Fillable Printable Athletic Waiver Form - Ohio
Fillable Printable Athletic Waiver Form - Ohio

Athletic Waiver Form - Ohio

(Please Print)
Student’s Name ________________________ Parent’s Name ________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Phone __________________________
School of Attendance: Firelands High South Amherst Middle (Please circle one)
Current School Year : July 1, _____ to June 30, _____
I understand that participation in any extracurricular activity or sport is a privilege and not an
exclusive right in the Firelands Local School District.
I also acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated and accompanied with sports and
activities and that my child may be injured as a result of an accident arising out of participation in
athletics or activities.
In consideration for permitting my child named above to participate in sports and/or activities, I
release and hold harmless Firelands Local School District and/or its employees, teachers, coaches,
administrators, et al., from any and all liability including, but not limited to liability for injuries or
damages sustained by the individual.
Insurance Waiver
I also understand that my child must be covered by medical and/or accident insurance in order to
participate in sports and hereby certify that my child is covered for injuries and/or death occurring as
a result of participation in, or the practice for, all athletic events as a student in the Firelands Local
School District during the current school year. I also certify that said insurance will be kept in force
during the full time that my child engages in the practice for or participation in athletic events during
the current school year.
Name of Insurance Company ______________________________________________________
Address of Insurance Company ____________________________________________________
I have completed all of the information requested above and hereby certify that I have read and
agree to all of the statements listed above.
___________________________________ ____________________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date)