Fillable Printable Automobile Bill of Sale Form - Alabama
Fillable Printable Automobile Bill of Sale Form - Alabama

Automobile Bill of Sale Form - Alabama

State of Alabama
Baldwin County
_____________________________________________ (“Seller”), whose address is:
for and in consideration of the sum of ______________________________________________
Dollars ($___________.00) this day cash in hand paid, does hereby sell and transfer to:
______________________________________________ (“Buyer”), whose address is:
______________________________________________________________, the following
described automobile, to-wit:
One (1) ________________________________________
VIN:___________________________________ Mileage:______________
Dated this _________ day of ________________, 20____
Seller’s Signature
Buyer’s Signature
Sworn to and subscribed before me this _________ day of _____________, __________.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: __________________
If tag not purchased or transferred within 20 calendar days of purchase date,
a penalty will be charged