Fillable Printable Bank Affidavit Form - Georgia
Fillable Printable Bank Affidavit Form - Georgia

Bank Affidavit Form - Georgia
If the deceased person had no will and the only asset is money deposited in a bank or
other financial institution, and the amount is less than $10,000, an heir-at-law may be
able to claim those assets by completing an affidavit for financial institution without
petitioning for Letters of Administration.
The Georgia Law which governs this situation is O.C.G.A. § 7-1-239, which states:
§ 7-1-239. Payment of deposit of deceased depositor
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Code section and in Article 8 of this
chapter, whenever any person dies intestate having a deposit of not more than $10,000.00
in a financial institution, such financial institution shall be authorized to pay the proceeds
of such deposit directly to the following persons:
(1) To the surviving spouse;
(2) If no surviving spouse, to the children pro rata;
(3) If no children or surviving spouse, to the father and mother pro rata; or
(4) If none of the above, then to the brothers and sisters of the decedent pro rata.
(b) Except as provided in Article 8 of this chapter, if no application for the deposit is
made by any person named in subsection (a) of this Code section within 90 days from the
death of the intestate depositor, the financial institution shall be authorized to apply not
more than $10,000.00 of the deposit of such deceased depositor in payment of the funeral
expenses and expenses of the last illness of such deceased depositor upon the receipt of
itemized statements of such expenses and the affidavit of the providers of such services
that the itemized statements are true and correct and have not been paid. The financial
institution shall pay such expenses in the order received after the death of the depositor.
(c) Payments pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this Code section shall operate as a
complete acquittal and discharge to the financial institution of liability from any suit,
claim, or demand of whatever nature by any heir, distributee, creditor of the decedent, or
any other person. Such payment is authorized to be made as provided in this Code section
without the necessity of administration of the estate of the decedent or without the
necessity of obtaining an order that no administration is necessary.
(d) In any case in which a deceased depositor has more than $10,000.00 on deposit in a
financial institution, such financial institution shall be authorized to pay any amount up to
$10,000.00 to any of the persons authorized by this Code section to receive said deposit.
The payment shall only act as a full and final acquittance of liability up to the amount
paid by the financial institution and shall not act as a full and final acquittance to the
financial institution of all liability.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, when any person dies
intestate as a resident of this state and any person is left in possession of moneys
belonging to the decedent, which moneys do not exceed $10,000.00, such person shall
deposit such moneys into a savings account in the name of the decedent in a financial
institution located in the area of the decedent's residence. Such account shall be managed
in accordance with the signature contract in effect at the financial institution at the time
the account is opened. Any financial institution receiving such deposits is authorized to
pay the proceeds in accordance with subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this Code section.
(f) As used in this Code section, the term "financial institution" includes any federally
chartered financial institution.
(g) Application by any claimant or claimants entitled in this Code section to receive
deposits at a financial institution shall include an affidavit by the claimant or claimants
which states that they qualify as the proper relation to the decedent as specified in this
Code section and that the claimant or claimants know of no other corresponding claimant
or claimants to such deposit. The financial institution may rely on a properly executed
affidavit in disbursing the funds according to this Code section.
State of Georgia
County of ___________________
Re: [Name and address of deceased depositor]
[Name and address of financial institution]
Personally before the undersigned officer authorized to administer oaths appeared
Affiant, who, being duly sworn, does state on oath the following:
Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts contained within this Affidavit.
Affiant is the ____________________________________ [state relationship to deceased
depositor] of the above-named depositor, who died intestate on the ____ day of
__________________________, 20________ .
Said depositor died leaving a deposit of not more than $10,000 in the above-named
financial institution, and Affiant, who qualifies as the proper relation to the decedent as
specified by O.C.G.A. § 7-1-239 , is entitled to have the proceeds of the aforesaid deposit
paid directly to him.
Affiant acknowledges that this Affidavit is made under the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 7-1-
239 , and that this Affidavit will be relied upon by the above-named financial institution
for the purpose of making payment to Affiant from deposits on hand of the above-named
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this ____ day of _____________________, 20____.
Notary Public