Fillable Printable Biodata Form for Consultant
Fillable Printable Biodata Form for Consultant

Biodata Form for Consultant

Please fill out this biographical background sheet as completely as possible. It will help me in
our work together. All information is confidential as stated in the Counseling Agreement Form.
If you do not desire to answer a particular question, please indicate it on the form. Please bring
this package, signed and filled out, to your next session.
Name: _________________________________________ male/female __________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: h ___________________ w ___________________ c __________________
DOB: ______________ Place of Birth: ___________________________________
Person & phone# to call in emergency: ____________________________________
Occupation/Employer: __________________________________________________
Relationship Status/Living Arrangement: __________________________________
Significant Past Relationships:_____________________________________________
Children (incl. Step- or grand-): ____________________________________________
Referral Source: ________________________________________________________
Presenting Problem(s) (be as specific as possible: time it started; how it affects you or others
around you; etc.): ___________________________________________________
Estimated Severity of ….
Problem 1: mild _____ moderate _____ severe ____
Problem 2: _____ _____ _____
Problem 3: _____ _____ _____
Medical Doctor(s) (name & phone#):_________________________________________

Past/Present Medical Care (major medical problems, surgeries, accidents, falls,
Specify all MEDICATIONS you are presently taking and for what. PLEASE PRINT
Family History (give name/age or date of death, occupation, and a brief description of the
nature of your relationship when you were a child and as an adult):
Other Caregivers:________________________________________________________
Family Medical History (Describe any illness that runs in the family: cancer, epilepsy,
Drug/Alcohol/Other Addiction History:

Self (If no personal history with drugs or alcohol, what is your current consumption):
Suicide Attempts or Self-Harming Behaviors (describe ages, reasons, circumstances, how,
Friendships, Community, & Spirituality (describe the quality, frequency, type of activities,
Past/Present Psychotherapies (give time frames, name, degree, phone & address, initial reason
for therapy, medication, brief description of the relationship and how helpful it was, and how/
why it ended):
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
What gives you most joy or pleasure in your life: ____________________________________
What are your main worries and fears:_________________________________
What are your most important hopes or dreams: ___________________________________