Fillable Printable Blank Warranty Deed - Michigan
Fillable Printable Blank Warranty Deed - Michigan

Blank Warranty Deed - Michigan

Know All Men by these Presents that:
Whose address is:
Conveys and
Warrants to:
Whose address is:
Real Estate situated in the Township of , County of Lapeer
and State of Michigan, to wit:
More commonly known as:
Tax Item Number:
For the consideration of:
Subject to easements and building and use restrictions of record.
If the land being conveyed is unplatted, the following is deemed to be included: “This
property may be located with the vicinity of farmland or farm operation. Generally
accepted agricultural and management practices which may generate noise, dust,
odors, and other associated conditions may be used and are protected by the Michigan
Right to Farm Act.”
The grantor grants the grantee the rights to make _____ of all available division(s)
under section 108 of the land division act, Act No. 288 of the Public Acts of 1967.
Signed in the presence of: Signed by:
State of Michigan
County of Lapeer
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of _________,
20__ by
Notary Public,
______________County, Michigan
My commission expires: _____________
Drafted by:
Return to:
Recording Fee: State Transfer Tax
County Transfer Tax