Fillable Printable Proposed Parenting Plan - North Dakota
Fillable Printable Proposed Parenting Plan - North Dakota

Proposed Parenting Plan - North Dakota
Parenting Plan Form Instructions
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Revised December 2013
State law requires parties to file a parenting plan with all divorces involving minor children filed
after August 1, 2009. The law changes some of the terminology with which parties may be
familiar. The new terms are identified below:
“Parenting time ” is the new term for the time when a child is to be in the care of a parent –
formerly known as visitation.
“Residential responsibility” is the new term for custody. Primary residential responsibility
means a parent with more than fifty percent of the residential responsibility.
“Parenting Plan” is a written plan required in any proceeding to establish or modify a judgment
providing parenting time.
Fill in the names of the parties and include the case number on the top of the form.
1-3. Read these items which contain important information regarding your children, decision
making, and information sharing and access.
4. Circle the appropriate party for designation of legal residence of the child for school
attenda nce pur poses.
5. Complete the appropriate designation of residential responsibility (custody).
6. Clarify Parenting times and parenting schedule (visitation) as clearly as possible.
7. Discuss who will b e responsible for tra ns p or t at ion and exchang e o f the chil dr en, i ncl udi ng
timing and locations. It is important that these discussions be ongoing and consider the
best interests of the children.
8. Discuss how you will handle adjustments to the parenting time schedule.
9. Discuss which types of third parties you will use to resolve various types of disputes and
how the costs of hiring a professional mediator will be shared.
10. If the parties have developed a parenting plan agreement that includes more detail than
space allows on this form, additional pages may be attached.
DRSP Form 4 (c)
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Revised January 2010
__________________________ COUNTY Case No. _______________________
Pursua nt to NDCC 14-09-30, the Court enters the followi ng plan dealing with parenting
time and hereby incorporates the same into the J udgm ent.
1. Both parents shall not criticize the other in the presence of the child and shall take all
reasonab l e steps necessary to minimize the child’s involvement i n any future dispute that
may arise between them. Neither parenting time nor child support may be withheld
because of ei the r parent’s failure to comply with this plan. Parties m ust apply to the court
for sanctions related to violations of the plan.
2. Decision making. Each parent is authorized to make routine day-to-day decisions while
the children reside with that parent. Major decisions such as education, health care, and
spiritual development shall be made jointly.
3. Information Sharing and Access. Both parents shall have access to educational, medical,
dental, religious, insurance, and other records. Both parents have the right to attend
school conferences. This right does not require any school to hold a separate conference
with each parent . Both parents shall allow reasonable access to the child by phone or
other means. Each pare nt s hall i nform the other as soon as reasonably possible of
serious ac cid en ts or i lln es s whi ch require health care treatment, providing the time of the
accident or illness and the name of the treating health care provider. Parents shall inform
each other of address and phone number ch ang es im med i at ely . Parties shall keep each
other informed of the na m e and address of the school the child(ren) attend.
4. Legal residence of the children for school attendance shal l be w i th Mom / Dad.
5. Primary residential responsibility shall be
___ with Mom ____ with D ad ____ shared jointly ____ ot h er ______ ________ ___ _ _
DRSP Form 4 (c)
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Revised January 2010
6. Parents intend the following gui deline to provide ongoing consistent parenti ng tim e for
the children. Parties recognize that there will be times that the schedule requires
adaptation for the best interest of the children. Parties agree to negotiate changes to the
schedule in the best interest of the children.
Parenting time, a nd pare nti ng schedule shall be as follows:
Weekends : ___ alternating ____ Other:_______________________________________
Weekdays: ____ One night per week( ______) Other: ____________________________
Holidays: _________________________________________________________________
Days off from school: _______________________________________________________
Birthdays: ______ alternating the child(ren)’s birthdays
______ Parties’ birthdays ____ Other: _____ ___ ___ ________ _ ___ ___ _____
Vacations: ___________ ___ ___ ________ _ ___ ___ ________ _________________________
Parenting tim e (visitation) begi nn in g dat e: ___________ ___ ___ _ __
7. Transportation and exchange of the children shall be made with the safety of the parties
in consideration.
8. Review and adjustments to the pa r enting plan will be made through discussion by the
parties and in the best interes ts of the childre n.
9. Disputes arising as a result of this plan shall be resolved by consulting a qualified third
party appropriate to the decision. Parties shall share in the cost of these services.
Judge / Judicial Referee of the Di strict Court
Case No. ___ _______ ___ _