Fillable Printable Baby Shower Planning Guide
Fillable Printable Baby Shower Planning Guide

Baby Shower Planning Guide

Planning a Baby Shower

Planning a Baby Shower
When it comes to life’s big events they don’t get much bigger
than the birth of a baby, it’s a very exciting time and one that
should be memorable, so what better way to make an expect-
ant mum feel special than a Baby Shower, it’s a great way for
friends and family to get together per-birth to celebrate with
The baby shower as a concept originated in America but its
fast been growing in popularity in the UK. It’s essentially a
celebration of baby’s imminent arrival and a chance for mum-
to-be to be centre of attention, before baby becomes the
focus, and its a time to celebrate new life and share advice on
parenting with her friends and family.
To help you organise a successful event we written a few helpful hints and tips to help you plan
your party and host a special day.
The Baby shower Host
Traditionally it’s always been close friends who throw the baby shower, not close family, this
rule was meant to avoid the appearance that the family was simply on a mission to collect
gifts,however these days the etiquette is a little more relaxed and it can be anyone from a close
family member, such as a mother or sister to a co-worker. Basically anyone can host a baby
shower, a relative, best friend or colleague, as long as the person hosting the party is comfort-
able about planning it.
Who Should be Invited?
Close friends and family members are a natural for the guest list. If you're thinking of adding
others to the list, consider whether it would be appropriate for that person to buy a gift for the
guest of honour, since that's the norm at a baby shower. If the mum-to-be isn’t comfortable
with the idea of everyone having to bring gifts, you can always make it optional, and use the
shower as an excuse to spend an enjoyable afternoon together before the birth, a "female-
bonding ritual," with lots of oohing and aahing over all things babies and exchanging of labour

As with bridal showers, baby showers today can certainly be
coed, so the father-to-be and his friends can join in the
celebration as well, but it will change the chemistry of the
party so decide what format your mum to be would like, she
might appreciate a chance to hang out with all her girlfriends,
before she has other demands on her precious time.
Setting A Date For The Baby Shower
Generally speaking most mums-to-be appreciate a shower
later in pregnancy, and a party can be a welcome distraction
towards the end. Before setting a date for the party, talk to
guests you really want to be there, they may be able to warn
you about any prior commitments. There’s nothing is worse
than planning a party, sending out invitations, only to find that
the most important people can't make it. Alternatively you
could decide to hold a baby shower after the baby is born.
That way guests can bring gifts specific to your baby's gender.
People generally buy a present for baby once they arrive so if
you didn’t like the idea of a shower and gifts before the baby is
here, then a later shower could be perfect, and with a new-
born baby to fuss over, there’ll be lots to talk about too.
Consider the time too, an afternoon event is possible better
for the expectant mum, that night time, as she could be feeling
tired especially in the later stages of pregnancy.
Where should we hold the baby shower?
Anywhere you can comfortable entertain a group of people
will fit the bill, a home, local restaurant or hired room. Ideally,
the party shouldn’t be at mum’s-to-be, you don’t want her
worrying about cleaning up before everyone arrives or after
they leave. If the mum-to-be would prefer to have the event at
home, then why not ask a few of the invitees if they'll stay
behind to help clear up. What should we do at the baby
There aren’t set guidelines for what happens at a baby
shower, but you may wish to choose a theme to tie everything
together, although it's not necessary. Should you wish to set a
theme it can be simple, from a simple colour choice to an
afternoon tea, the important thing is to consider mum-to-be
after all this is her day, so consider her likes and dislikes and
make sure to pick a theme that will suit her.
You'll probably want to serve some kind of refreshments. You
may prefer to skip alcohol, in support of mum’s abstinence,
but there are some lovely non-alcoholic, fruity cocktail recipes
available, or an afternoon tea would suit.

Set the right tone for an event celebrating the start of a rich, full life with delightful, healthy
tasty bites, with a few sinful options through in. Keep last-minute preparations to a minimum
by choosing foods that are easy to prepare, there's no shame in asking guests to bring some-
thing either, share the load amongst mum-to-be friends, just make sure they don’t mind
helping out.
If mum-to-be and her guests are down for a little silliness, you could break the ice with a few
silly games, There are lots of ideas available on the internet but we especially like the follow-
ing ones:
My Gorgeous Baby
Give guests some Play-Doh in a variety of colors. Set a timer for five minutes and have them
sculpt a baby to the best or worst of their ability. Then have mum-to-be judge which one she
likes best in different categories, such as most realistic, most creative and most disturbing.
It's a great game to kick off the shower, and it will get guests laughing and talking.
Baby Charades
If there are quite a few guests then a team game can be fun. Split the guests up into two
teams and enjoy a game of charades, one player from the team acts out a word or phrase
and her team mates trying to guess
what it is. To theme the game, all the words being
acted could be related to pregnancy, babies,
parenthood, or the parents-to-be.
You can have the two teams write down words for
each other on slips of paper and have the person
whose turn it is has to draw one of the slips then
act it out to try to earn points for her own team.
Guess Who?
Everyone loves a guessing game. Before the
shower, ask all the guests to bring a picture
of themselves as a baby. Then for the shower,
assemble all the photos on a board or post them
on a wall and give each one a number. Then
during the shower, pass out sheets of paper
to the guests so they can write down which
grown-up they think matches which baby picture.
If the guests don't know each other well, name
tags can help the process. The person who gets
the most correct answers wins.
If you don’t think mum-to-be or guests would
enjoy games why not keep guests entertained
by asking them to add a wish, quote or piece
of advise to a guest book, for mum to keep
as a reminder of this special day.