Fillable Printable Bill of Sale on Motor Vehicle - Louisiana
Fillable Printable Bill of Sale on Motor Vehicle - Louisiana

Bill of Sale on Motor Vehicle - Louisiana
I, the undersigned, sell to: Date: __________________________
The following described vehicle:
Make Model Body Year
Color Odometer Vin
For the sum of $________________________cash in hand paid, trade, or value received, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged. I hereby bargain, grant, sell, convey, and deliver with full guaranty of title
and with complete transfer and subrogation of all rights and actions of warranty against all former
proprietors of the property and declare that I have full rights to sell said vehicle, and that all taxes and
license and title fees due any state, parish and/or municipality have been paid.
I further warrant the above described vehicle to be free of mortgages, liens, and encumbrances except
$__________________________________ to _________________________________________lien
Furthermore, I appoint __________________________________________as my attorney-in-fact to sign
all documents in my name to dispose of said vehicle and/or to obtain a marketable title for same,
I hereby give the State of Louisiana to mail the title to the buyer-trader.
________________________________ ______________________________
Witness Signature Seller Signature
________________________________ _______________________________
Witness Printed Name Seller Printed Name
Witness Signature
Witness Printed Name
STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF _____________________
Affidavit By Witness
Before me, the notary, personally came and appeared the undersigned who, after being duly sworn, did dispose and say
that he/she is one of the witnesses to this document and that the signature of the Donor thereto is true and genuine and
affixed hereto of his/her own free will in the presence of the witnesses whose names are affixed hereto.
_______________________________ _________________________________
Witness Signature Notary Public
_______________________________ _________________________________
Witness Printed Name Notary Printed Name & ID #