Fillable Printable Basic Artist Statement
Fillable Printable Basic Artist Statement

Basic Artist Statement
Artist Statement
Hellen Colman
My work is concerned with relationships and interactions. Traditionally, the object is the
subject of still life painting, but my subject is the drama and tension created and carried by
the objects.
I grew up in the land of Borges, Cort´azar and Onetti – the writers of feelings, emotions and
subjective realities – in the south of South America.
My life in Chicago started a struggle for surviving without my beloved words in my native
Spanish. I used to have an infinite amount of words to describe the most subtle nuances
of feelings. I found myself with a very few English words to explain an even broader chord
of feelings. This challenge made me rethink and rediscover my emotions to be able to
communicate them using such a reduced vocabulary.
My paintings reflect this struggle.
In my earlier work, arrangements of sophisticated and eclectic found objects fill the pictorial
space in a somehow conventional still life. My new work reduced deliberately the amount
and kind of objects involved; just a few ordinary glass containers, as actors in a stage, express
the nudity of the emotion, bereft of the non-essential dress.
The choice of ordinary shapes – rather than refined and elegant objects – emphasizes the
metaphysical sense that transcends the objects themselves. The glass embodies the sense of
fragility and degrees of transparency in relationships. T he reflec tive and prismatic qualities
of the glass make the objects being observed, always changing as changing conditions prevail;
the bottles relate to each other, but also they relate to the changing environment. Sometimes
their shadow s and transparencies modify the austere stage-like space; sometimes the bottles
reflect the space and as a result are modified by it in this fashion.
The intimate scale of my work and softness of the pastel convey an atmosphere of whispering
conversations, an invitation to come in and share secrets.
The body of work represents a formal exploration into the construction of alternative lan-
guages to express the sentiment.