Fillable Printable Basic Parenting Plan and Instructions - Florida
Fillable Printable Basic Parenting Plan and Instructions - Florida

Basic Parenting Plan and Instructions - Florida

Instructions and Overview
For Your
(These instructions are intended to be used while completing a Basic Parenting Plan)
*Legal matters can be very complex. If you have questions or concerns about the use of these forms,
instructions, or your legal rights, it is strongly recommended that you talk to an attorney. All instructions
and forms distributed by the Twelfth Judicial Circuit are provided merely to serve as a guide. The Twelfth
Judicial Circuit does not guarantee that either the instructions or the forms will achieve the result desired
by the parties or ensure that an individual judge will follow the procedures exactly or accept each and
every form drafted. Any person using these forms and/or instructions does so at their own risk, and the
Twelfth Judicial Circuit shall not be responsible for any losses incurred by any person in reliance on the
instructions and/or forms.
BPP Instructions rev. 9/09/08
For best results, complete the assessment in the 12th Judicial Circuit's "Instructions and
Assessments for your Parenting Plan" prior to using the Basic Parenting Plan.
Step One: Getting Started
1. Before you fill in any part of the Basic Parenting Plan, you should make a copy of the blank form.
Save this copy for when you are ready to fill ou t a final version to file with the Court.
2. At the top of the first page fill in the county where the plan is being filed or where the origin al
action took place. This is the County of original jurisdiction, Sarasota, Manatee, or DeSoto.
3. On the top left side of the page, fill in the names of the Petitioner and the Respondent on the lines
provided. If you have an existing court case, use the labels and names as they appear on the
original documents filed with the court. If you do not have an existing court case, then it does not
matter who is the petitioner or respondent until the case is filed.
4. On the top right side of the page, enter your case number and division, if you have one. If the
Parenting Plan you are submitting is agreed upon by both parents, write "Both" otherwise, fill in
the name of the parent who is proposing the Parenting Plan where it says "Parenting Plan of:".
Step Two: Identification of the Parties
1. List the names of the Father and the Mother; as well as, their contact information.
2. List the minor children involved in this parenting plan, including their date of birth, current
address, and future address, if known, or if the address is unknown then a location (ex.
Albuquerque, New Mexico).
3. List any minor children that are not addressed by this plan. Include their date of birth, who they
live with (ex. Aunt, Grandfather, etc.) and address.
Step Three: Choose your Options
A. Contact Section
Weekly Contact: Determine when your child(ren) will be in the care of each parent. Create a
schedule for weekdays and for weekends. Also indicate whether this schedule will continue during the
summer, or if you will have a different schedule for the child(ren) during the summer months.
Holiday Contact: Determine how the child(ren) will be spending time during holidays. Fill in the
blanks by writing the appropriate parent’s name to show where the child(ren) will be for the holidays.
You may add other special occasions you celebrate below the printed list. Remember to write in
beginning and ending dates and times if the selected option has blanks.
Summer Contact: Remember if you are agreeing to a schedule other than one provided options,
remember to clearly explain the terms of your agreement.
B. Communication Section

BPP Instructions rev. 9/09/08
Virtual Communication: Select all options that apply. Remember to write in specific days and times
that communication will take place or number of times per week, etc.
Communication: List the means of communication. (Ex. Unrestricted, phone, email, etc.)
C. Exchange and Travel Section
Carefully read all of the options in each of the sections and check ALL that apply. Fill in the appropriate
blanks and describe in detail your plan for exchanging the child(ren).
D. Information Sharing Section
Provide each parties' complete information. Review the information provided, about sharing information
between parents, school and involvement in other activities.
E. Other Terms Section
Describe any other provisions you would like to include in your parenting plan.
F. Dispute Resolution
Decide whether you will agree to resolve any disputes that may arise in the future through mediation or other
Step Five: File with the Court
If the plan is proposed by only one parent, then that parent alone should sign. If the plan is agreed to by both
parents, both parents must sign the parenting plan and have their signatures witnessed by a notary public or
deputy clerk. After completing the plan, you should file the original plan and a Notice of Filing with the
Clerk of Court in the county where the petition was filed and keep a copy for your records. NOTE: If an
agreed parenting plan is not filed by the parties, the Court shall establish a plan.
Even if you and your child(ren)’s other parent are unable to come to an agreement on a parenting plan, please
complete the assessment to determine which parenting plan may be right for your family. Purchase the
appropriate parenting plan from the Clerk of Court, or download the plan from the 12
Judicial Circuit’s
website at Prepare as a draft in the event your case is referred to mediation.

BPP Instructions rev. 9/09/08
The Do’s and Don’ts of Parenting
Both Parents
- Maintain healthy communication with your child(ren).
- Make it a priority to communicate regularly with the other Parent.
- Religiously follow the parenting plan to make the process routine, easy and positive for your
- Strive to keep your word to the child(ren).
- Contact the other Parent immediately if there is an emergency involving the child(ren) while
they are with you.
- Be uncooperative. The child(ren) will suffer consequences if their parents do not cooperate.
Parent A
(The parent with whom the child has more time-sharing)
- Share information about school, teachers, activities, friends and relatives with the other Parent.
- Be flexible and supportive of the child(ren)’s relationship with the other Parent.
- Encourage excitement for the anticipated communication and/or travel with the other Parent.
- Edit, coach, monitor, or otherwise interfere with the child(ren)'s communication with the other
- Take it personally if the child(ren) do not wish to call you regularly when they are with the
other Parent.

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Mother Father Rev. 9/09/08
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IN AND FOR __________________COUNTY, FLORIDA
Case No.______________________
and Family Division:______________________
1. PARENTING PLAN OF: Check all that apply
Both Parents Mother Father Court Ordered Plan
Temporary Final Judgment Modification
Address Phone E-Mail
Father: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Mother: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name Date of Birth Current Address Future Address
Child 1: __________________________________________________________________________________
Child 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Child 3:___________________________________________________________________________________
Child 4:___________________________________________________________________________________
Child 5:___________________________________________________________________________________
Name Date of Birth Current Address
Child 1: __________________________________________________________________________________
Child 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Child 3:___________________________________________________________________________________
zThe United States is the country of habitual residence of the child(ren).
zThe State of Florida maintains the most significant contacts with the child(ren) and is the most
appropriate forum for addressing parenting contact.
zThis Parenting Plan is a child custody determination for the purposes of the Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, the International Child Abduction Remedies Act, 42 U.S.C. ss 11601
et seq., the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act, and the Convention on the Civil Aspects of
International Child Abduction enacted at the Hague on October 25, 1980.
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zThe State of Florida is the child(ren)’s home state for purposes of the Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act.
Venue is proper in the county of: √ Select your County
Manatee Sarasota DeSoto County.
A. Shared Decision Making
zIt is in the best interests of the minor child(ren) that both parents maintain shared decision-making for
all major decisions that affect the child(ren). Such decisions include but are not limited to:
▪Each Parent shall make decisions regarding the day-to-day care and control of the child(ren)
while they are with that parent.
▪Each parent will make emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of the child(ren),
notifying the other parent at the earliest opportunity.
▪Each parent shall have access to all academic, medical, and other health related information
pertaining to the child(ren), and they shall sign any necessary documentation ensuring that both
parents have access to said records. Both parents shall share all information to such records.
▪Each parent shall be responsible for getting their own copies of records and reports directly from
the school and medical facilities.
▪Each parent has independent authority to confer with the child(ren)’s school, day care, medical
and health related providers and other programs with regard to the child(ren)’s educational,
emotional and social progress.
▪Both parents shall be listed as emergency contacts for the child(ren).
▪Each parent shall make sure the other parent has current home, work, and emergency address
and contact information for the other parent.
B. In the event the parties do not agree on a parental decision: √ Check all that apply
The parents shall first submit the issue to mediation.
The parents shall submit the issue to the court at the earliest available date.
The ultimate decision making authority shall be made by: √ Check all that apply
Academic/educational needs of the child(ren) Mother Father
Medical/health related needs of the child(ren) Mother Father
Extra-curricular needs of the child(ren) Mother Father
Religion Mother
Discipline Mother Father
_______________ needs of the child(ren) Mother Father
zEach child has a right:
▪To have two parents to love without fear of anger or guilt from the other; and
▪To develop an independent and meaningful relationship with the other parent, and to respect the
differences of each parent and their home; and
▪To be absent, insulated and protected from the parents’ differences with each other and
arguments or discussions; and
▪Be free of negative comments and behavior by one parent about the other; and

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▪To be absent, insulated and protected from disparaging, belittling or alienating statements about
the other parent; and
▪To not be used as a messenger, delivery means or means of communication with the other
parent; and
▪To not be questioned about the other parent.
The children shall be enrolled/registered in school by: √ Check only one
NOTE: This assignment does not determine where the child(ren) shall attend school. That
determination shall be made by the school district rules.
The child(ren) shall attend (if known): √ Check all that apply
Child Care:___________________________________________________________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Pre-School: __________________________________________________________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Public School
Private School: _______________________________________________________________
Middle ________________________________________
High School ____________________________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Before School Program:_______________________________________________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
After School Program:________________________________________________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Special Education:____________________________________________________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Home School: Taught by: Mother Father Other: _______________________
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Extra-curricular Activities: √ Check all that apply
Either parent may register the child(ren) and allow them to participate in the activity of the
child(ren)’s choice.
The parents must mutually agree to all extra-curricular activities.
The parent with the minor child(ren) shall transport the minor child(ren) to and/or from all mutually
agreed upon extra-curricular activities, providing all necessary uniforms and equipment within the
parent’s possession.
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The costs of the extra-curricular activities shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
The uniforms and equipment required for extra-curricular activities shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Other: ______________________________________________________________________
No changes can occur without the written consent of both parents or court order.
If the child(ren) attend summer camps, the costs and efforts shall be:
Paid by: Parent scheduled to have the child(ren) during that time period; or
Mother _____ % Father _____%
zParents shall discuss all medical, psychological, counseling, therapeutic, optical, orthodontic, dental or
other health related care and needs of the child(ren).
zIn the event of serious illness, accident or hospitalization affecting the health of the child(ren), the
parent with the knowledge of such event shall immediately notify the other parent.
√ Check all that apply
A parent scheduling a routine appointment for the child(ren) will give the other parent ____ days
notice in advance of the appointment to allow the other parent to attend.
The parents have agreed to the following medical care providers:
Orthodontist ______________________________________________________
Counselor ________________________________________________________
Other ___________________________________________________________
Other ___________________________________________________________
Other ____________________________________________________________
Uncovered medical expenses of the child(ren) shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Uncovered dental and/or orthodontic expenses of the child(ren) shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Uncovered psychological, counseling, therapeutic or other health related needs of the child(ren)
expenses shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Uncovered ________________________needs of the child(ren) expenses shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
7. RELIGION √ Check all that apply
Each parent may provide religious instruction in the faith they so desire.
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The parents have agreed that the child(ren)’s religious training shall be in the faith of :
A. The costs of such training shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
B. The efforts and transportation needed for training shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
A. School Calendar
zOn or before 01 August each year, both parents shall obtain a copy of the school calendar for the next
school year to discuss and create a parenting contact calendar following the child’s academic calendar
and this Parenting Plan.
The parents shall follow the school calendar of: √ Check all that apply
the oldest child
the youngest child
the school calendar for: Manatee Sarasota DeSoto County
the school calendar for _______________________________________ School
B. Definitions
zUnless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the academic break periods or holidays,
Begin: At the end of the last scheduled day of classes before the holiday or break, and
End: On the evening before the first day of regularly scheduled classes after the holiday or break.
C. Schedule Changes √ Check all that apply
A parent requesting a change of schedule shall be responsible for any additional child care, efforts or
transportation costs resulting from the change.
Reimbursement for additional childcare costs, caused by a parent’s request for a schedule change,
shall be provided within _____ days of payment.
D. Schedule Conflicts
zIn the event holiday or vacation time conflicts with the ongoing parenting time, the scheduled holiday
or vacation time sharing shall be observed.
zEach parents shall keep contact information current.
zEach parent shall maintain a working phone.
zTelephone contact shall not be monitored by or interrupted by the other parent.
The child(ren) may telephone and/or maintain internet/online access with either parent: √ Check all that
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
During the hours of _____________ to ___________
The: Other parent initiates contact Child(ren) initiates contact
Telephone contact shall not exceed: ______ minutes per call ________ times per day
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The cost of the cell phone and service shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
The child(ren) may maintain internet/online access with either parent: √ Check all that apply
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
During the hours of _____________ to ___________
The: Other parent initiates contact Child(ren) initiates contact
The child(ren) may send/receive email.
The child(ren) may make calls using the computer.
The child(ren) may communicate on the following blogs, internet scrapbooks
and/or photo services ___________________________________________.
The child(ren) may e-mail each parent at the following e-mail addresses:
Mother: __________________________________________________________________________
Father: ___________________________________________________________________________
The cost associated with maintaining internet online access shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
zThe parents shall monitor the child(ren)’s use of the computer to insure their safety:
√ Check all that apply
The parents agree to install parental controls on all computers used by the child(ren).
The parents agree that the child(ren)’s computer access will be supervised as follows:
Parents shall communicate by: √ Check all that apply
Telephone In Person E-Mail
Notebook that is transported in child(ren)’s backpack
Text Message Third Party Letter Other: ____________________________
√ Check all that apply
zChild Care Provider means any party other than the parent who is caring for the child(ren).
Parents may individually select appropriate child care providers.
Parents agree the following individuals can be used as child care providers:___________________
All child care providers must be agreed upon by both parents.
Each parent must offer the other parent the opportunity to care for the child(ren) before using a child
care provider for any period exceeding _______ day(s).
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zParents will first attempt to cooperatively resolve any disputes that may arise over the terms of this
Parenting Plan, outside the presence of their child(ren).
zThese provisions are not applicable if immediate court action is required to protect the child(ren) in an
emergency situation.
If the parents are unable to reach an agreement, the parents shall: √ Check all that apply
Select a professional to help resolve the issue(s); and
If the parents are unable to mutually agree on a professional, the parents shall use:
Unless otherwise agreed, the professional shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Use mediation to help resolve the issue; and
If the parents are unable to mutually agree on a mediator, the parents shall use:
Unless otherwise agreed during mediation, the mediator shall be
Paid by: Mother _____ % Father _____%
Other: _________________________________________________________________________
zThis agreement may be modified on a temporary basis provided both parents agree in writing. When
the parents do not agree, this agreement remains in effect.
zIf both parents agree to make a change to this agreement, such modification must be in writing, signed
by both parties and filed with the court.
zAll necessary information will accompany the child(ren) including:
▪ Medicine and dosage in its original packaging
▪ Homework assignments, school projects and directions
▪ Social activities with equipment
▪ Appointments
▪ Sleep / meal schedules
zDuring all transportation exchanges neither parent shall display anger, sarcasm or profanity in the
presence of the child(ren).
zRequired child(ren)’s belongings will be provided to the parent by the transporting parent.
zEach parent shall ensure each child has adequate clothing and personal effects for the duration of the
visit with the other parent.
zEach parent shall return each child clean, fed, with the clothes, personal effects and toys they took with
√ Check all that apply
The parent sending the child(ren) to the other parent will provide transportation.
The parent receiving the child(ren) will provide transportation.
All transportation will be provided by the: Mother Father
Exchanges shall occur:
When school is in session, at the school.
When school is not in session, at _____________________________________.