Fillable Printable Baskin Robbins Application for Employment Form
Fillable Printable Baskin Robbins Application for Employment Form

Baskin Robbins Application for Employment Form

Application for Employment
Do you love ice cream? Are you looking to work in a fun, exciting and innovative environment?
Baskin-Robbins, America’s Favorite Neighborhood Ice Cream Shop, may be the place for you!
Full Name: ______________________ ___ ___________________ Date: ___________
First M.I Last
Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________
Street Address Apartment/Unit #
____________________________________ ________________ _________
City State Zip
Phone #: __________________________ Cell Phone #: _______________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________
1890 Ranch, Cedar Park □ Parmer/Neenah, Austin □ Hwy 79, Round Rock
Are you legally allowed to work in the US? Yes / No
Are you at least 18 years old? Yes / No If No, please state your age: ____
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes / No
If yes, please explain: _________________________________________________________
Please enter your availability:
Desired Employment:
Position: ________________ Start Date: _________ Salary Desired: ___________
Have you ever worked for Baskin-Robbins? Yes / No
If yes, please describe reason for leaving: __________________________________________
Duties unwilling to perform: _____________________________________________________
School Name and Location Dates From/To Graduated
High School Yes / No
College Yes / No
Trade/Business School Yes / No
Name Address Telephone

Employment History:
List below 3 employers starting with the most recent:
Company Name: Start Date: End Date:
Starting Weekly Salary:
Ending Weekly Salary:
Contact Name:
Reason for Leaving:
Phone #:
Job title and description of duties:
Company Name: Start Date: End Date:
Starting Weekly Salary:
Ending Weekly Salary:
Contact Name:
Reason for Leaving:
Phone #:
Job title and description of duties:
Company Name: Start Date: End Date:
Starting Weekly Salary:
Ending Weekly Salary:
Contact Name:
Reason for Leaving:
Phone #:
Job title and description of duties:
Why do you think you would like to work at a Baskin-Robbins?
Certain diseases, including hepatitis A, salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, giarda, E. coli and
campylobacteria may prevent you from serving food or handling food equipment in a sanitary or healthy fashion. An
essential function of this job involves handling and serving food, food service equipment and utensils in a sanitary and
healthy fashion. Is there any reason you cannot perform the essential functions of this job?
Yes / No
If yes, please explain:
1. I certify that I have read and fully completed both pages of this application and that the information contained on
this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
2. If this application and interview leads to employment, I understand that any erroneous or misleading information in
this application or interview is grounds for dismissal.
3. I authorize the references listed in this application to provide any information concerning previous employment and
pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties from all liabilities for any
damages that may result from furnishing this information
4. I understand that e-Verify will be used to validate my ability to work legally in the United States.
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________