Fillable Printable Automobiles Rent or Lease Permission - Ontario
Fillable Printable Automobiles Rent or Lease Permission - Ontario

Automobiles Rent or Lease Permission - Ontario

Permission to Rent or Lease Automobiles and
Extending Coverage to the Specified Lessee(s)
Issued to Effective Date of Change
Year Month Day
Policy Number
9 This change applies only to automobile(s) number.......................indicated on your Certificate of Automobile Insurance.
9 See your Certificate of Automobile Insurance for which automobile(s) this change applies to.
1. Purpose of This Change
This change is part of your policy.
# Lessor
It permits the lessor to rent or lease automobile(s) to the lessee who has completed the Ontario Application for Automobile
Insurance - Owner’s Form (OAF 1).
# Lessee
It provides coverage to the lessee as if the lessee were the named insured, and to every other person who uses or operates the
automobile with the lessee’s consent. The coverage will not exceed the limits and amounts shown on the Certificate of
Automobile Insurance.
2. Changes to Your Policy
2.1 In the following Sections of your policy, the word “you” will include the lessee:
Section 1, “Introduction”, except in 1.4.3 where “you ” means the owner, and in 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 where “you” means the
# Section 3, “Liability Coverage,” except in 3.5.1 where “you” means the lessee;
# Section 6, “Direct Compensation - Property Damage Coverage;” and
# Section 7, “Loss or Damage Coverages (Optional), ” except in 7.4.3 and 7.4.4 where “you” means the lessee.
2.2 In the following Sections of your policy, the word
“you” means the lessee:
# Section 2, “What Automobiles Are Covered,”
# Section 4, “Accident Benefits Coverage,” and
# Section 5, “Uninsured Automobile Coverage.”
2.3 In Section 1.8.2 of your policy, “Excluded Drivers and Driving Without Permission,”“owner” means the lessee.
2.4 Section 1.8.3 of your policy,
“Rented or Leased Auto,” is changed to the following:
Except for certain Accident Benefits coverage, there is no coverage under this policy if the automobile is rented or leased
to someone other than the lessee named in the policy. However, if an insured person is using the automobile for an
employer’s business and is paid for using it, we won’t consider that renting or leasing.
2.5 Section 1.8.4 of your policy is changed to the following:
1.8.4 Garage Workers Not Covered
No person who sells, repairs, maintains, stores, services, or parks automobiles as part of a business, is covered by this
policy while involved in conducting that business, unless the person leases from the lessor the automobile involved in an
incident or is the employee or partner of the lessee.
2.6 In section 2.2.1 of your policy, “Newly Acquired Automobiles,” the words “that you acquire as owner” will mean leased
by the lessee from the lessor.
3. Changes to the Application
Item 11 of the Ontario Application for Automobile Insurance - Owner’s Form (OAF 1) is changed to the following:
1. the lessee as applicant for a contract,
(i) gives false particulars of the described automobile to be insured to the prejudice of the insurer, or
(ii) knowingly misrepresents or fails to disclose in the application any fact required to be stated therein; or
2. the lessee contravenes a term of the contract or commits a fraud; or
3. the lessee wilfully makes a false statement in respect of a claim under the contract,
a claim by the lessee, for other than such statutory accident benefits as are set out in the Statutory Accident Benefits
Schedule, is invalid and the right of the lessee to recover indemnity is forfeited.
4. the lessor contravenes a term of the contract or commits a fraud; or
5. the lessor wilfully makes a false statement in respect of a claim under the contract,
a claim by the lessor is invalid and the right of the lessor to recover indemnity is forfeited.
All other terms and conditions of your policy remain the same.
(JAN 01)