Fillable Printable Basic Babysitter Resume Template
Fillable Printable Basic Babysitter Resume Template

Basic Babysitter Resume Template

Your Name
Your Street Address Your Phone Number
Your City, State, Zip Code Your E-mail
Your School Name
Your Grade
Any special classes you have taken and/or awards/achievements you have received
List your babysitting training, followed by a brief description of the course.
American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Course
Leadership, professionalism, safety, child development, basic child care and care for emergencies
List any additional relevant training you have completed.
American Red Cross First Aid (example)
American Red Cross CPR—Child and Infant (example)
Starting with your most recent babysitting job, briefl y describe your duties and responsibilities. Include the number and
ages of the children and the hours of your babysitting job. Do not put down any of the family’s personal contact
information without their permission.
Family Name Date
List job duties here
Family Name Date
List job duties here
Write down your other volunteer, work or leadership experience such as volunteering at a church nursery, having a paper
route or participating in scouting.
Write down your skills and abilities from the Babysitter’s Self-Assessment Tool.
Write down your hobbies or interests.
Make sure those who have agreed to serve as references know that you have put them on your resume and understand that they
may get a phone call asking for a reference about you.
Full Name Phone number Relationship
Full Name Phone number Relationship
Full Name Phone number Relationship
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