Fillable Printable Warranty Deed - Georgia
Fillable Printable Warranty Deed - Georgia

Warranty Deed - Georgia
Warranty Deed
Georgia, County of Hall
THIS INDENTURE, made this _____ day of ___________, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and
______________, between ___________ __________ ______________ ____________ of the State of Georgia
and County of
Hall (her einafter call ed "G RA NTO R" ), and _____________________ _____________________
of t he State of Geor gia and County of
Hall (herei naft er called "GRANTEE),
WITNESS: That t he sai d GRANTOR, for and in considerat ion _______________ ___________ _____, in
hand paid at and befor e the sealing and deliver of t hese presents, the rec eipt of whic h is hereby ac k nowledged,
has granted, bar gained, sol d and c onveyed, and by these pre sents does grant, bar gain, sel l and c onv ey unto
the sai d GRANTEE the following described proper ty, to wit :
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land, with all and si ngular the right s, m em ber s and
appurt enanc es thereof , to the same being, belonging, or in anywise appertaini ng, to the only proper use, benefit
and behoof of the said GRANTEE , f or ev er , in FEE SIMPLE.
AND THE SAID G RANTO R will warrant and for ev er defend the right and tit le to t he above descr ibed
property, unto the sai d GRANTEE against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
WHEREVER there is a reference herein to t he GRANTO R or the G RANTE E, the si ngular includes the
plural and the masculine i nc ludes the f emi nine and the neuter , and said t erms include and bi nd the heirs,
ex ec utors, administr ators, successors and assigns of the parties heret o.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR has hereunto set his hand and seal , the day and y ear
abov e written.
Si gned, sealed and delivered in presence of :
__________________________________ _______________________________
Unofficial Witness (Seal)
__________________________________ ______________________________
Notary Public (Seal)
My Commissi on Expir es: ______________