the relevant section on the application form. The
endorser may be a British Citizen, British Sub
ject or citizen of the commonwealth, who has known the applicant for at
least 2 years. He or she should be one of the following, a Member of the Legislature, Justice of the peace, Minister of
Religion, Advocate, Bank Officer, Police Officer, School Teacher, established Civil Servant, Doctor or person of similar
standing. Please note, a person of similar standing will only be accepted at the discretion of the licensing office. A
relative can not endorse a photograph. The Licensing Office will check authenticity of countersignatures and in
certain cases may ask for further documentary evidence of identity.

Form DL1 Notes
Form DL1 Notes
Changes to Personal Circumstances
Please inform the Licensing Office of any changes to personal circumstances using form DL1 for
medical reasons or form DL2 for changes to name or address. The address must be the address
where you reside in the Isle of Man. Failure to notify any relevant changes of medical conditions is
a criminal offence, punishable by a fine of up to £1,000.
Age Related Licence Applications
Age 16 Invalid carriage. An invalid carriage is a vehicle not exceeding 254Kgs in weight unladen,
which is specially designed and constructed and not merely adapted, for the use of a
person suffering from some physical defect or disability and used solely by such person
Agricultural Tractor
Motor Car (which includes a goods vehicle not exceeding 3050Kgs in weight unladen)
Learner Motor Bicycle not exceeding 125cc, Mowing Machine, Pedestrian Controlled vehicle
Age 17
Motor Bicycle (not being a learner cycle) with or without a sidecar attached.
Age 21
Any other vehicle, and any PSV (Minibus or Bus). A licence from the Road Traffic
Licensing Committee is also required to drive a Public Service Vehicle.
Provisional Licence Conditions
Must Display the prescribed L plates clearly at the front and rear of the vehicle and
When Driving change to R plates when you pass your test.
Until you pass the test, you must be accompanied by a qualified driver over
the age of 21 who has had a full licence for the class of vehicle you are
driving for 3 years or more.
Must Not Carry a passenger when riding a solo Motor Bicycle until you pass your test.
Drive a vehicle to which a trailer is attached (other than an agricultural vehicle
or if it is required for the instruction and test).
Drive at more than 50mph.
R Plate Restrictions for Newly Qualified Drivers
The holder of a temporary restricted FULL licence must for the 12 months from issue:
a. Display the prescribed R plates clearly at the front and rear of the vehicle.
b. Not drive at more than 50mph.
Driving Vehicles Over 3,500Kgs, Minibuses and Buses
If you have passed your test in a car after 31st December 1999, a provisional licence for
a. Category C1 allows you to learn to drive medium sized vehicles (over 3,500Kgs up to 7,500Kgs)
and a trailer C1+E.
b. Category C allows you to learn to drive large vehicles (over 3,500Kgs ) and a trailer C+E.
c. Category D1 allows you to drive large minibuses (with up to 16 passenger seats) and a trailer D1+E.
d. Category D allows you to learn to drive buses (with more than 8 passenger seats) and trailer D+E.
A person who for the purpose of obtaining a licence, knowingly makes a false statement, is liable to
a fine not exceeding £1,000.
A person who uses a motor vehicle on public roads without there being in force a policy of insurance
or a security against third party risks in respect of personal injury is liable to a fine not exceeding
£2,000 and is also liable to be disqualified from holding or obtaining a licence.
3 or 4 wheeled cycle
Note 5 Driving while we have the application form
Full Licence applicants can continue to drive unless they have been disqualified or advised by a Doctor
not to drive. Also those who have expired licences must not drive until you receive your new one, so please
apply in advance for renewals.
Provisional Licences. First Time applicants must not drive until they receive their licence. If renewing
then you may continue to drive as long as your licence is still in date otherwise you must wait for your new
licence to arrive.